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Around 50-60 years after the completion of the second temple, Ezra left Babylon in company with approximately 1700 exiles, and returned to Jerusalem. His time in Jerusalem brought about a spiritual reformation, the turning back to God’s laws. This man was both a priest and a scribe, excelling in both accounts. (Ezra 7:6,10) God had decreed to all His priests that it was their duty to know and teach His decrees to the people. (Deut 33:10; Mal 2:4-7) 

Still, Ezra who was a direct descendant from Aaron, and apparently a close relative of Joshua - both high priests, was inspired by God to restore the knowledge of the law among His people, after the temple was rebuilt (Ezra 7:1-5). His position of knowing and copying the law was superior. A scribe’s responsibility was so great that if one mistake was made during copying, no matter how minor, the scroll was rejected and burned. Although, there are accounts that the scribes were not as diligent as Ezra, just as there are accounts that the priests neglected their duty to teach the law. (Jer 8:8; Mal 2:8,9; Hos 4:6). The priesthood’s role to teach God’s decrees eventually declined, with the scribes overtaking their priestly obligation to God. 

Jesus accused the scribes or “lawyers” as they were called in his day, of interpreting God’s instructions as they wished.

“Woe to you experts in the law! You have taken away the key to knowledge. You didn’t go in yourselves, and you hindered those who were trying to go in.” (Luke 11:52).

These were guilty of perverting the word of God about the coming Messiah and substituting His laws for their traditions.

A “Helper” of the organization’s governing leaders, spoke of Ezra in a short video recently, saying he was a “sterling example of faith and trust in God” and had “total reliance” in His word; which Ezra was, and practiced. I did find it strange, that although he said Ezra was well versed in the law and an excellent copyist, it was never mentioned that Ezra was a priest. (Ezra 7:11,12, 21; 10:10,16) It was never mentioned that the role of God’s priesthood was that of a spiritual leader who upheld the law and taught it to the children of Israel. (Lev 10:10,11; Deut 33:10; Ps 119:129,130) 

The speaker elaborated on the preparations Ezra took to leave Babylon, and the difficulties he may have experienced by leaving his family and those he cared for, behind. He mentioned the treacherous four-month journey to Jerusalem, which required full confidence in God, that Ezra would be protected and those with him. (Ezra 7:9) Ezra’s name means, “YHVH has helped me”, and God certainly helped him lead his party safely to Jerusalem. God worked through King Artaxerxes to see that Ezra’s responsibility toward the Jewish people, was a success. (Ezra 7:13,14,25-28) 

Once in Jerusalem, Ezra found that many Jews had married pagan wives. They had broken their covenant with God. (Ezra 9:1-3) Why was this such a grave sin? The lineage of the seed had to remain pure, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. (Deut 7:3,4; Ezra 9:2; Gen 22:18; Heb 8:7,8,6,13; Matt 5:17; Acts 13:23,32; Gal 3:16) 

The Jews had apparently forgotten that the reason they were taken captive into Babylon, was for falling into the idolatry of the nations. (Ezek 20:15,16; Jer 25:3-7) Soon after their freedom from Babylon, Ezra found the Jews marrying into an idolatrous nation. We witness through God’s word how devastated Ezra was at this news, a faithful priest who had based his entire life on God’s decrees. (Ezra 9:3-7) As he prayed, the peopled gathered and confessed their sins. (Ezra 10;1-4) 

The organization’s Helper then said,

“That’s why we love Ezra. He consults the law of Jehovah. That was his love, that was his first priority. He didn’t consult the arithmetic, the astronomy, the history, the chronology, the geography of Babylon. No, it was the law of Jehovah. In fact, Ezra had deep respect for that law of Jehovah…it shows he was a deep student of God’s word."

He quoted Ps 119:18. It is said that Ezra wrote Psalm 119, which gives extensive praise to the laws of God. 

Oh, the comparisons we could make to the organization, its teachings and the priesthood that was obviously disregarded by the speaker. We have major spiritual similarities to the book of Ezra, both with God’s people held captive in Babylon, and the events that occurred in Jerusalem while the temple was being rebuilt. God’s people inside the organization are held captive within “Babylon”.

Visualize that in each hand, you hold a different promise – a covenant. These two covenants are distinct and opposite from each other. Each promise is symbolized as a “woman” – a mother. (Gen 3:15; Gal 4:24) “Babylon” is the name of the promise “woman” leading to death. (Isa 28:15; Prov 5:3-6; 7:24-27; Rev 17:5) 

If you were peer closely into this covenant “woman” you hold, you will see only endless darkness, which has its source in lies and deceit. (Prov 4:19; Isa 28:7,8; John 8:44; Eph 6:12; James 1:15; 1 John 3:8) 

If we grasp this covenant to live our life by, we cannot distinguish between the truth in Jesus Christ and the lie spoken by the evil one and his agents, who are the “harlot” daughters, the servants of this “woman”. We have chosen folly instead of wisdom from God. (Prov 9:13-18; 14:11,12; John 12:40;Matt 24:24; Mark 7:21-23; Matt 7:15,16; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 Tim 4:1,2; 2 Pet 2:1,2; Rev 2:20; 8:11; 13:1,2,11,12; 16:13,14; 12:15; 17:1-5) 

We will have entered a covenant with Satan, becoming children or “seed” of this promise of bondage and death. (Gen 3:15; Deut 32:5; Prov 30:12; 2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 9:2,11; John 10:10; 8:44; Isa 33:1) 

The other hand is holding the promise of endless light, knowledge, wisdom and eternal life. (Prov 2:1-6; 3:13,17,18,21,22; John 8:12; John 14:6; 2 Tim 1:10; John 10:10; 12:46; Matt 11:29) 

This woman is the New Covenant promise or “Jerusalem above”/”New Jerusalem”. (Gen 3:15; Gal 4:24,26; Heb 11:10,13,16; Rev 12:1,2;21:1-3) 

Her “daughters”, would bring the truth of Christ to those who desire to know and obey the Father, and the Son who offers eternal life. (Prov 3:18; 8:7,8;11:20,30; John 13:20; Matt 7:18-20;Gal 4:26,28; 3:29; Heb 12:22,23 Rev 3:12) 

Our choice of which promise we take hold of, is based on our heart’s desires. (Prov 8:4,5; 15:14; 1 Cor 4:5; Heb 4:12) 


Satan empowers his agents (messengers/angels) with his power of deception

and death (gives key to the abyss);

(Then Wormwood gives that power and authority to the "locust-scorpions" under her -Rev.9:3,19; 13:14-15,12; 19:20) 

Christ empowers his agents (messengers/angels), with his power of Truth and Life (symbolized by the keys to the kingdom and release from the power of the abyss of deception and death -Rev.11:3; 12:6,14)

(Matt.16:19; John20:23; Luke10:19; 21:15; 2Cor.10:4,5; Rev.12:7) (Acts26:18; 1Tim.4:16). 

These two forces (truth/deception) collide, and result in Armageddon (Rev.16:13-16; 17:14). 

Who has the "key" to the abyss?


Where in the scheme of things, are God’s holy people in “rebuilding” the Temple of God? (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Heb 3:6; 1 Tim 3:15) Indeed, the “living stones”/dwelling of God lies in ruins, resulting from decrees enforced by the organization. (Dan 8:11,13; 9:26; Luke 19:42-44) 

In the 1980’s and before, there was mention of a “symbolic temple-building work” carried out by the anointed priests. It appeared that for a time, the priesthood was somewhat recognized. This has gradually evolved into ‘organization-building work’, with God’s priests replaced and silenced, by a hierarchy of elders. This means the Temple of God has been trampled…conquered…by a dual power, that expects the scattered “living stones” to remain subservient to an idol. (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2) 

Obviously in this situation, the law of God through Jesus Christ is not the “first priority” of the organization’s leadership. If this were true, the priesthood that resides with JWs, would be consulted to teach the word of God, and the temple would continue to “build”. (1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:9-11; Eph 2:20-22) By keeping the anointed priesthood subdued and in check, the key to knowledge of God’s word in Christ has been taken away. (Luke 11:52) The laws “written on their heart” are rejected for the decrees of men. (Heb 8:10) Elders of a “Gentile” nation, such as the Helper, are consulted instead. (Dan 11:16) This man may be anointed, but that possibility is very slim. His “law book” contains additions and deletions to Christ’s teachings. Always, the organization’s decrees are the priority over those of God. (Dan 8:10-12; Matt 23:15,24) 

The elder “scribes” are those who need to consult the law of God. It would do the elder good to understand that no one, at no time can replace God’s priesthood or serve in His Temple. (Num 18:7;2 Chron 13:9; Ezek 44:6-9; Lam 1:10; 1 Cor 3:16,17) 

The organization is well known for its driving interest in prophetic arithmatic calculations of Christ’s coming, the end of the Gentile times and Armageddon. These pursuits have consistently failed to lead them in truth. Their minds are set on the history, chronology, and geography of their own “Babylon”. Since the organization’s beginning, it has written books about its history; even creating an elaborate library with the timetable of development and world-wide scope of preaching. The legends of false prophets and teachers are preserved and exalted, while their teachings have been abandoned, most likely out of embarrassment over their folly. (Prov 9:13; John 15:4,16) 

Is there a problem with intermarriage in the organization? On a spiritual level, yes; and it was prophesied to happen. “Israel” has entered a covenant with the nations, and broken their covenant in Christ. (Prov 20:20; Isa 1:21; 2 Pet 2:14; Rev 17:2) Through their obedience to men, they have rejected Jesus Christ as their Head. They have become slaves to an organizational idol, to men and to “Babylon”. (2 Cor 11:2-4; 6:14-16) 

When speaking about Ezra’s reaction to the Jews marrying pagan women, the elder made a few off-the- cuff remarks:

“You’re going to mingle the holy seed along with pagan women?” Jesus was the promised holy seed of the old Covenant. That promise was fulfilled. However, the members of Christ Body are also a “holy seed” who are enslaved to Harlot daughters of “Babylon” – pagan women who have misled them into Satan’s covenant of death. (Rom 8:14-17; Gal 3:29) (Deut 11:16; Col 2:8; Rev 13:10,4-8; 18:4) 

“You’re going to assimilate the whole nation into a pagan environment?” Yes, the organization has assimilated the anointed into an idolatrous environment. To accomplish this, they must not bond together, or study the Bible together as a group; and are told their gift of Holy Spirit that God poured out into each heart upon anointing, ‘does not necessarily mean they have more holy spirt than any one else’. (Rom 5:5; 2 Cor 1:21,22; 1 John 2:27) Can you see how this holy priesthood has faded from existence in the organization? Can you see how God’s laws resulting in knowledge and wisdom also do not exist? This is supported by a governing leader stating there are no “gifts of the spirit” in our modern times. It seems that this “wicked steward” does not realize that a faithful steward appointed over God’s household is a “gift of the spirit”. (1 Cor 4:1; 12:4-6, 28; Rom 12:4-8; Eph 4:11-13; Col 1:25; Luke 12:42) 

Effectively, who the anointed are as God’s “special possession” to offer sacrifices of praise as God’s priesthood, has been wiped out of the Bible by the false prophets and the scribes. (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Deut 14:2) 

By the grace of God, the Temple is being restored outside of “Babylon” the covenant of death - outside of the dark teachings of those under the covenant of death. (Ezra 10:10,11; Jer 23:16; Matt 24:24; Rev 13:11,12; 16:13-16; Mal 3:1-4; John 1:23; Matt 17:11; Rev 11:1-3; Zech 4:11-14) 

There are priests who have prepared their heart to serve God and restore His laws fulfilled in Jesus Christ, by teaching the people God’s wisdom in Jesus Christ. (Deut 11:18; 6:8; Ezra 7:10; Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5; Heb 13:15; Col 3:16; Rom 8:28) 

They have made the difficult trek of leaving “Babylon” and its idolatry, to serve God and Christ whole-souled. Loved ones and friends have been left behind. (Isa 48:17,20;Jer 51:6; Deut 5:7; Mark 12:30; 10:29,30; Rev 18:4-8) 

God is with them, and will continue to inspire and guide them in restoring the truth of His word in “New Jerusalem”. Rev 22:1-3 

“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 6 let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.

8 “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, 9 but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’"

10 “They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. Neh 1:5-10



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Around 50-60 years after the completion of the second temple, Ezra left Babylon in company with approximately 1700 exiles, and returned to Jerusalem. His time in Jerusalem brought about a spiritual re

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