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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making m

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug.  The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passi


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21 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

So who here has gotten the vaccine shot? And how did you react?

Myself I got the Jand J shot a week ago and I feel fine.

Me too. J&J last Saturday. I have felt sleepier all week. I've gone for a few runs and it's not making me more tired. I just feel sleepier than I usually do.

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14 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

So who here has gotten the vaccine shot? And how did you react?

Myself I got the Jand J shot a week ago and I feel fine.

No vaccine for me. I find it kinda funny that anyone who is Christian would allow their body to be misused volutarily.

The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passing on, the virus, so it proves to be just an experiment on people rather than animals. Although Billy says we are all animals anyway. :) 

Just a bit of clarity though. I have high blood pressure, I'm 71 years old, and my own dad died of a cerebral hemorrhage, so I think i have good reasons to say no to a vaccine. Many old folk are dying after having the vaccine here in England.. 

J & J  were found to have knowingly  allowed asbestos in their brand of talcum powder, so I certainly woud not trust them with an untested vaccine. All the covid vaccines are 'not tested' because there was never enough time allowed.

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Personal decision:  love of neighbor (and self)  moved me (86) to get the first shot of moderna on February 5 along with my husband (89) and the second shot on March 5.  Spent one whole year watching the deaths climb to horrible levels. Researched the risks/benefits, pros/cons, and we decided we would rather be alive than dead.  No adverse reactions beside itchy arm for my husband and sore arm for me which was relieved by warm compress.   This was with the second shot.   Looking forward to being able to conduct my studies on a person to person, eye to eye level whenever we are given the ok by the GB. Also want hugs from my brothers and sisters when we are able to return to the KH. 
4Jah2me will not be getting a hug fro me nor be invited to my house (personal decision)

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Two young and fit guys I know got it and it was terrible for both of them. One was out of work for a month and the other several weeks and he said he got panic attacks and said "it was the worst thing I've ever gotten".

I thought I'd rather deal w/side effects than that and since my wife has autoimmune issues I didn't want to be the vector bringing it home.

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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making me much more productive at work. I’m hoping I’ll be a candidate for employee of the month now.

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I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug. 

The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passing on, the virus, so it proves to be just an experiment on people .  

Many older folk here in England are dying even after having the vaccine. 


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On 4/16/2021 at 1:52 PM, 4Jah2me said:

J & J  were found to have knowingly  allowed asbestos in their brand of talcum powder, so I certainly woud not trust them with an untested vaccine.


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