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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

I wonder if fishermen in Jerusalem had a fantastically high IQ ?  Maybe a Tax Collector did. A physician yes. 

As usual, you have it backwards, in your cloying acceptance of how the world categorizes things. 

Physicians were not necessarily bright. A few years ago the Wt publication stopped using the phrase Luke, “the respected physician” upon realizing that they weren’t. Often they were freed slaves with no particular training at all. A contemporary news item of the time refers to one man who used to be an undertaker, was now a physician, “and does the same for his new clients as he used to do for his old.” (not the exact quote)

Tax collectors were glorified thugs who simply beat money out of people.

Fishermen, on the other hand, ran a business, which easily might call for more intelligence than the other two examples.

1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

It links to the ideas from the GB about people being mentally ill too.

In this case the mentally ill might be those who carry on and on about the True Anointed soon to manifest itself out of nowhere, a phrase the Bible itself never uses, much less Capitalizes. (Rise, for I too am a man)

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12 hours ago, xero said:

I liked the fact that there wasn't a lot of emotional incontinence at the meetings of JW's when I first started going.

emotional incontinence .... I found some of your wording, vocabulary choice here and in other places as strange.

some internet explanations are: Pseudobular affect (PBA) goes by many other names—pathologic laughing and crying, emotional incontinence, emotional lability. It refers to a condition whereby patients display brief, involuntary episodes of laughing or crying, which may be emotionally congruent or incongruent and are typically provoked by seemingly trivial events. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/emotional-incontinence

Emotional incontinence (EI) is a perturbing condition characterized by uncontrollable outbursts of exaggerated, involuntary facial expressions and pathological crying or laughter. There is increasing evidence that serotonergic neurotransmission may be damaged in EI. - https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/jnp.10.4.453

+ your last comment about "low IQ of JW faithful people", it leaves a weird impression of the JW members as a group, but also about you who feel that way about your brothers, about brothers who are "more and who are less faithful than ...(you ?, or than other JW people perhaps). 

14 hours ago, Anna said:
20 hours ago, xero said:

would imagine that certain nuance in the exercise of one's conscience might get a jaundiced look from low IQ brothers and sisters. Let's face it, some of our most faithful brothers and sisters have IQ's about the level of a hamster.

Perhaps some real names and real persons and real situations about who are faithful despite low IQ can explain perception? :) You can use Biblical examples too. 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Physicians were not necessarily bright. . . . Often they were freed slaves with no particular training at all.

xero has been rightly criticized for condescension with respect (or lack of respect) to some Witnesses and their IQs, and prior references to Witness obesity, gluttony, lack of exercise, etc.

But this is nothing compared to the near constant condescension of a couple of others who have graced this forum under names like John and Billy.

So I thought that I would join the fray of critics and point out that even TTH shows some condescension above by implying that freed slaves are somehow prime examples of those who are not necessarily bright. It's true that doctors were not necessarily well respected. Even a character on PBS' Downton Abbey was looked down upon for his choice to become a doctor. And it's true that many scholars say that Luke himself may have been a slave, as they were commonly forced to serve as someone's private physician.

But slaves (before capture, during, or after being freed from captivity) were not necessarily less bright than their captors. And some "particular training" does not necessarily make someone bright, either.

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14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

a phrase the Bible itself never uses

The Bible doesn't use the phrase 'Governing Body' either.  Or 'Jehovah's Witnesses'  

The 'name' for God seems to be YHWH. 

And it is you that goes on and on about the True Anointed 

14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

soon to manifest itself out of nowhere,

When you know full well that they already exist.  When the GB are no longer ruling a dozen or so Orgs / Societies, then the True Anointed will be revealed to mankind. 


15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Tax collectors were glorified thugs who simply beat money out of people.

Would Jesus choose such a man ?  Yes i know that Jesus reads 'hearts', but if Matthew was as you suggest. 

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13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But slaves (before capture, during, or after being freed from captivity) were not necessarily less bright than their captors. And some "particular training" does not necessarily make someone bright, either.

Discrimination has seemed to run through the Org from it's very beginning. Even Russell said that 'non white' people were of lower intelligence. 


13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

xero has been rightly criticized for condescension with respect (or lack of respect) to some Witnesses and their IQs, and prior references to Witness obesity, gluttony, lack of exercise, etc.

And do you believe that this xero is really a JW ?  You know for sure that I am not...  

Does xero show any true Christian qualities ?    As for me I try to state facts, although i do tend to 'think aloud' too

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What's interesting in all this discussion is the pretense that people make that they don't consider themselves superior in some respects to others, and in this I say these are lying to themselves which is worse than lying to someone else. If you lie to yourself, there's a double insult. You lift yourself up as superior to the rest of humanity who are afflicted with the competitive spirit - nay! not I!, which is deception and moreover you insult your own intelligence by believing the lie.

No. It's better to say "Yes. I DO think I'm better at X, Y  or Z than another person. But NO that doesn't make me a better person in Jehovah's eyes."

You absolutely need to admit of this, as failure to do so is a lie.

Interestingly you at times hear boasting on the part of some that they haven't acquired a secular education, or something else of that sort. I call these "The proud humble".

It's a great gig. You can feel superior for indolence and lack of accomplishment.

This does remind me of the Doctrine of Total Depravity with which I'm sympathetic to...


(I tell people this when someone says "You JW's think you're better than everyone else." I reply "Not better than, but better off as is anyone who takes the Bible seriously and tries their best to live by it. Never better than.")

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But slaves (before capture, during, or after being freed from captivity) were not necessarily less bright than their captors

Ben Hur was no dummy, that’s for sure.

Still, the prophet Trump said that he preferred slaves who weren’t captured.

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1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Even a hamster, and Gerbils which I own, display more intelligence than Anna, Comfortmypeople, Kick, John, Xero put together.

Notice, you five dummies, that he did not include me on the list. If only he had included JWI. Then my ascendancy would be complete.

On 4/10/2021 at 7:30 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

I am told of a certain brother in a developing land who has had great responsibility and is always smiling.

Why on earth would CC downvote this? Is there something about smiling he doesn’t like?

It is a true account. It is verified more than I have let on.

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Once again this becomes a comedy forum. Is someone actually paying for this web space. I've no idea how forums are 'paid for'. Maybe by the advertisements ? 

It is a shame how xero has to keep showing his inner self to the world, and it is a shame how CC = Billy the kid has to keep spewing acid.  I thank you Tom for making it all so amusing... I'm only on here this morning as it's raining outside and i need to think of things to do.  Have a nice day everyone.  Oh, I note there is a new topic about a 'new book' = new light :) 



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