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Jehovah's Witnesses to join redress scheme


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"Jehovah's Witnesses did not voluntarily join because we object to the assertion that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses assumes responsibility for children," the group said.

"Our objection is based on the fact that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses does not and has not sponsored any activities that have resulted in children being under its care, custody, supervision, control or authority."

My problem with this is that it is so misleading. They had control and authority over my parent's so they got my parent's to do the dirty works with me by direction way of the leadership.



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I actually think the statement is a little clunky—for it doesn’t account for the reversal— and that i could have written it better, along the lines I have already said.  Still, it is such a white

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14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

My overall impression that it's going to about the same for JWs, Catholics, Mormons, Hasidic Jews, Boy Scouts, Government employees, etc. Namely that most CSA will be familial, and therefore it will be underreported and not make statistical lists. But OUTSIDE of familial CSA, the perpetrators will tend toward those with some level of presumed authority over rank-and-file members, and will therefore tend toward priests, Catholic brothers, JW elders, JW ministerial servants, Scout leaders, bosses, etc. 

I liked you balanced comment and would have loved to delve deeper into it, but I think you say i am disecting things if i do. 

It would seem that here you are saying that the JW Org is no better than any other organisation.  So what is happening then ? Are you saying that God and / or  Christ is allowing this Earthwide in what is supposed to be 'God's organsation' ? That God or Christ see it as Collateral Damage ?  That the GB should be allowed to hide that 25 year database in the USA ?  That all enquiries into the JW Org CSA should stop ?   Do you honestly believe that the Watchtower / JW Org are being blessed by God or Christ whilst all this immorality is going on ?  I just think on the Apostle Paul's words about the congregation that had a man in it, that was having sex with his father's wife.  


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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Sitting on two chairs.

I see them as sitting on three - one in court, one in the organization as "elders", and one as counterfeit priests "sitting" in the Temple of God.  (Mark 13:14)

 2 Thess 2:3,4 - Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God."  

(1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)

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6 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

They had control and authority over my parent's so they got my parent's to do the dirty works with me by direction way of the leadership.

The trend today is to make poor decisions and then blame them on someone else, saying that they controlled you. Whether they did or not is very much in the eye of the beholder. Time was when people took responsibility for their own actions. If your parents made a poor decision, you have come to blame someone else for it. You have not stated whether they did or not.

I like how Mark Sanderson spoke of Hebrews 2:15, that “through [Jesus’] death [God] might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil, and that he might set free all those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death.

He told of the Nuremberg trials immediately following WWII where Nazis were asked, “How could you have done these despicable things?” Their answer: “We had no choice. If we didn’t do we were told, they would have killed us.”

These people could be manipulated, they could be controlled, they could be made to do the most horrible things because of their fear of death, Sanderson said, but accurate Bible knowledge frees them from such slavery.

That’s the kind of “control” and “manipulation” that truly is more than just in  the eye of the beholder:




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9 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

They had control and authority over my parent's so they got my parent's to do the dirty works with me by direction way of the leadership.

If i may ask, what you mean with "dirty works"?

9 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

"Jehovah's Witnesses did not voluntarily join because we object to the assertion that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses assumes responsibility for children," the group said.

"Our objection is based on the fact that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses does not and has not sponsored any activities that have resulted in children being under its care, custody, supervision, control or authority."

Religion of JW's aka Organization/Institution have responsibility for every member, because, the one of, purpose of the organization is to bring together people (families and children) who will today become part of the New World, with the prospect to survive Armageddon. That can be/will be possible if members are organized and united, under the leadership of "Representatives" who are "Appointed" for "guiding and feeding" JHVH people here on Earth. GB is that Body, as they teach, who explaining and teaching and instructing members how they should live to be able to pleased God. 

System in WTJWorg is set in exactly such way, to empower Administration aka Elders to have supervision, control and authority over members in various modality, sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker emphasized. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. 

Of course, the personal perception of members about an idea that comes in written or verbal form by spiritual leaders cannot be ruled out. But, that is why there should be a responsibility of the Organization for every word spoken "in the name of God."

There are a lot of "teachers" and a lot of "leaders" in JW congregations. And there should be, I guess, just One. :))

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

hese people could be manipulated, they could be controlled, they could be made to do the most horrible things because of their fear of death, Sanderson said, but accurate Bible knowledge frees them from such slavery.

That’s the kind of “control” and “manipulation” that truly is more than just in  the eye of the beholder:

I guess this is a good statement for many aspects and situations in the lives of JW members as well?

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20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

He told of the Nuremberg trials immediately following WWII where Nazis were asked, “How could you have done these despicable things?” Their answer: “We had no choice. If we didn’t do we were told, they would have killed us.”

I wonder if the Elders say this in answer to hiding Pedophiles in their congregations. 

JWs know that if they don't do as they are told then they will be 'killed' spiritually, by being disfellowshipped. And they will lose the immediate contact of around one hundred (or more ) people.  Tom knows this of course but pretends it isn't true. 

I do wonder what things you kept hidden in the Org when you were an elder, and if it bothers your conscience now. 

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