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The Generation of 1914 truly doesn't pass away until 2034.


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23 hours ago, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT said:

The end is very near, before 2034 in fact.

(Luke 21:8) . . .He said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them.

(Mark 13:32, 33) 32 “Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father. 33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.

(Luke 12:46) the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting him and at an hour that he does not know. . .

(Acts 1:7) . . .He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction.

(Matthew 24:36)  “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.

(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3) . . .However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. 3 Let no one lead you astray . . .

(1 Thessalonians 5:1, 2) . . .Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.



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I don't believe Jesus was referring to 2034 when he said this generation. The goalposts have moved many times on this subject and the GB have not been infused by the Holy Spirit regarding the 191

(Luke 21:8) . . .He said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them. (Mark 13:32, 33) 32

No scorn came from me. I merely quoted scriptures associated with those who would try to make predictions about the times and seasons. If you felt scorn, perhaps that is why the scriptures speak of th

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NOBODY on Earth knows the day and hour and time, But Jehovah's people do know the season. And the Gentile times and that generation which that secret day will fall into was foretold. I reiterate the window that the prophets and Jehovah himself hath written.  Jehovah's secret and terrible day of wrath falls inside of that window. His window, which is between 1914 and 2034. 

He gave us 120 years of not knowing the day and hour/ and on this day nobody on this earth knows the day and hour nor will anyone residing in flesh ever know un til the trap door slams shut.  I come3 in my own name Robert Nicholas Walsh saying Ib man Robert Nicholas Walsh/ servant and prophet of Jehovah unassociated with any earthly group/sect/church/organization or movement.

So what's your point Good JW insider/ teacher/judge and scorner of prophets?

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I'm not a bible student nor am I seeking earthly credibility.

You also would have condemned Christ as lacking credibility when he broke laws and threw down the tables in the temple and called out to the religious leaders , which you would have called the teachers of "serious bible students" when Jesus an unpolished drifters shouters out at your highly esteemed leaders of that time and condemned them. "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, you testify against yourselves that you are the sons of those who murdered the prophets. You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape the damnation of hell?… The sAtanic secret societies running the world Arte exactly that "Doomed and bitch ass demons".  nEphilim, just like you're idol gOliath. My likfe is ETERNAL. Like your great nEphilim leader Joe Biden the phedophile. 


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On 3/6/2021 at 9:47 PM, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT said:

NOBODY on Earth knows the day and hour and time, But Jehovah's people do know the season. And the Gentile times and that generation which that secret day will fall into was foretold. I reiterate the window that the prophets and Jehovah himself hath written.  Jehovah's secret and terrible day of wrath falls inside of that window. His window, which is between 1914 and 2034. 

He gave us 120 years of not knowing the day and hour/ and on this day nobody on this earth knows the day and hour nor will anyone residing in flesh ever know un til the trap door slams shut.  I come3 in my own name Robert Nicholas Walsh saying Ib man Robert Nicholas Walsh/ servant and prophet of Jehovah unassociated with any earthly group/sect/church/organization or movement.

So what's your point Good JW insider/ teacher/judge and scorner of prophets?


13 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You just lost your credibility as a serious bible student, and as a predictor (sorcerer) you need to rethink your calculations. Enjoy whatever life you have left.


On 3/6/2021 at 9:47 PM, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT said:

NOBODY on Earth knows the day and hour and time, But Jehovah's people do know the season. And the Gentile times and that generation which that secret day will fall into was foretold. I reiterate the window that the prophets and Jehovah himself hath written.  Jehovah's secret and terrible day of wrath falls inside of that window. His window, which is between 1914 and 2034. 

He gave us 120 years of not knowing the day and hour/ and on this day nobody on this earth knows the day and hour nor will anyone residing in flesh ever know un til the trap door slams shut.  I come3 in my own name Robert Nicholas Walsh saying Ib man Robert Nicholas Walsh/ servant and prophet of Jehovah unassociated with any earthly group/sect/church/organization or movement.

So what's your point Good JW insider/ teacher/judge and scorner of prophets?


On 3/6/2021 at 9:43 PM, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT said:

Nobody here is presumed "asleep" Those sleeping are out side feeding and drinking with wolves and snakes,


On 3/6/2021 at 9:43 PM, ETERNALBLACKPROJECT said:

Nobody here is presumed "asleep" Those sleeping are out side feeding and drinking with wolves and snakes,


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Well, we have a liberated, feminist opportunist trying to build her brand and rank points here amongst her fine fan base. Comedy club Santa Anna hath checked in with her vote. "Crucify" Let the liberated daughters of EVE all cry out for her blood flow has been rescinded and she hath become like the God's knowing good and eVil. And God knew if her foremother Eve ate, she, even hundreds of generations later would find themselves in the month of the woman, seizing Earth from those GOD appointed and the word "her" would become synonymous with "him" and her desires today have been satisfied, FOR SHE IS an ENLIGHTENED WOMAN!!   and she will never die, like the snake promised Eve.

 Let her words of mock be recorded forever in the iclouds and the heavens.

For she is now speaking in the clouds. Like the sun shines from the East, westward down from sAtan's satellites. SAtan has given her a megaphone she uses here to rack points and mock Robert Nicholas Walsh. 


As for me, I'm Robert Nicholas Walsh, and I myself have never claimed to be anyone else. I know how to read birth certificates, and one will never say Jesus C christ, son of GOD.  Only the spirit world has proclaimed me as not just myself but Anti/Christ/sAtan/Jesus/Lord/Beelzebub/ Shiloh/ Yeshua/Zeus and more in thousands for songs. . So you argue what's said by spirits and I . And if my voice is ever amplified, it's to bring down sAtanic governments man and woman back to there given orders. If I had power and a voice, the power woulds be granted to the lowest of slaves through Jehovah's infinite wisdom and mercy mysteriously used to capture the intellectuals and scholars and deliver them to children. Every action or thought I would use such a voice for would be precisely what action or thought my father Jehovah would do fir he himself were in me.


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I am just on a mission to speak eternal truths to power and expose the hidden forces that control this Earth while promoting truths and Jehovah whenever the opportunity arises. 

And I have bigger and better things to do than to listen and respond to liberated Eve-ites from this counterfeit new world order of modern enlightened daughters of Eve whom hath been given the last minute rights to steer this sinking global ship, so let them steer the sinking ship and reap the credit for the crash. Foolish daughters of Eve.

Comedy Club Saint Santa Anna, have you outgrown and  risen above your curse of blood and now speak uncovered and clean like an enlightened spend spawn? This site has New World Cesar's,  who's forefathers  likely condemned innocence in Rome.for Mock me, but  mock yourselves lastly.. T

And you moderators can delete me from your website or society because of your cancel culture agenda , Only Jehovah truly understands and knows me. I don't need  friends here amongst you who are  liberated seekers of points and e-symbols on this site.

In the end let Jehovah judge me and if me being destroyed is gonna make Jehovah's new order a better place, then I'm glad to be destroyed for the betterment of his agenda of a lasting peace under his new system. T

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