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Another thing about the propagation aspect of organizations is the need for community thought and shared experiences. I'm old enough to remember when there were few TV channels (actually in Laredo, if you didn't have cable it was like two or three tops and one seemed to be nothing but Mexican Bingo) so everyone would watch the same news, see the same shows and talk about the same things they'd seen as a result. This created a social fabric of a shared experience and we could all discuss these things.

Without an organization to create a shared mental landscape of progressive study and group reflection, you lack a dimension required for unity.

Splinter groups meeting in basements ultimately get dominated by progressively competitive and narrow thought patterns and personalities better at making arguments will dominate.



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...Not to mention the rabbit-hole mentality of the basement dwellers, this sort of thinking simply doesn't address the concerns of the bulk of humanity. Having love among yourselves means quite little when you're in a basement someplace having separated yourself because someone jotted when they should have tittled.

"Why can't they admit they should have tittled! I'm going to leave until they admit it!"


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More musing....Jesus seems to put up w/all manner of deficient human beings during his time on earth, however for some reason the basement dwellers have a hard time w/their fellow man so they must separate themselves because their views must not only be expressed but embraced by all. Failure to embrace their views means the whole thing must be wrong, because of course they couldn't be wrong and even if they aren't by golly they won't allow themselves to be wronged. Nevermind Jesus allowed himself to be wronged.

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9 minutes ago, xero said:

basement dwellers

I watched so called "basement" video made for Convention program JW had before few years. Are you speaking about that?

.... or about urban dictionary definition that say: A male over the age of eightteen, usually with no formal education, who continues to live at home with his parent(s) and has no ambition to move out or contribute to society.

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19 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I watched so called "basement" video made for Convention program JW had before few years. Are you speaking about that?

.... or about urban dictionary definition that say: A male over the age of eightteen, usually with no formal education, who continues to live at home with his parent(s) and has no ambition to move out or contribute to society.

urban dictionary-esque. basically a non-contributing waste of human flesh.

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You know this blocking feature is like lidar on the amazon rain forest. You can see things much more clearly in threads when you use it. Especially things which are hidden. I was using it as I read the 607 thread a year ago and blocking the noise-makers made the structures of the arguments come to the fore like so many long-abandoned canals in the rain forest.

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14 hours ago, xero said:

You know this blocking feature is like lidar on the amazon rain forest. You can see things much more clearly in threads when you use it. Especially things which are hidden. I was using in as I read the 607 thread a year ago and blocking the noise-makers made the structures of the arguments came to the fore like so many long-abandoned canals in the rain forest.

Dream on Ex Elder. 

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On 4/7/2021 at 9:31 AM, César Chávez said:

WOW! I hope XERO is not vindictive! This kind of "accusation" has consequences written all over it. It even has it for the owner of this site. I would recommend, the owner speak with their legal department, for what kind of slander they are willing to go to court for. XERO has every legal right to challenge such malice!!

The acronym CSA is specific!! Child Sexual Abuse!! The word "Committed" describes, INTENT!! The rest of the sentence is inconsequential. 

Billy this is exactly what you did to John Butler. You deliberately twisted what was written to suit your own twisted mind.

I wrote "Xero gets more childish by each comment. His low inteligence level would have been just right for an elder. I wonder if he commited CSA ? He must have been removed for a reason."  

wonder =  ask oneselfthink aboutmeditate onreflect on 

Hence it is NOT an accusation. I was just thinking aloud :) And yes i know you put accusation in inverted commas. But in fact you are slyly 'accusing' me of accusing him. So the slander in on you. 

The word commited is past tense meaning 'having done' or 'having acted in such a way''.

Being past tense it is not 'intent'.  Intent = 'intention or purpose' or 'determined to do'. 

That is future tense. 

I do know that your aim is to get me removed from this forum too but the rest of that sentance is just as important as the words you choose to harp on about, so on this one you loose.  

(yes I have saved this whole conversation for future use)

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