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Speaking of college - I wouldn't have a degree were it not for JW's and regular pioneering


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It might sound odd, but the constraints of time, pay, and motivation were what got me to get my degree. Before I started to study, I was working full time at TI as a computer operator (got lucky,

Now we know why he worships the JW Org. 

I agree, some professors get paid way to much to be bags of air.

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2 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

I'm sure you would've been able to do college if you weren't a jw, millions of people do it all the time. But it is interesting to see again the religion is being given the credit and not Jehovah.

I wouldn't have done it because I wouldn't have had the motivation. Some people are stupid enough and mentally dull enough to sit through lectures IF they either get stupidly in debt or their parents pay for it. I wasn't stupid enough in any of these ways to do that.

I remember listening to one lecture and afterwards realized the professor could have said all that he said in less than five minutes. Instead it was an hour of painfully slow stupid meandering.

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18 hours ago, xero said:

I wouldn't have done it because I wouldn't have had the motivation. Some people are stupid enough and mentally dull enough to sit through lectures IF they either get stupidly in debt or their parents pay for it. I wasn't stupid enough in any of these ways to do that.

I remember listening to one lecture and afterwards realized the professor could have said all that he said in less than five minutes. Instead it was an hour of painfully slow stupid meandering.

I agree, some professors get paid way to much to be bags of air.

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