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They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)


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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

True. I've made that very clear many times.

I think maybe JWI and others here and (gasp!) myself are part of a yet-to-be-identified great multitude class who is faithful, but not AS, faithful, and perhaps needs a special designation & place to go. 

I see Brother Cesar is on the upcoming speaking roster in Washington. I wonder if he will tell this class where to go?

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Just to introduce another item into this consideration. It seems that the number 12 or its multiples in the Bible always appears as literal, never symbolic. Jacob's 12 sons (males) were exactly

Not really. Somewhere down the line watchtower got mixed up in thinking their organization can offer the same salvation as Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, it’s only Jesus Christ who can save. “O

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2 hours ago, Anna said:

And really, it is not a fundamental problem whether the number is literal or not,

No, that is not problem, really :) it is not.

2 hours ago, Anna said:

we can only do our best to understand it, and we can be wrong, as so many others in Bible times were. I am not worrying about it.

So many others in Bible times were wrong, is not good way to excuse yourself (myself, etc) for wrongs, errors we made. Justify one's own mistakes with a general truth like this; that we all make mistakes, is not the right way. To make justification in fact. Because, when we make a mistake, then we need to admit the mistake, correct the mistake and ask for forgiveness. I am sure you will agree. 

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29 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Xero is back to his/her jealousy of the True Anointed ones. He/she is also back to the GB's idea of mentally unbalanced. We all know the scripture at Zechariah 8 : 23

Whatever the thinking behind the new light of the GB being the faithful & discreet slave, one thing it undeniably does it work for “God not being a God of disorder or one of peace.”

When the ONLY criteria for being anointed is to say you are, & then immediately demand a stage, as Witness does, wowee! What a formula for disorder that is!

Of course, the anointed that we all knew and grew up with did not demand a stage at all, nor lay claim to any special Status or Audience as anointed, unlike some “anointed” today, who could be genuine, could be nuts, could be sincere, could be unbalanced, and even could be liars, since the only “requirement” is to say, “I’m anointed.”

With the present arrangement, a prospective GB member will not be a Johnny-come-lately, and will have spent decades in full-time service, giving ample opportunity for existing GB to look that one over.

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33 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Whatever the thinking behind the new light of the GB being the faithful & discreet slave, one thing it undeniably does it work for “God not being a God of disorder or one of peace.”

When the ONLY criteria for being anointed is to say you are, & then immediately demand a stage, as Witness does, wowee! What a formula for disorder that is!

Of course, the anointed that we all knew and grew up with did not demand a stage at all, nor lay claim to any special Status or Audience as anointed, unlike some “anointed” today, who could be genuine, could be nuts, could be sincere, could be unbalanced, and even could be liars, since the only “requirement” is to say, “I’m anointed.”

With the present arrangement, a prospective GB member will not be a Johnny-come-lately, and will have spent decades in full-time service, giving ample opportunity for existing GB to look that one over.

See the deal is 1. Jehovah is using at least 1 org 2. Instructions are coming from this org 3. The instructions are scriptural

Whether someone is wearing a magic beanie is immaterial. Now if they come up w/some new junk and it's not in the Bible, I had better see some Moses-like Miracles performed and the new junk better harmonize w/the previous junk.

Man do people geek-out on this. Do you imagine Jesus would do this? Or ANY of the apostles?

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57 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Another Bible quote came to mind; My Father’s house has many rooms - John 14
So there’s something being said here about the idea that some will go to heaven. What does a lot of rooms (mansions, dweling places, abodes) mean? How many rooms and apartments are there? How many beds per room? If it really mattered or determined, I guess Jesus would have mentioned that thing. Or maybe not. But even this paragraph does not speak in favor of a fixed number of 144,000.

Makes me think of this song:


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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

With the present arrangement, a prospective GB member will not be a Johnny-come-lately, and will have spent decades in full-time service, giving ample opportunity for existing GB to look that one over.

So you are admitting that it is men chosing men. And none of them have any proof of being anointed either.

No Holy Spirit involved there then. 

You JWs really do not like true scripture do you ?  10 men clinging to the robe of a JEW. 

Acts 2 16 - 18.

On the contrary, this is what was said through the prophet Joel: 17  ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams,l 18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

Now, doesn't the Watchtower / JW Org say we are 'in the last days' ? 

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13 hours ago, xero said:

See the deal is 1. Jehovah is using at least 1 org 2. Instructions are coming from this org 3. The instructions are scriptural

1. God may not be actually supplying Holy Spirit to any Org rignt now.

2. An Org can indeed give instructions, but those instructions are only the words of Men not guided by God or Christ.

3. The instructions from the Watchtower/JW Org have proven to be false prophecy and twisted scripture. 

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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

1. God may not be actually supplying Holy Spirit to any Org rignt now.

2. An Org can indeed give instructions, but those instructions are only the words of Men not guided by God or Christ.

3. The instructions from the Watchtower/JW Org have proven to be false prophecy and twisted scripture. 

You really recycle your thoughts. I hate for it to sound like this, but you remind me of my favorite blog poster (who's bipolar) and the following account about her simple dog.

"She actually seemed to like throwing up.  To the simple dog, throwing up was like some magical power that she never knew she possessed - the ability to create infinite food.  I was less excited about the discovery because it turned my dog into a horrible, vomit-making perpetual motion machine.  Whenever I heard her retch in the backseat, I had to pull over as quickly as possible to prevent her from reloading her stomach and starting the whole cycle over again.  
But as far as the simple dog was concerned, it was the best, most exciting day of her life. "
I'd say this is also true for all these opposers who perpetually recycle their complaints.
(Maybe that's why Revelation says "outside are the dogs"?)
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18 minutes ago, xero said:

What’s this? A new teaching? 

Look, I have to draw the line somewhere. I am not getting anything done. I must soon turn off notifications. After years of one FB friend request per month, the algorithm have shifted and I’m getting 50 a day. My page is public so I let most anyone in. But there are floozies among them!

How am I going to weed out the floozies?  How will I, now that I am alert to the problem, I wasn’t at first, going to ensure I get no more? The profile photo usually suffices, but even there I am inclined to be “merciful,” unless it is outrageous. Maybe they are Mary Magdelines. (dream on, you dope)  I mean, I do get to witness to anyone there. Still, there ought to be a FB standard question, “Are you a floozie?” It would make life easier. 

Maybe I will make my own: “Are you a floozie?” I will ask anyone new. Don’t answer ‘yes’ though, unless you want to be tossed or unless you promise to be a floozie no more.

You floozies in there had better behave, that’s all I can say!

...Whoa!!! Someone with the handle “Good Luck” just sent me a friend request. He (or she) has no idea he has put himself on the chute to the bargain basement.

All this is making serious inroads on my time. And now you throw in some hilarious dog blog that will take some time if I intend to go through it! :)

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