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Why I had to choose my own family over being a Jehovah’s Witness..... By JODIE CHAPMAN

Patiently waiting for Truth

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12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

surely have chosen their own type of work

yes - to support their families. But true anointed would use their extra time to further kingdom interests.  Read Paul's letters. He urged them to do this.

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The total self-absorbtion is a tip-off, too. If his self-importance is pricked in any way, he goes into search-and-destroy mode, and nobody gets even the tiniest bit of credit for anything. @Arau

Do you mean like the proverbs about where there is no fuel, the fire goes out? (Proverbs 20:26) There may be something to that.  Sometimes rage boils over into the actual world. You wouldn’t want

Bible not condemns birthdays as it is clearly visible by few records in Bible text. Also, what is "birthday"? Start of new period of life, for kid and for family. And people wish/want to be reminded o

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Dogs are slaves.

It beats starving to death, infested with ticks, fleas and parasites of every sort.

I suspect the same is true with most humans with limited mental capacity, parenting, and resources.

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14 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

Well even in the 1st century there seemed to be two types on Christian.  There were the ones that gave up everything and literally followed Jesus, but there were also the ones that carried on their daily lives and remained in their own homes. This second type would surely have chosen their own type of work and other activities. 

There were actually four types. From where did you derive two? Jesus describes them in the illustration of the sower and the seed at Matthew 13:

“Look! A sower went out to sow;  and as he was sowing, some [seeds] fell alongside the road, [1] and the birds came and ate them up.   Others fell upon the rocky places where they did not have much soil, and at once they sprang up because of not having depth of soil.  [2] But when the sun rose they were scorched, and because of not having root they withered.  Others, too, fell among the thorns, [3] and the thorns came up and choked them.  Still others fell upon the fine soil [4] and they began to yield fruit, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty.”

Tommy, don’t do it! Don’t!! You’ve got a nice comment going here—respectful and all—don’t screw it up! Remember what Srecko said. We must disagree with those who loathe the Christian organization without being disagreeable. End your comment right here, TrueTom. Say no more, and you’re golden.

Sigh...ye of little willpower:

[5] still others sat on their duffs, lapped up dirt about God’s organization from the internet, and figured that the True Anointed would be released any second now from the abyss where they are not permitted to speak with one another!!! (led by a cackingly exuberant Witness) but upon their escape will save the day.

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23 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

It's NOT what an exuberant witness

No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong. The Witness I was referring to was the wannabe ‘house’ anointed on this very forum, not any of Jehovah’s Witnesses that we all know and love. I admit, she could have chosen a different name to avoid the confusion.

23 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

You continue with your insults,

YOU are telling ME about insults???!!!!!!!!!

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25 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

he truth and not a credible one. Why do you even bother, just like Anna and JWI along with many others?

Your superiority makes you a disingenuous witness, or at best, a bad teacher. The bible says if we do not have love then we are NOTHING. 1cor 13 first verse.  You break your spiritual family members down by telling them they are not good enough.  Have you not attended the last few watchtower studies ?  Did you do any introspection? Have you not read the psalms? ... or is it only head knowledge that matters to you and no wholehearted wise application of what you learn?

Tom was only repeating the man's own words back at him .... Jah2me has said these very same expressions hundreds of times on this forum, namely that he is waiting for the true anointed because he does not recognize JWs.... Tom was playing with the mans own words and his head..... .

Maybe it was a case of your answering before thinking about what he was trying to do. Remember the scripture which says there is NO man is without sin.  Some may think that all others are equal in sin  but they are not...... their hastiness to break down and judge is not sin.  Jehovah turns his eyes away from the haughty..... We all need forgiveness from God to be approved every day of our life.  If we are just criticizing and not building up we may ourselves miss out on this forgiveness.  The very reason I identify jah4me as a hate-OCD person is because that is all he does - break down and criticize. 

Sometimes we need to correct BUT not harshly.

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33 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

Was Jesus being NICE! At this point? There is a time and place to be nice, this FORUM that holds a den of thieves is NOT one of them!! LEARN SCRIPTURE!!

This is why I left off coming here.  What are you still doing here?.  Do you use it as a place to wield your stick? 

I saw this placement above and gave an answer - not realizing that I would now get myself in a situation where a fellow believer would justify verbal abuse on those he deems to be unapproved. ...... 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Do you use it as a place to wield your stick

Yes. He does.

1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

Jesus entered the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple

Note how the verse says Jesus, not Cesar.

1 hour ago, Arauna said:

not realizing that I would now get myself in a situation where a fellow believer would justify verbal abuse on those he deems to be unapproved. ...... 

I think it is a mistake to view him as a fellow believer. He might be, but two sayings temper that conclusion for me.

The first is that ‘if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.. Cesar certainly does not walk and quack like any Witness you or I know. It is impossible not to be moved at all by those Watchtower study articles you quoted previously. The duck he walks and quacks like is simply that of an abuser, like AlanF himself, when he puts on another hat. 

The second is my own saying, a slight tweak of Romans 3:4 that “every man be found a liar.” Modify it to “every man online be found a liar” and the saying finds yet another application in these modern times. How can you know about anyone online? Anybody can say anything. You can only go by whether something has the “ring of truth” to it, and he has not a bit of that when it comes to Christianity.

I suppose it is remotely possible that he is a whack-job of a Witness, presenting himself one way before flesh and blood, and working out his frustration, that he has not resolved by godly means, online, like the outwardly pious one filling up on porn or uber violent gaming by night. But I think it more likely he is some outlier, perhaps one-time active, but now a braggart who just bullies with a body of knowledge that at first glance seems impressive, but usually turns out to be shallow—he may know the title of a work, but not much else. JWI has many times pointed out how he just throws in whatever he has to ruin any discussion. (which I admit is how at times I use humor, but I hope I can never be accused of using it so recklessly).

The only thing I know about him for sure is that his favorite show is Nature. Not the show itself, which he doubtless thinks is apostate, since he thinks everything is, but the scenes of the huge animals ramming each other with horns. It is the only type of social interaction he seems capable of understanding. He takes note as to how he can be more like this or that big dumb ox that has bested its rival when he next goes online—never more than a few minutes away.


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3 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

ave just begun to accuse you lady!!

We learnt this week to walk away when people are abusive.  If this is not abuse then I do not know what you think it is.  You must be a nightmare in your congregation. ....bye ..... if you think you are going to get any converts here ..... forget about it.  No remorse in your demeanor either.  Head knowledge and NO compassion or love. You justify your hateful attitude by Jesus cleaning the temple...... 99.9 percent of the time Jesus was compassionate and kind as well as patient.... think about that!


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4 minutes ago, xero said:

Living on a forum where opposers exist is like having a house next to the train-tracks. You could move, but then you'd miss the doppler effect of the train as it comes and goes. Also it's sometimes fun to put pennies on the tracks.

Let her blow, let her blow
Long and loud and hard and happy
Let her blow
No regrets, all my debts will be paid
When I get laid
Let her blow, let her blow, let her blow

Johnny Cash

[pious disclaimer: laid to rest in the grave]

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8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Dogs are slaves.   It beats starving to death, infested with ticks, fleas and parasites of every sort.   I suspect the same is true with most humans with limited mental capacity, parenting, and resources.

I don't know exactly what you mean by this, Pudgy, but it reminds of how easy it is to revert to the thinking and words of old 19th century White Supremacists in the USA (and elsewhere, and else-times). 

In the next tab over, I'm currently reading a 19th Century history of a Southern U.S. county where the author decries the fact that colonists were living as deplorable "slaves" to England before fighting for their freedom. And yet, he says the slaves from Africa needed the United States and slave-owning Christians because of the slaves' innate limited mental capacity, lack of family bonds, and lack of resources. He remarks upon the deplorable conditions in Africa, where they were without civilization.

But he appears to forget that it was Whites who were deliberately suppressing slaves' mental growth, suppressing natural parenting and family units, and suppressing all their resources. Over time, some of the richest countries in the world were turned into the poorest countries so that Whites and Westerners could control the rich resources.

[This is just one example. It is not ONLY Whites and Westerners who have done this and are still doing this. They were just a prime and long-standing example of groups who used the same kinds of analogies you used above as justification.]

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