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They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)


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Just to introduce another item into this consideration. It seems that the number 12 or its multiples in the Bible always appears as literal, never symbolic. Jacob's 12 sons (males) were exactly

Not really. Somewhere down the line watchtower got mixed up in thinking their organization can offer the same salvation as Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, it’s only Jesus Christ who can save. “O

This is correct. Russell never took the place of Christ before his Church. Christ was the Head of the Body, and Russell would never consider himself the "Head" of the Body of Christ. This doesn't mean

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12 hours ago, xero said:

Sometimes it's right to be wrong or even let yourself be wronged to keep the peace. (

This one sentence says two different things. It twists the actual meaning of the sentence. 

Second section " even let yourself be wronged to keep the peace. " Yes I'm sure we all 'let things just go by' to keep the peace. 

However first section Sometimes it's right to be wrong. Now that is something completely different.  It can never be right to deliberately be wrong. That is just trying to make an excuse for the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW org. Saying they are right to get things wrong. Complete hogwash of course. 

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12 hours ago, xero said:

Always good to "not think more of yourself than is necessary to think".

If the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org had of thought that way then they would never have made false predictions and never have seen themselves as prophets. 

It was a pleasure dissecting you long comment because I have shown the falsehood that you try to display as truth. 


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28 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Very well said xero.  So by going to a Kingdom Hall and more importantly doing the door to door pedaling of the Watchtower magazine you are "willfully placing yourself is a bad situation and you deserve whatever beatings come your way, even annihilation". 

I'm glad you realise those things, so you will have no excuse come Judgement time. 

How so? You are the one who is placing yourself in the judgment seat? You are the one who presumes to know the infallible will of Jehovah.

And if you don't, you ought to stuff a sock in it.

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9 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

If the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org had of thought that way then they would never have made false predictions and never have seen themselves as prophets. 

It was a pleasure dissecting you long comment because I have shown the falsehood that you try to display as truth. 


Blocking you forever.

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On 3/16/2021 at 4:01 PM, xero said:

It's opposers who get hung up on punctuation because they don't get that it's all wheat and weeds until the harvest.

I'm sure you are aware of this, but there have been multiple times when you have said things like what you just said here. It can indicate that you do not believe we have currently reached the time of the harvest. Scripturally, of course, this is a strong possibility. But you probably know that the Watchtower teaches that we have been in the harvest since 1914:

*** w2020 May p. 9 Rival Kings in the Time of the End ***
Harvest season; weeds separated from wheat

It is also possible to find a scriptural precedent for the idea that the harvest can cover a period of time, and does not just refer to the time when the wheat and weeds are finally separated.

(Matthew 9:37, 38) . . .Then he said to his disciples: “Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”

I hoped you would clarify your own view.

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On 3/17/2021 at 8:41 PM, xero said:

Looking at JW's and asking if there is or are incentives to doing wrong, or promulgating falsehoods, you'd be hard pressed as it's easier to do this as an independent baptist, or non-denominational sort of person.

In all the years as a JW (over 35) I have yet to find something intrinsically bad written in any of our publications. Mistakes yes, but nothing that would make you sin against God. The way Witness and others go on makes it sound like the organization is a harlot. By being unreasonable, these oposers lose credit. She mentions wrong expectations as something horribly sinful, and calls it false prophesying. And yet all the ones that have been hurt by it are those who have put more faith in men than in God. Yes, it is difficult sometimes to go against the grain. I have heard stories about how those who weren't buying into 1975 were looked down on and told they have little faith. (they must have felt pretty vindicated when nothing happened in 75). But what really was the problem? It was something good to look forward to and although some were skeptical I am sure they wouldn't have been upset if they were wrong and paradise had really come in 75. JWs have not stopped looking forward to it (the new world). That is part of being a Christian, looking forward to the paradise. Today many are anticipating something might happen very soon. Some are speculating covid-19 might be the beginning of the GT. We can only hope. But if nothing happens even up to the day we die, what has been lost? Jehovah promises thst his loyal servants will not be forgotten. And who is trying to encourage all to live by Bible standards, keep Jehovah on their mind with everything they do in life and preach the Good News, so that they are not forgotten?  The very organization that Witnesss hates, and says is so evil. @Witness all your criticism is about the imperfections of man. You might as well criticize all those who failed in Bible times as well. Criticize Moses for his presumtiousness, criticize Aaron for his weakness and excuses, criticize Job for his wrong thoughts, criticize David for his lack of control, criticize Jonah for his disobedience, criticize all of Jesus' disciples.

You are like a modern day Diotrephese.

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14 minutes ago, Anna said:

In all the years as a JW (over 35) I have yet to find something intrinsically bad written in any of our publications. Mistakes yes, but nothing that would make you sin against God. The way Witness and others go on makes it sound like the organization is a harlot. By being unreasonable, these oposers lose credit. She mentions wrong expectations as something horribly sinful, and calls it false prophesying. And yet all the ones that have been hurt by it are those who have put more faith in men than in God. Yes, it is difficult sometimes to go against the grain. I have heard stories about how those who weren't buying into 1975 were looked down on and told they have little faith. (they must have felt pretty vindicated when nothing happened in 75). But what really was the problem? It was something good to look forward to and although some were skeptical I am sure they wouldn't have been upset if they were wrong and paradise had really come in 75. JWs have not stopped looking forward to it (the new world). That is part of being a Christian, looking forward to the paradise. Today many are anticipating something might happen very soon. Some are speculating covid-19 might be the beginning of the GT. We can only hope. But if nothing happens even up to the day we die, what has been lost? Jehovah promises thst his loyal servants will not be forgotten. And who is trying to encourage all to live by Bible standards, keep Jehovah on their mind with everything they do in life and preach the Good News, so that they are not forgotten?  The very organization that Witnesss hates, and says is so evil. @Witness all your criticism is about the imperfections of man. You might as well criticize all those who failed in Bible times as well. Criticize Moses for his presumtiousness, criticize Aaron for his weakness and excuses, criticize Job for his wrong thoughts, criticize David for his lack of control, criticize Jonah for his disobedience, criticize all of Jesus' disciples.

You are like a modern day Diotrephese.

All true. It is hard waiting in expectation. I've found it better if I keep looking at the Bible from as many different viewpoints as I can find. This makes the truth stand out by way of comparison. Even false expectations by other groups can be oddly encouraging. I was  watching this four part movie "Noah" on Amazon and the first part was pretty good. It dealt w/all the various evidences for the flood.  The next part made it clear that the guy who was producing the film was a seventh day adventist, and quite sincere and though I found fault with a number of things, I didn't find fault with the desire to get right with God and try to understand prophesy in a more than cursory manner.  Fortunately the WT index had a 1997 article on SDA's and their interpretations. Still a lot of what was said in the movie I found myself resonating to. Much like when I read how certain Jewish holidays aren't required, but in and of themselves aren't sinful - any more than trying to follow the law (as an exercise, though not a requirement) could be an interesting and useful exercise. Even people like Mike Heiser say things and write things I've found of interest (though obviously I'm not a devotee). Or say the Portland, Oregon group that puts together the animated youtube series. "The Bible Project". I've found these interesting as well. I know others aren't interested in these things to the same degree and even would find it odd (or dangerous), I still read all of it - even when it's like nails on a chalkboard to listen to some of the arguments. I just want to know where people are coming from in their faith (or lack thereof).

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6 hours ago, Anna said:

In all the years as a JW (over 35) I have yet to find something intrinsically bad written in any of our publications. Mistakes yes, but nothing that would make you sin against God. The way Witness and others go on makes it sound like the organization is a harlot. By being unreasonable, these oposers lose credit. She mentions wrong expectations as something horribly sinful, and calls it false prophesying. And yet all the ones that have been hurt by it are those who have put more faith in men than in God. Yes, it is difficult sometimes to go against the grain. I have heard stories about how those who weren't buying into 1975 were looked down on and told they have little faith. (they must have felt pretty vindicated when nothing happened in 75). But what really was the problem? It was something good to look forward to and although some were skeptical I am sure they wouldn't have been upset if they were wrong and paradise had really come in 75. JWs have not stopped looking forward to it (the new world). That is part of being a Christian, looking forward to the paradise. Today many are anticipating something might happen very soon. Some are speculating covid-19 might be the beginning of the GT. We can only hope. But if nothing happens even up to the day we die, what has been lost? Jehovah promises thst his loyal servants will not be forgotten. And who is trying to encourage all to live by Bible standards, keep Jehovah on their mind with everything they do in life and preach the Good News, so that they are not forgotten?  The very organization that Witnesss hates, and says is so evil. @Witness all your criticism is about the imperfections of man. You might as well criticize all those who failed in Bible times as well. Criticize Moses for his presumtiousness, criticize Aaron for his weakness and excuses, criticize Job for his wrong thoughts, criticize David for his lack of control, criticize Jonah for his disobedience, criticize all of Jesus' disciples.

You are like a modern day Diotrephese.

Jesus commanded us to not go after anyone who claims the end is here, aka “the time is at hand”.

And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them.” Luke 21:8

According to Jesus, we are commanded to not listen to the governing body, we are commanded to not listen to JW’s, and we are commanded to not listen to anyone else who’s proclaiming the one message Jesus said to not proclaim, “the time is at hand”. If we do listen to these men, it proves we are being disobedient to Jesus. Is it really something so simple as a wrong prediction, or, is it rather a blatant disregard for Jesus’ command?



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