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IICSA: survivors speak of influence of religion

Patiently waiting for Truth

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11 hours ago, César Chávez said:

This is why, that idiot John Butler aka Jah4me is on a dangerous path once again. Regardless if it's construed as a "fantasy" which I don't think it was, or is with his latest remarks. If a person thinks it, it's because they "feel" it. Therefore, the owner again can become liable for the words of this idiot, by insinuating the Watchtower GB and the JWorg condones sexual child abuse. All these instances have been recorded.

There is so much in this paragraph that needs deep consideration. 

This is why, that idiot John Butler aka Jah4me is on a dangerous path once again.  JB was never on a dangerous path at all. 

Regardless if it's construed as a "fantasy"   If you people wish to believe that God's miracles are a fantasy then it seems you are completely lost. 

 If a person thinks it, it's because they "feel" it.  Thinks what exactly ? 

by insinuating the Watchtower GB and the JW org condones sexual child abuse. 


The Charity Commission has accused the Jehovah’s Witnesses of resisting a child protection inquiry

The Charity Commission has also claimed that the church nationally was frustrating attempts to investigate its child protection procedures.

Who is insinuating ????? 

All these instances have been recorded.   Yes they have, by governments and working groups against CSA Earthwide.

And soon the 'mighty' Org will fall, and then God will be worshipped through Christ properly.



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... apparently not, as it IS up to God ...

I request that all upvotes that might otherwise go to CC, who disdains them, be bestowed upon me instead. I need all I can get to counter the deluge of downvotes from 4Jah. Never could there be

(Proverbs 26:17) Like someone grabbing hold of a dog’s ears Is the one passing by who [meddles in] a quarrel that is not his. I have had hundreds of very similar exchanges with Allen/Billy/Cesar

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10 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There are so many AKA’s here, how do you know I am not him?

Um very possible. Both ex Elders. Both dislike truth :)  But you Tom are funny in a good way, whereas Xero is a bit bitter and sounds dangerous. 

JTR Jr had me a bit worried and BTK when they both talked about how many guns they have and they seemed to be bragging about it. But I'd hate to think of Xero with a gun, he just seems so bitter. 

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59 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There are so many AKA’s here, how do you know I am not him?

This is like one of those games where you try to guess the missing words in the phrase. I suppose this is what happens when you block people who post manifestos as replies.

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8 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Your ignorance perceives you. There are things certain stupid people don't get to know.

This phrase "Your ignorance perceives you" makes no sense unless you are personifying a quality, namely "ignorance" and suggesting that this personified quality has knowledge of the self that the self is unaware of. If it's an intentional usage, it's Yogi-Berra-like in a clever way, but this cleverness is a bit self-masturbatory if it's genuine because the one to whom it's directed would fail to understand it. The latter statement is true, but if we're using "stupid" in the manner of the bible, we'd say that these things are capable of being known by the stupid, but the presumptuousness of the "stupid one" prevents him from acting in wisdom.

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26 minutes ago, xero said:

This phrase "Your ignorance perceives you" makes no sense unless you are personifying a quality, namely "ignorance" and suggesting that this personified quality

Sigh...I’m afraid our boy is not really happy unless he is fighting. 

He reminds me of a certain old-timer, long since (thankfully) dead, who in the ministry would bypass area after area of common ground to find one of contention, then he would bang away at that one area until the householder slammed the door on him. Nobody wanted to work with him.

Who knows where that disposition came from?

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58 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

You're not the first idiot to wish me dead. You have to get in line for that. But, as it goes, you continue to show your true colors. Being a "witness" is NOT one of them. Stick to book writing. Your useless as a Christian, but very good at being an insane, degenerate. 

But, as long as you keep your comments focused on me on desiring people dead, and not the Watchtower or the GB, I don't have a problem with that. So, keep your focus on me, or you will inherit many problems. Remember JTR?

However, do you mind telling the class how your signature image came out when XERO was posting? You need to check your cloaking settings.

I'm actually feeling kindly towards you for suggesting I might be like Tom. We need more brothers like Tom. Irregardless of what "some" may think. :)

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11 hours ago, xero said:
12 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You're not the first idiot to wish me dead. You have to get in line for that. But, as it goes, you continue to show your true colors. Being a "witness" is NOT one of them. Stick to book writing. Your useless as a Christian, but very good at being an insane, degenerate. 

But, as long as you keep your comments focused on me on desiring people dead, and not the Watchtower or the GB, I don't have a problem with that. So, keep your focus on me, or you will inherit many problems. Remember JTR?


14 hours ago, César Chávez said:

By the way, thanks for letting me know, how you think the killing of 8 PEOPLE is funny by your emoji. That confirms what you were thinking of, when you threatened the GB.

I WISH TO SHOW HERE THAT CESAR CHAVEZ HAS A DISTURBING WAY OF THINKING ABOUT 'WANTING PEOPLE DEAD'. CESAR CHAVEZ IS BILLY THE KID. When he used that name he made it clear he has a love of GUNS, yes real guns. He mentioned that he has a collection of them. He says he is a JW serving God ??? I do wonder who he is really serving. 

The top comment of his wasn't aimed at me, the lower one was.

Even TTH says about CC :- 

13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Sigh...I’m afraid our boy is not really happy unless he is fighting.

So when you are considering comments about John Butler or 4jah2me, please also consider where those comments are coming from. Thank you. 

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27 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Also, where in your stupid fabricated mind does it say in scripture, GUNS are forbidden for hunting? 

It was your competitiveness with JTR concerning Guns that was the point I was making, and that your interest in people wanting to kill other people seems worrying. You are the one with the guns remember. I'm glad I am in England. 

Do you really imagine that everyone on this forum wants you dead ?  if you feel that way then you should seek some help from a doctor. 

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I will treat you as I would treat any other sick person @César Chávez by ignoring your ramblings, but still listening to you to see if you have anything interesting to say. 

Anyone on this forum that blocks others is only creating loss for themselves, by cutting off anything that the other person may say that could be of relevance.  

I think you live in a dream world CC. I don't think you are a true JW at all. I do think you are dangerous and should probably be investigated yourself by the Feds or someone. However. Have a good day.  

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