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5 hours ago, xero said:

Only partially, I would say. Just because the CDC did not admit it does not mean it is not so. It reminds me of situations in which the refusal of blood transfusion is a factor. If I person fell into a meat grinder, emerging as hamburger, and thereafter refused a blood transfusion, that refusal is the cause of death, at least as far as the media is concerned. So it appears to be with comorbidities when one of them is Covid.

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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making m

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug.  The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passi


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2 hours ago, Thinking said:

Sadly it is still not enough for some to understand why many do not take the so called vaccination…I respect those who do….and why…but their is little respect or understanding for those who don’t.

when one truly investigates this….it fills one with absolute terror with what is coming upon mankind….and yet many brothers and sisters are caught unawares at the stage we are at…..for this is not really about a virus..it’s much darker than that.

There are divisions even amongst brothers and sisters now happening..fighting with each other..calling each other stupid and an idiot..not speaking to each other over THIS…..

One comment was made…..if any brother and sister refuse to take this they should be denied all access to any further medical treatment…

some one quick in mind replied….what if they took that stand when we refuse blood transfusions..

Unfortunately…this satanic plan is having success…in turning ..companion against companion….such is the power generated by hysteria and fear…so very sly and cunning is Satan in  How to cause divisions in so called countries claiming democracy.

He does not need such cunning in many other countries….the implications of what lays ahead is so utterly terrifying..that it leaves one dazed..and in great sorrow..as this is just the start.

Yes, even Jehovah's Witnesses aren't immune from what the media is spreading throughout the TV and social media. A lot of young JWs utilize social media. The powers can use anything at their disposal, even a  snippet of fear and division, and pour it out to ALL groups, as is ALL faiths, even those who are irreligious, they were able to do this with even children, which is amplified by the higher education system teaching CRT and a means to cause division among children, teens and young adults, something of which no one found out about until recently. Whenever a government aided power has a crisis on their hands, they can expel more power and authoritarian action among the people. 

There are those who did take a stand, it is liken to your stance on blood transfusion, which, because of the Pandemic, you not accepting a transfusion can no longer be an argument against you. It is also one of those reasons as to why Alt Left and Right media no longer press JWs about blood, moreover, Ambrosia resurfaced and the situation with the black markets went up after what was discovered in China.

Another thing is, while everyone is distracted, various things are taking place in the background, which will eventually lead to more panic buying, people moving out of the cities, etc. If you haven't noticed, Seeds have been bought up and or removed from stores, which raises the question as why seeds are being prohibited from the public in some areas?

That being said, power and fear can cause people to buckle, some, who are so enticed by the MSM as often fall in line and follow what is told to them as if they are an Empire based Stormtrooper under Order 66.

Satan is like a mix of Batman villains. Cunning for if not one scheme gets you, the other one can put you in between a rock and a hard place directly or indirectly. So you have to be really really strong in this type of situation, mainly due to the fact it is going to get much worse, hitting 1984ish-Bob Page levels as we speak.

I see this often quoted by some, which is true with the powers that be.

                            Winston Churchill quote: Never let a good crisis go to waste

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is why I am careful not to get into squabbles over it. I may post something that seems to me of substance, but if people disagree, I do not get into it. 

Cancel Culture will come for you if that is the case. They've been deleting and deplatforming people since the pandemic, even more since January 6th, to add their own narrative, re-writing history, and soon interjecting it into the higher education system, even going as far as to, wanting to dance at the graves of people who do not agree with them, which is insane. Media and social media deems anyone a threat if you do not align with their narrative of the pandemic, and you can easily get marked for cancellation, which in turn, can ruin your life, even your livelyhood, something of which Vice and the Dailybeast, teamed up with The Young Turks, is attempting with someone right now - to deplatform, cancel, erase history in regards to the individual; for they're doing this because they are disgruntled and using the pandemic and Jan. 6th as a weapon. Eslewhere, Alex Johns, was actually right on something, yet the MSM claim he lied, again this speaks volume.

So you'll have to tread carefully as to why you say, and what you do, even link in some platforms, mainly on social media.

Even the CDC needs to be viewed with skepticism, mainly after what they said:


Yet..... The vaccinated have become Trojan Horses, breakthrough spreaders. Misinformation drives all people into ruin.

That being said, the whole vaccine thing is up to a person's personal choice, no one should be pressed for their medical records, HIPPA comes into question which many ignore, even the media. But the whole fear factor thing is a powerful tool, and no one is immune to it if they get caught up into it, like that of a vortex you have to fight your way out of, as mentioned already to Thinking and in the other thread, JWs are in subjection to this, as with most. AS for the jokesters, and the misguided souls out there, even on this forums, they will get hit by this even harder, especially those in the EU, Germany is a foreshadowing of what is to come on their soil.

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53 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

JWs are in subjection to this, as with most.

I also don’t get into this much because it is not the main issue. If it is something that can get people sick in the long run—well, throw it on the stack. We all get sick in the long run.

The main thing for Witnesses is to focus on announcing the incoming kingdom under which no one will say ‘I am sick.’

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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I also don’t get into this much because it is not the main issue. If it is something that can get people sick in the long run—well, throw it on the stack. We all get sick in the long run.

The main thing for Witnesses is to focus on announcing the incoming kingdom under which no one will say ‘I am sick.’

I believe they're still doing that, but the pandemic can take it's toll on people, as is with the media and above it, the powers that be. It can get to some people, granted younger folks, due to the fact the higher education system are also a drive in this fear. Mainly for the fact in some instances, as a addressed in the past, 1st amendment can be effected and or the Bible being since as hate speech, with people pressing that idea.

The way I see it, the pandemic is like that of the first level off of a game, for example, Super Mario Bros, easy first world then you get to Bowser, then it gets progressively harder and harder as you progress through the worlds. Likewise, from the start of the pandemic we see how things played out, eventually it will come to a point of difficulty, i.e. no jab, no job at a grander scale. This is also like a precursor for when The End Time Tribulations start, of how we react, and what decisions and actions will be taken.

That being said, A.I. and robotics are coming along, some of which are patrolling people during the pandemic. Possibly more lockdowns, mainly with what is taking place in the EU.

The gospel of what is to come, mainly to those who keep to it, will have that message strengthen them, but still one needs to be careful, as for some, only a small number of folks are immune to the spread of fear and the like via MSM.


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On 4/16/2021 at 3:33 PM, Matthew9969 said:

So who here has gotten the vaccine shot? And how did you react?

Myself I got the Jand J shot a week ago and I feel fine.

I haven't gotten it, nor do I have a need for it. Plus I haven't been sick for years, a positive thing because I was raised in a family who weren't fans of American Foods, and the chemicals found in some products. A lot of the food I consume is grown in a garden, my aunt has a lot of grown vegetation and has animals which she takes care of and prepares for meals herself. tía knows what to do. The J&J is a mixed bag for some because there are some people who did succumb to a reaction, even blood clotting. One of the reasons why many speak with a doctor first before they make the decision to take the vaccine, and even the general public are in the same boat. The vaccine only increases protection, it does not make you immune, so over time it will wear out. So there is a possibility of some people needing to get more dosages, a 3rd, possibly 4th shot, and or it can be a yearly thing.

It does make you think tho why not just gun for the virus instead of evading it? Perhaps some people have a reason to keep the fear-o-meter jumping. I don't know where you live, but The Unites States, and parts of the EU, Middle East and Asia are conflicted, even divided on the whole virus/vaccine thing. At the end of the day, it is a matter of choice when it comes to the vaccine, and it is ironic too.

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On 4/17/2021 at 3:07 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug. 

The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passing on, the virus, so it proves to be just an experiment on people .  

Many older folk here in England are dying even after having the vaccine. 


To be honest, I got it out of a bit of selfish motive...I just wanted to add to the percentage of people that got it so they would start opening up social activities again.

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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

To be honest, I got it out of a bit of selfish motive...I just wanted to add to the percentage of people that got it so they would start opening up social activities again.

Well things won't get back to normal anytime soon. There are 2 types of normal, the one you once had, then you have the Orwellian Normal. Evidently, you will be in subjection to added protection.

EU will be hit the hardest in the next few months, UK, Germany, etc.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Well things won't get back to normal anytime soon. There are 2 types of normal, the one you once had, then you have the Orwellian Normal. Evidently, you will be in subjection to added protection.

EU will be hit the hardest in the next few months, UK, Germany, etc.

Only recently did I realize the Moderna and Pfizer aren't the usual vaccines we're used to (J&J is - the one I got), these are experimental.




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19 hours ago, xero said:

Only recently did I realize the Moderna and Pfizer aren't the usual vaccines we're used to (J&J is - the one I got), these are experimental.


Then you may be in subjection to added protection, should J&J go down that route. Regarding the other vaccines, some people will get a 3rd shot, even a 4th, more if we go Endemic, which seems to be the case for many and Truthers called this before we hit pandemic. For they've been experimenting these vaccines for sometime. In Dominican Republican, need to confirm this because I myself is looking into this, they've been testing on people mixed dosages. If this is the case, it would not surprise me if others started to do this. On the other side of the spectrum, in some parts of the EU, they swapped out vaccines allegedly.


That begin said, the fear as gotten to some folks' heads to the point they want another shot, even if they're not eligible for a booster shot for the other 2 noted vaccines.

The only group of people some do not really talk about are the people who have T Cell immunity, whereas, although not vaccinated, their able to fight off COVID-19 without even getting sick, pre-Delta and Lambda era.

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