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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

I do wish that those people obsessed with AN ORGANISATION, would tell me, in chronological order, which Organisations Almighty God was using from the year 100 through to the year 1850. 

All complete names of ALL the organisations, with dates from and to, please.  I look forward to your thorough reply, because you people seem to be so confident that you have these answers. 

You don't need that. You just need to obey. Jesus is the head of the congregation. He is the one who will remove the lampstand of any congregation not submissive to him. Until then you have to find an organization, claim this one as the one God is using and directing by Christ Jesus and then submit to the theocratic order required.

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In the 1970's it was common for Bethelites to order Bible commentaries like Matthew Henry's and Barnes' Notes on the NT and various Bible translations. Later, they also allowed orders for Jay Green's

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4 hours ago, César Chávez said:
23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It says that tradition does not choose its "victims".

Good, how does your argument make any sense, then?

Some arguments matter to some listeners, and some don’t. It is, of course, difficult to always explain why this happens.

4 hours ago, César Chávez said:

When your argument are swayed and influenced by the likes of "witnesses not in good standing" like Anna, TTH, and JWI, it makes it difficult to debate with the real, you

If we are going to judge their participation in the forum from the aspect of WTJWorg publications asking their members not to have contact with people who are “marked” by your organization, then you are right.

If we look at their participation from the aspect of various Bible reports and lessons, then their participation and interaction with people who have different attitudes and opinions is not forbidden. Forum members should judge for themselves who they will talk to and what they will talk about.

Take for example the conversation in Eden. There is no account from the book of Genesis in which God condemned Eve for talking to the Serpent. Nor did he condemn Adam for talking to Eve who was talking to the Serpent. He convicted them of actions that were not of a verbal nature.

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I think it's interesting that opposers never call to mind how David felt about taking action against King Saul, never mind his disposition, his character or his disobedience. He waited for Jehovah to deal w/Saul. Sure, he removed himself from the persecution directed at him by Saul for a time and perhaps some who have withdrawn mentally or physically (or both) because or real or imagined persecution have done the same, yet can any of these say that any elder tried to pin them to a wall with a spear or hunt them down to try to kill them?

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13 hours ago, xero said:

You don't need that. You just need to obey. Jesus is the head of the congregation. He is the one who will remove the lampstand of any congregation not submissive to him. Until then you have to find an organization, claim this one as the one God is using and directing by Christ Jesus and then submit to the theocratic order required.

Just read this. Just listen to the ORDERS BEING GIVEN, the DICTATORSHIP.  Who does this man think he is ? 



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13 hours ago, xero said:

I think it's interesting that opposers never call to mind how David felt about taking action against King Saul, never mind his disposition, his character or his disobedience. He waited for Jehovah to deal w/Saul. Sure, he removed himself from the persecution directed at him by Saul for a time and perhaps some who have withdrawn mentally or physically (or both) because or real or imagined persecution have done the same, yet can any of these say that any elder tried to pin them to a wall with a spear or hunt them down to try to kill them?

Oh dear he drags us back into YE OLDE HEBREW SCRIPTURE again.  We ARE living in the time of Principles based on the teachings of Christ. WE ARE NOT ISRAELITES. 

And as for the other suggestion, You have no idea what some of us have suffered from Elders, no idea at all. 

But as @Witness constantly tells you, the Elders DO kill people spiritually, which is just as bad as killing physically.  

If you add the belief of your GB, that ONLY BAPTISED JWs WILL BE SAVED. Then disfellowshipping for false reasons is killing a person. And that is what the JW Elders do. 

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12 hours ago, César Chávez said:

So, does this mean, first century teachings aren't for you? What are you doing, claiming to be a Christian, if you're NOT going to Follow Christ and Obey Gods Commandments?

You're just like the pharisees, that accepted "some" laws, some laws they made up as they went alone, and Christ they refused. You must be a descendant of a Pharisee. 😁

Billy you are most strange.  You must have just read that i wrote that I live by Bible principles based on Christ's words.

I also said that i don't live by the Mosaic Law, because I am not an Israelite.  So are you going to the temple to offer a bull in sacrife for your sins then ?  Do you live by the Mosaic Law ? 

By the way the Moasic Law is NOT first century teachings. You are so strange. 



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5 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Now, I can tell people NOT to read your garbage books. There's NO Christianity in you.

Unfortunately, Cesar, this is the best thing you could say to spur sales of them. It is if you enthusiastically recommended them, that might give people pause for thought.

You do not see yourself as anyone else here does. And if you carry on in your real life as you do here, that thought will be equally true in the greater world of humanity, be people in the faith or not.

If you actually are in the faith, something that I doubt, then you are an unhappy, deeply troubled individual here indulging in a double-life. Were you well-adjusted, sound and joyful in the faith, then you would have no need of such a kick-ass outlet as coming here,, where you shed any semblance of Christianity, insulting one and all.

It is almost like the double life kid who goes through all the motions in the truth, impresses everyone with his zeal and love, but by night flails away at super-violent video games.


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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Unfortunately, Cesar, this is the best thing you could say to spur sales of them. It is if you enthusiastically recommended them, that might give people pause for thought.

You do not see yourself as anyone else here does. And if you carry on in your real life as you do here, that thought will be equally true in the greater world of humanity, be people in the faith or not.

If you actually are in the faith, something that I doubt, then you are an unhappy, deeply troubled individual here indulging in a double-life. Were you well-adjusted, sound and joyful in the faith, then you would have no need of such a kick-ass outlet as coming here,, where you any semblance of Christianity, insulting one and all.

It is almost like the double life kid who goes through all the motions in the truth, impresses everyone with his zeal and love, but by night flails away at super-violent video games.


<begin shilling>I've found them both entertaining and faith-building. But then again, I've been compared to the master so there's that.</end shilling>

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