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@xero Vaccinations is up to the choice of the individuals (also recommended to speak to your doctor), be it a man, woman or child, however, it seems people are pressing with fear to get the numbers up (death toll was abandoned by the MSM because Donald J. Trump is no longer in power). Truthers called it years ago that a crisis will enable the media and the government to reap and use said powers, all it took was a pandemic which resulted in the state of the Western world and the rest of the globe. Some can't take it due to Religious Reasons, and or being against their faith or they can't take it at all due to medical issues.

The irony here is that one of the children I helped out mentioned a game his older brother played that spoke of a virus and a pandemic, and in this game as to how the situation has been dividing the people and cause a panic among ALL groups. Thus is sparks a segregation of the general public in some parts, for in the past, whites and blacks were subjected to segregation, but like in this game the kid mentioned to me, you have people segregated by their augmentations, IRL, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

That being said, the US and their allies, France, United Kingdom, etc. are pressing for vaccinations. Germany recently joined the bandwagon in this regard.

Concerning COVID-19 there is a LOT going on in the background that isn't being mentioned in articles and the media. Aside from "Vaccinated Only" signs, arrests, etc. Especially breakthrough cases of the Vaccinated folk who are now dub'd Trojan Horses, which is rarely spoken about in the media. As is with suffering children.

They use to clown Truthers about Booster Shots last year, and now they suggest Booster Shots and COVID-19 Pills.

As I and Kosenen have brought up, they're going to make things harder and harder for you so you submit to a medical procedure.

A recent assassination was also speculate due to rejection of vaccinations, and ironically cases went out in said country, as is with their neighbors, who were subjected to mixed dosages, which can also become a reality in the US and EU.

Although it as nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast as some claim, it can be seen as a foreshadowing of the things to come, the events prior to the Endgame, mainly with the agenda of the United Nations slowly coming to fruition.

As I mentioned in another thread, the wave that is to come, some people will be wept away by it, for their own assumption spells their demise, which proves Proverbs 22:3, and all similar verses to it not being applied.

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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making m

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug.  The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passi


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30 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is the most thorough collection of reasons I have yet seen—everything under one roof.


OK, but now we're down to 17. I wonder why the fact checkers at facebook haven't been able to address the other 17 reasons.

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Perhaps because they are attempting to stamp out "misinformation" as they claim? The media has been pressing this for weeks on end. Misinformation has caught the eye of many, even faith communities, because they haven't heard the other side of the story. Trying to soften up the people.

Crazy how because of the pandemic everything seems one sided, yet when the other side speaks, instant deplatforming.

@TrueTomHarley A crash of an unusual kind is coming very soon due to the pandemic and in the Truther community talk about the zombie tax, which in turn will destroy businesses and family's means of living, so much so, you even have the fitness community becoming preppers. Meanwhile, the rich and wealth party in luxury as the people suffer.

My recommendation is, it is wise to take in more information on said facts at times because Facebook and other forms of media have been removing things along with YouTube. Facebook and YouTube all have it's dangers for no area in social media is pure let alone clean. Twitter especially.

That being said, there is a chance of Covid-19 pills and more dosages on the horizon. Children will most likely be subjected to this and more people who were hit indirectly will be showing their true colors, or as the folks say, this is what happens when the US turns Blue, so to speak. Also someone mentioned Bill Gates... Not much of a fan, I look at him with skepticism.


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37 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, there is a chance of Covid-19 pills and more dosages on the horizon

Should that happen, you know they will not be cheap. 

The doctor who wrote the White House with the medical regimen that quickly cured Trump from Covid thinks there will some day be the equivalent of Nuremberg trials for those who let hundreds of thousands die by discrediting and even withholding treatment of an eminently treatable disease.

One day it was announced he had Covid and everyone thought he was a goner. Within three days he was back to his traveling routine. 

Several doctors testified passionately before Congress that it make available certain low-cost drugs that had proven hugely effective. “If you take this drug, [ivermecin—in combination with some others] you will not get sick,” said Dr. Pierre Kors. He knew this because he had made his staff take it as they treated hundreds of Covid patients and they had not gotten sick.

Despite testimony of these ones, the drugs have been discredited. Hydroxychloroquine was shot down long ago on the grounds of being unsafe, even though it had proven its safety over the course of decades. Ivermectin was also promptly shot down as some studies using wildly inappropriate dosages produced inconclusive results. 

Why? One theory is that only if there is no way to treat Covid can there be an international emergency crash program for a new vaccine. Maybe profit reasons for pharma? Or something more conspiratorial? That’s where the conspiracy people come in—trying to explain it. But the fact that the disease is readily treatable has been testified by many practicing doctors. (Including my own)

It was also pointed out that none of the epidemiologists advising the president had ever actually treated a patient. This denigration of those who walk the walk in favor of those who talk the talk is something many Witnesses are familiar with.

None of this is to say that the vaccine is not good. That’s a whole different topic. But the emergency atmosphere to develop it, and now perhaps additional (expensive) cures was contrived and appears to be unnecessary 

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One thing is clear. "Cursed is the able bodied man who makes flesh his arm."

If there's anything I suspected from my earliest days and each passing year has confirmed, is the truth of the above statement.

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is the most thorough collection of reasons I have yet seen—everything under one roof.

Sadly it is still not enough for some to understand why many do not take the so called vaccination…I respect those who do….and why…but their is little respect or understanding for those who don’t.

when one truly investigates this….it fills one with absolute terror with what is coming upon mankind….and yet many brothers and sisters are caught unawares at the stage we are at…..for this is not really about a virus..it’s much darker than that.

There are divisions even amongst brothers and sisters now happening..fighting with each other..calling each other stupid and an idiot..not speaking to each other over THIS…..

One comment was made…..if any brother and sister refuse to take this they should be denied all access to any further medical treatment…

some one quick in mind replied….what if they took that stand when we refuse blood transfusions..

Unfortunately…this satanic plan is having success…in turning ..companion against companion….such is the power generated by hysteria and fear…so very sly and cunning is Satan in  How to cause divisions in so called countries claiming democracy.

He does not need such cunning in many other countries….the implications of what lays ahead is so utterly terrifying..that it leaves one dazed..and in great sorrow..as this is just the start.

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2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

What does that mean, in common sense English?

It’s not so much that your question triggered my upvote. What triggered my upvote is that @The Librarian loved it. She almost never weighs in—her voice has become as rare as the voice of God in the days of Samuel—but she weighs in now.

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6 minutes ago, Thinking said:

There are divisions even amongst brothers and sisters now happening..fighting with each other..calling each other stupid and an idiot..not speaking to each other over THIS…..

This is why I am careful not to get into squabbles over it. I may post something that seems to me of substance, but if people disagree, I do not get into it. 

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4 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is why I am careful not to get into squabbles over it. I may post something that seems to me of substance, but if people disagree, I do not get into it. 

This is what it has come too….I am also at that point…as hard as it is..when the subject now comes up…when I hear such ignorance spouted…even with genuines behind such sayings…..the wisest thing to do now…is to keep silent for the sake of peace between us all….having said that there is a few of us older ones who have been around the block in the truth a number of times…speaking quietly to each other…in hushed tones….who would have thought hey!


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