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Edinburgh Residents targeted with handwritten letters from child members of Jehovah's Witnesses brand the move 'sick

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On 3/6/2021 at 10:53 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

Does the first party have a name?

I think the clue is in the AL as in ALMIGHTY GOD. 

The name JWs use is a man made name, and is not God's real name. YHWH does not spell Jehovah.  But you can insult Almighty God by using it if you wish.  It's strange that your Leaders will believe MEN when it suits them.  

Only under inspiration of Holy Spirit will God's true name be known. And your Leaders do not have that inspiration. 

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Me too! And I've noticed that the majority of those who leave, stop using it. To me that says a lot.

If he would be equally outraged at a child expressing support for his school, love for his country, support for some local cause, rallying for some local politician, selling Scout cookies, knocking on

Yes. Of course. He will be merging “Almighty God” with Jesus Chrst presently, if he hasn’t already, and it may not be long after that he sends “Almighty God” to the ash heap entirely to worship Jesus.

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On 3/6/2021 at 10:56 AM, xero said:

I'm always suspicious when people avoid using "Jehovah". The argument about not knowing the exact pronunciation would then apply to Jehoshaphat, Jehoram or pretty much any name in the Hebrew scriptures, but for some reason the punctiliousness is applied only to "Jehovah".

Almighty God's true name YHWH has a very serious meaning and therefore should not be misrepresented by man's interpretation. The Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit so they do not know the true pronuctiation of God's name in any language.  You know yourself that the letter J didn't even exist. So the closest you could get is Yehowah for YHWH.  Or Yahweh of course. But your Org relies on the words of Men. Men who are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. 

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22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Yes. Of course. He will be merging “Almighty God” with Jesus Chrst presently, if he hasn’t already, and it may not be long after that he sends “Almighty God” to the ash heap entirely to worship Jesus.

Oh dear Tom. You moan at CC for his insults, but here you are no different. 

Why would i use the term ALMIGHTY GOD, if i did not know the God was ALMIGHTY ?  

Jesus has been given 'all authority' but he is still in subjection to the ONE that gave Jesus the authority. 

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22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Call us old-fashioned, Xero, but we belong to the club that thinks if you put your name 7000 times in your book, it means you want it there, and may not be too thrilled with those who obscure it or even take it out.

God indeed had YHWH put into HIS word. But HE did not have the name Jehovah put anywhere. 

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6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

victim was never telling the truth, or was projecting the abuse claims onto the wrong perpetrator. Something is off about one of the cases that got a lot of attention in the ARC.

I had the same feeling! I remember thinking; couldn't they have picked a better example.. But it's been a while so I can't remember. I will take a look at the transcripts when I have time. I hope Thinking will be able to give us some insight....I too thought she was a he at first, until a private conversation. 

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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I think the clue is in the AL as in ALMIGHTY GOD.

You are calling God AL these days?

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:


so they do not know the true pronuctiation of God's name in any languageYou know yourself that the letter J didn't even exist.

It’s called translation. You know (well—YOU probably don’t, but everyone else does) that John becomes Johann in some languages, Ivan in others, and is modified in many countries.. You would get up on your high horse over that and prefer to be called ‘Mighty4Jah?’

It is true, however, that when people began truncating TrueTom to TTH, in time a group of morons arose to claim that no one really could know if it was TrueTom or not.

2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

God indeed had YHWH put into HIS word. But HE did not have the name Jehovah put anywhere. 

It only became worse after it was discovered  I had released some notes without signature. Lawyers came along and said ‘since he didn’t put his name everywhere, we’ll assume it is not anywhere.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You are calling God AL these days?

It’s called translation. You know (well—YOU probably don’t, but everyone else does) that John becomes Johann in some languages, Ivan in others, and is modified in many countries.. You would get up on your high horse over that and prefer to be called ‘Mighty4Jah?’

It is true, however, that when people began truncating TrueTom to TTH, in time a group of morons arose to claim that no one really could know if it was TrueTom or not.

It only became worse after it was discovered  I had released some notes without signature. Lawyers came along and said ‘since he didn’t put his name everywhere, we’ll assume it is not anywhere.

The Jewish astrophysicist I studied with would often make profound statements. He said "X, to the extent something or someone is evil, to that extent they are predictable and this for the rejection of free will."

I see a bot-like response pattern to opposers, one with which they are unaware of (the physical man vs the spiritual man "who indeed examines all things"). I argue (if I do at all) that three syllables were likely in the divine name (by comparison to similar names) and that it is perfectly correct to use "Jehovah". If we can't use "Jehovah" then we can't use any of these other Hebrew scripture names. We do and opposers do, so we see the motives. They don't want you to use God's name. They rationalize their reasons, but underlying this is that they have become subject to the air that is operating in the sons of disobedience.

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19 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But if your anecdotal example is about someone jumping in front of a train

A young brother that commited adultry (possibly with the wife of an elder) if i remember corrrectly. 

You said the young man needed help but instead was completely shunned and turned out of Bethel. He then commited suicide, and i think you said he jumped in front of a train. 

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20 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

He will be merging “Almighty God” with Jesus Chrst presently, if he hasn’t already, and it may not be long after that he sends “Almighty God” to the ash heap entirely to worship Jesus

A while ago I watched an interview that was made in the 80's with an ex-elder in Ireland who became dissatisfied with the way the organization was running things. He succeeded in getting a large following. This period of time was even mentioned in one of the yearbooks that talked about Ireland. Anyway, most of the interview was about his gripes with this and that, the usual, but what struck me was that at the end of the interview he was encouraging others who had doubts: not to worry about trying to do things God's way, because God doesn't mind if we get things wrong, and if we happen to feel closer to Jesus, and start praying to him, and worshipping him, then God will be ok with that too.

(Paraphrased, and I have mentioned this on the forum before)

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