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Physical attendance at meetings/assemblies and "Zoom" attendance

JW Insider

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I’m expecting to lose it all.....and it will be a final testing of sorts for many of us.....somehow I’m thinking..rightly or wrongly? ...when it does all go...the visible structures of Jehovah’s witne

BTW I hate the zoom crap. I want to feel the breath and spittle of the speakers on my face.

Actually I'm only on the internet during my lunch hour, so I definitely don't have the free time you apparently do to take cheap shots at people and insult them.

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On 4/13/2021 at 10:16 PM, Matthew9969 said:

re money for the governing body to live higher in luxury.

Easy to call it luxury when you have enough time to sit for hours on internet. You seem to live like the ancient Roman upper class did..... let the "slaves" do the work!.... lol

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On 4/14/2021 at 2:46 PM, Arauna said:

Easy to call it luxury when you have enough time to sit for hours on internet. You seem to live like the ancient Roman upper class did..... let the "slaves" do the work!.... lol

Actually I'm only on the internet during my lunch hour, so I definitely don't have the free time you apparently do to take cheap shots at people and insult them.

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We'll never stop needing to get together as far as I can see.

A physical inspection of the sheep and how the sheep interact with each other in groups is essential to knowing if they are physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy.

People can easily hide and even in meetings, but it's hard to hide in perpetuity if you're regular in meeting attendance IN PERSON.


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On 4/11/2021 at 8:27 AM, Arauna said:

I have also heard of kingdom halls that were successfully sold.  There is a boom in property sales now (a massive bubble)- so the GB will get some money to go on from selling properties.  They must sell while the boom lasts. Halls cost money to maintain with no-one using it.


On 4/11/2021 at 8:27 AM, Arauna said:

We really are close to a great catastrophe.....  The central banks will soon replace the physical money with digital money and start a new fiat digital  currency to keep the world gong. They want to centrally control all of us.  The money you have in your bank and the house which is yours may be nationalized.  Gold and siver can be taken away and bitcoin may be illegal. When we do not comply to their moral standards (being Christians) our "universal income" will be cut off.  The hate towards Christians is growing.  We are not the same as other Christians ... but to them we are part of that category.

The GB are smart to let kingdom halls go as we can no longer physically meet. 

KH are also sold in Croatia. For one KH in Zagreb, the price is 700,000 Euros (on sale from 2019).
If your predictions are correct about money, then the decision to sell KH en masse is not helpful, because the state can “nationalize” buildings, but also money. Where is the money from the sale of KH? In banks or in WTJWorg safes? Or is it investing in other real estate and businesses?
Some world events and processes affect all people, sometimes regardless of their ideological, religious or social and economic or any other status. So it seems to me that it may be an exaggeration to talk about JW as the only group of people who will suffer the most from adversity or be the only target by the secular world.

People can meet in their apartments, houses or other public places to maintain social contacts in order to develop and maintain the social aspects of direct socializing.

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So it seems to me that it may be an exaggeration to talk about JW as the only group of people who will suffer the most from adversity or be the only target by the secular world.

On the other hand, maybe it isn’t:


The BitterWinter article links to an USCRIF government report. It is remarkable that it should be this way, given Witnesses’ non-violence, non-meddling in politics, industriousness instilled in members, that individually they are nearly always described as “nice people.”

The scriptures speak so assuredly of persecution. For example: “All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.” 2 Tim 3:12.

And then the group that most notably fulfills that verse is Jehovah’s Witnesses. I even end a chapter of the new book, I Don’t Know Why We Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses: Searching for the Why with: “When searching the field of religion, look for the group that is individually praised but collectively maligned.”

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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Where is the money from the sale of KH? In banks or in WTJWorg safes? Or is it investing in other real estate and businesses?

The GB are like kids in a candy shop.  They have a plethora of kingdom halls at their disposal. Sounds like they are in the process of trading up real-estate for Ramapo and their mega audio visual center.  

11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

We really are close to a great catastrophe..... 

Maybe you need to tell the GB.  As A. Morris just said in his latest video, "“Jehovah’s organization is on the move, and it will not be stopped by the pandemic, or anything else."  If what you say happens, Ramapo may become a money pit.  

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On 4/11/2021 at 2:45 AM, JW Insider said:

Me too. As I see my parents getting older, I see that the Zoom meetings work for them better than the telephone connection which they have used on occasion in the past.

We used to have a KH in the suburb where I live and we consolidated with another KH two towns north of here. No travel problems because it's only an extra 3 miles, and we traveled more than a mile as it was. But the decision included two factors. We could sell our local Hall for more money and use it to upgrade the other Hall, which is now central to 5 congregations (although it hasn't been used for months). The other reason for the decision is that the "new" Hall provides better "advertising" on a highly traveled street. The old Hall was nicer looking, but out of the way.

I think this is an important factor. I've mentioned before that a local "evangelical" church that bought an old synagogue nearby has turned it into something like a mega-church that draws literally three hundred cars twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday, which has started up again these last two months bigger than when they stopped last year for Covid-19. I don't know if these are different services for the same "congregation" or for multiple "congregations" but I'm guessing the latter. It also serves as a large food and charity distribution center since Covid-19. This provides them with a lot of easy "advertising" and I bet that's a reason for part of their growth.

Giving up the KH would be nearly impossible to imagine, and as it is, I think an entire community of two or three suburban towns would wonder what happened to us if that Hall disappeared.

I’m expecting to lose it all.....and it will be a final testing of sorts for many of us.....somehow I’m thinking..rightly or wrongly? ...when it does all go...the visible structures of Jehovah’s witnesses...it has to some how represent...the scattering of the apostles..when Jesus was taken into custody and trial...and killed...

The most favored and trusted ..fled and were confused after his death...they actually went back to work fishing...not knowing what to do.

They did not cope with out his visible presence..even tho he had explained it to them.

How will we cope without a visible bricks and mortar..or if zoom also goes down?

Even Jesus himself cried out ...My God My God why have you forsaken me!!...he FELT it had gone on too long........in moments of anguish..will we as a people feel we have been tricked...will our faith and trust be tested when it all goes...and if he allows it all to go?

I am thinking that it also corresponds with the Israelites on leaving Egypt in organized safe military style escape.

When they were bought up against the sea..against the mountains...and hearing the chariots and horses of Egypt bearing down on them...in fear..and lack of trust In Jehovah..they felt they had been deceived...and cried out to Moses and ready to stone him for tricking them...will he allow the same situation come upon his modern day people in the last days?

Why not?....if he allowed his own son for a very brief time to think he had been a abandoned...why not us his motley crew of people.

We cannot look back and yearn for the days of KHs and skin on skin stuff....we cannot yearn for the leeks and onions and pots of meat...

We have been trained as a people..and every time one of us here took a stand against a pagan holiday such as Xmas or Valentine’s Day or whatever.....which blatantly is a form of idol worship to a pretend demon God.......we were in training for what is coming...he was getting us ready to take a even stronger stand that seems to be about to happen.

We must not be like Hezekiah who proudly showed of all his riches of gold etc...who put his faith in such...only to be punished by losing the lot...

Even the good Kings had wrong attitudes about such things... and he learned from that.

Havings said this I ask myself would I have been one that went into panic mode when my back was up against the mountains and wall of sea and hearing the thundering of horses bearing down on me and my family.....probably ......would I have been one that moaned about forty years of manna.....more than likely ....

I like to think....or hope....that now I have the scriptures and read their examples....and had more training than those Israelites after 400 years of captivity ...Well..I hope I do a bit better.....time will tell shortly I guess.


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On 5/2/2021 at 7:11 PM, Thinking said:

We cannot look back and yearn for the days of KHs and skin on skin stuff....we cannot yearn for the leeks and onions and pots of meat..

But yes, keep yearning for the day Jehovah is going to kill billions of Men, women and children for not belonging to a book publishing company.

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