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In the 1970's it was common for Bethelites to order Bible commentaries like Matthew Henry's and Barnes' Notes on the NT and various Bible translations. Later, they also allowed orders for Jay Green's

I liked your KH building experience. We've all had that experience when we would have made different decisions if we were in charge, and then we are glad we weren't. But I can't seem to fit your

Bingo. It’s the pure nastiness of one, not to mention the pure dodo-headedness of another. These annoy far more than the posts themselves, though sometimes the two are hard to unravel. After

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13 hours ago, César Chávez said:

I will file a complaint, now directly to the UK, and it's not about you being removed from this site.

Do you know how stupid you look ? :).  "File a complaint, directly to the UK"  ???????

The UK is a collection of countries. I 'wonder' to whom you will direct this 'complaint'.  You are so funny.

13 hours ago, César Chávez said:

John, my aim is to show, how your complaints about the GB are dangerous and your words have meaning and consequences.

My words are chosen very carefully. I never write if I'm upset, I keep a level head. 

I have never written a direct threat and never made a direct accusation to anyone on this forum.  It is only your wild imagination that leads you to complian about me. But if it keeps you happy. 

What was it Xero said about people living in their mother's basement and making up stories...  It must happen a lot in the USA.  

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57 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

My words are chosen very carefully.

You accuse yourself. CC is right about the insinuation. You insinuated that someone committed a heinous crime, but without any basis or evidence. That's a lot different than insulting someone or accusing them of doing stupid things.

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23 hours ago, César Chávez said:

Your words are chosen as a pathetic old man!!

I love it. You say things like this but you still answer my comments. 

As for xero, he can make his own choices. I think he/she is just another AKA anyway. Is it you Billy ? Is it Tom ?  Do I actually care ? Could I actually be taken to court for thinking aloud about an AKA who does not reveal their real identity ?  It's all too funny :) ........ 

Your laws in America are different to ours here in England. Come to think of it aren't the laws in America different in every State ? 

On 4/8/2021 at 6:42 AM, JW Insider said:

CC is right about the insinuation. You insinuated that someone committed a heinous crime, but without any basis or evidence.

CC just wants me d/fed from this forum, the same as he did to John Butler.  You call it insinuation, I call it thinking aloud. 

To 'wonder' is not the same as to accuse. 

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Ah CC so you are xero. Ok fine.  That is why you are so upset with my 'thinking aloud'.

13 hours ago, César Chávez said:

You should learn the government and laws, before you make accusations,


13 hours ago, César Chávez said:

However, the owner will soon see how allowing your accusations, to stand in this site by ignorance of freedom of speech, will not work anymore in today's society.

I note here that you say I make accusation. That in itself is an accusation aimed at me. 

As for me, I only use one name or one aka on this forum.  One is enough. 

I'll put the kettle on then to make tea for the Police you pretend to be sending. 


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Musing - Conscience only seems troubled by the acceptance or rejection of thoughts or ideas which have consequences to us which we'd rather not experience.

Neither here nor there, but for some reason this popped into my mind. Back when we were building our hall, a certain  brother who was slated to be our PO was a bit hyperactive and impatient as we were waiting for the concrete trucks to arrive for our parking lot. Now it would have been normal to construct the forms and tie the steel as these arrived, but noooo brother hyperactive-impatient came up with an idea to create the forms w/the steel already tied!

I immediately thought this to be a really bad idea, a bad idea that I assessed to be a function of his unwarranted enthusiasm and exuberance. I said "So this is the first brilliant idea you decided to run with as new PO?...Mkay..."

I thought it was a really dumb idea, but as it turns out, I was wrong. It sped the whole thing up. Nevermind this brother wasn't some professional steel-tier.

So maybe we imagine bad consequences at times flowing from going along w/something we think is wrong or stupid, but then we find out it's our imagination that's wrong.

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59 minutes ago, xero said:

that I assessed to be a function of his unwarranted enthusiasm and exuberance.

Long ago I was on a committee to explore building a new Kingdom Hall. A brother as you describe, also on the committee, carried on and on about how we would put a baby changing table in the men’s room! Why should it be just sisters who have to change the infant? Times were changing! Equal work for all! And it was not just work, it was part of the privilege of rearing children—spread the joys and the drudgery evenly! It shouldn’t only be the sisters who have to.....” He discussed brands, the fold=down type, which were sormewhat new at the time. On and on he went, so enthusiastic.

For crying out loud, we hadn’t even located land yet!

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