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In 'the world' each country will have an army.  The soldiers will be issued with guns. The guns are issued for the soldiers to use in battle.

In some countries the general public can obtain guns. Those guns are often used for wicked deeds. Some owners of guns have no self control and no knowledge of using a firearm for good intention. 

We can relate this to God's word, the Bible.  There was protest in the past that said everyone should have access to God's word. But we can see the results to everyone having access to guns. The results were not always good.

The Devil has made use of the Bible being freely available.  Thousands of different so called 'Christian' religions. Millions of individuals doing their own Bible study and putting their own interpretation on it. So, has this done more harm than good ? 

What if, only the truly Anointed ones, should have had God's words. But that in itself would have caused problems, because who would know which group of people had the right to 'own' God's word......  But even on this small forum, we can see how just a few people that possess a Bible, each have differing opinions.  

I do wonder exactly who God wants to have access to His written words. 


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Witness. Good idea. Keep them all stockpiled in her garage. She will know who is deserving.

Man! If only Jehovah was the only one who ever had free will....

Where would we be now if the Roman Catholic priest were still the only ones allowed to have bibles, after all they did use this tactic to commit horrible crimes against humanity.

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19 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I do wonder exactly who God wants to have access to His written words. 

Everyone and all sorts.

This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. (1 Timothy 2:3,4)


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10 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

Where would we be now if the Roman Catholic priest were still the only ones allowed to have bibles, after all they did use this tactic to commit horrible crimes against humanity.

Wow, talk about a massively broad brush you paint with. "they did use this tactic to commit horrible crimes against humanity." I don't know if even one implication of this is even partially true.

Not every priest or prelate was a monster who wanted to rape the consciences of the faithful. The Catholic Church has a long history, some examples which were quite good and some no so much. Never mind getting things scripturally wrong at various points and for various issues.

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15 hours ago, Anna said:

Everyone and all sorts.

This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. (1 Timothy 2:3,4)


You will note that the 'coming to an accurate knowledge of truth' is written after 'should be saved'.  So maybe the 'accurate knowledge will come later, after Armageddon for the Earthly class.  

But does anyone here on this Earth have accurate knowlendge right now ? Millions of people have Bibles. It's big business printing and selling them. But that hasn't brought about the 'accurate knowledge of truth'. 

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17 hours ago, xero said:

Wow, talk about a massively broad brush you paint with. "they did use this tactic to commit horrible crimes against humanity." I don't know if even one implication of this is even partially true.

Not every priest or prelate was a monster who wanted to rape the consciences of the faithful. The Catholic Church has a long history, some examples which were quite good and some no so much. Never mind getting things scripturally wrong at various points and for various issues.

Man you need to think outside of the jw box once in a while. Not all priest did horrible things, but since the RCC would not allow the general populace to read the bible, or become literate, some of them used that liberty to do unbiblical things, you need to do some research outside of the watchtower publications dude.

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5 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

Man you need to think outside of the jw box once in a while. Not all priest did horrible things, but since the RCC would not allow the general populace to read the bible, or become literate, some of them used that liberty to do unbiblical things, you need to do some research outside of the watchtower publications dude.

I went to a Catholic school growing up. I have the book "My Catholic Faith". I have running friends who are members of Opus Dei. I was an altar boy. I read the book "The Bad Popes". I'm not unfamiliar w/the history of the Catholic Church.

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