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That’s what happens when you worship at the Church of Covid.

It’s blasphemy to disparage the holy vaccine, or it’s Prophets.

I can visualize a pro-abortion person chastising me for refusing “the shot”, with my reply being “My body,my choice!”, and see ifit short circuits their mind.

…….. Probably just get an oblivious blank stare.

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9 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I mentioned this a sometime ago to a Leftist, and the reaction was like that of him transforming into a monster due to his anger, and he simply shouted that I was a lair.

Funny how this goes yet anyone speaking of the matter, mainly this, is shut down or threatened.

As we speak, medical personnel are being booted from their jobs; we can see how much of a problem that will be. From Heroes to Villains, as the MSM portrays them.


If I understood, you work in IT as do I and what I've learned in the 43 years I've been doing this is to be suspicious of anyone who says "that's not supposed to happen". The use of that phrase suggests that the person imagines there's a 100 percent correspondence between his understanding and the external world. I've found that things are often complicated and in ways we don't expect. So when an end user says he experienced something it may be the proverbial short between the chair and the keyboard, but it also may be something else. I never let an end user think I think he's an idiot and imagining things because he might not. Take one weird thing that happened years ago in the mainframe days. We had a pc which had the newest tech at that time loaded on it - speech recognition. This was in the 80's. https://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?st=1&c=472 This was on a table in the computer room and behind the glass window there was an IBM 3838 array processor. People would come in and out and we had been getting these random hits on the array processor. I remember going on break, picking up a tech journal which mentioned EMI as the future of interference and noise to be concerned with. It clicked in my head that perhaps when they ran the voice recognition module it might be producing and EMI signal which produced the hits on the 3838. I suggested this to my supervisor who said "that's not supposed to happen". I said "Let's test the theory. If I'm right we can generate a hit on demand." So Juan B. went over, fired up the demo and boom! We got a hit on the 3838. It went away once they moved the desk. So when someone suggests that once in a while someone might not actually getting the shot in the muscle, I think that's a possibility. If I have to get another injection which is supposed to be in the muscle, I'll just ask them to please aspirate to be sure. It only takes five seconds.


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24 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

That’s what happens when you worship at the Church of Covid.

It’s blasphemy to disparage the holy vaccine, or it’s Prophets.

I can visualize a pro-abortion person chastising me for refusing “the shot”, with my reply being “My body,my choice!”, and see ifit short circuits their mind.

…….. Probably just get an oblivious blank stare.

These postmodernists only think that those who disagree with them can be hypocrites or inconsistent in their logic. 

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50 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

It just occurred to me that this emphasis on vaccination in order to have a job or privileges or opportunity might just be the “mark of the beast spoken of in revelation.

Just an idea, A throwaway comment, no more.

More of a force tactic. Before it was your choice to get the vaccine or not, the mantra "my body, my choice" now the script ahs been flipped because of all the fear and misinformation with a bit of segregation among the people, this also stems from the mandates. This is effecting everyone directly and indirectly, in all fields, institutions, etc. for instance, the NBA's legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, calls for unvaccinated players to be removed from teams (there is somewhat of a civil war in sports regarding COVID-19), whereas the New Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, warns health care workers to get vaccinated or be replaced by National Guard members, even in the cooperate and business side of things, you will be effectively terminated if you do not get vaccinated and show proof of vaccination prior to the first week of October. Mind you, this is taking place where the streets run blue, Democratic States.

This is slowly seeping into schools and religious institutions, hence people will be put to the test and some will evidently crack under pressure.

So essentially, if you do not get the jab, then you will not have a job, or have access to specific things, which some of us like myself saw coming of what this will lead to. Or as one Truther puts it "If you don't bow down at the altar of jabbo, you will be like that of a leper to the general public. Don't let them fool you." Therefore, a Cult around such a thing was formed.

Speaking of Truthers, we are about to take a hit in the coming days because YouTube wants to censor alleged misinformation and or those who are in opposition of the MSM, of which YouTube is backing by putting them, Big Tech and Big Pharma on the front page.

The irony in all this, it is said by some that Refugees are exempt from the jab, i.e. Afghan refugees.

The vaccine is only a protective measure, it does not make someone immune to the virus. People can take it by choice, like other medical procedures, even speak with their doctor about it, however, to express decree over such is a bit much. Although kids under 12 will not take it, some people have done such experimentation on children already. Pregnant women who cannot take the vaccine as of recent are demonized and still lose their jobs regardless. The effectiveness of the vaccine goes down over time, hence the extra jabs, for no everyone notice the extra slots on their cards, and the inevitable show of proof of vaccination (your papers).

As for the Mark of the Beast, no so much, an issue I take with those using the Endemic to speak as though God created the virus all while under the New Covenant, is an error, hence James 1:13 and all references for the verse. The truth of the matter is this can be equated to a foreshadowing of the things to come, granted, if you see people writing Jehovah and Jesus in various languages in some parts of the states with cryptic messages, you kind of see where this is going. When the Mark eventually comes, the state of various places on earth will be an even bigger Hellscape.

That being said, even prior to this @Kosonen and I were very vocal about Authoritarianism and how damaging it can be for everyone, look at Canada, France, especially Australia, with United Kingdom that will follow suit. The thing with the United States that is somewhat blocking the US from turning into Australia is the Constitution, however, that won't hold for long granted people of power, even the United Nations tried to work around it or manipulate it.

Lastly, the fact I am Anti-Agenda, I hate how they are pushing the narrative towards the people, mainly in forms of media, even cartoons towards kids, games and comics towards older ones and comedy for the adult folks, even brazen media is promoting the agenda.

Like I said, there are worse worse things to come, some things I do not really mention on here, so best to have a Batman level of preparedness.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

That’s what happens when you worship at the Church of Covid.

It’s blasphemy to disparage the holy vaccine, or it’s Prophets.

As we speak, people are saying that God created the vaccine in order to gain people, even religious people.

For even from a Christian standpoint, this is a personal choice for one self and or the family.

That being said, the Bow down at the Altar of Jabbo reference becomes a reality every day with the zealots for the vaccine and mandates.

1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

I can visualize a pro-abortion person chastising me for refusing “the shot”, with my reply being “My body,my choice!”, and see ifit short circuits their mind.

Unfortunately that phrase has become null, even if you are the one to proclaim it concerning the Endemic situation. You an now be attacked for said phrase.

1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

…….. Probably just get an oblivious blank stare.

Depends on the person, if they are leaning Left you will get a wild response if you catch them on a good day, as for the right leaners, you will also get a response, but not as crazy, some would even agree with you but encourage you to weaponize it against the Left.

That being said, those who took the vaccine will be subjected in the things to come, mainly for those who took the J&J, like I said, there are reasons as to why additional slots are on said card, and the 4-5 month dosage will become a reality, likewise with COVID-19 pills, and possibly some inject for the noses, something of which I am looking into to verify.

All in all, there will be an Increase of Economical Terrorism, as well as Medical Rape for the unsuspected, with a bit of experimentation. Children will be moved out of the schools and a lot of wild stuff will emerge from mid-Fall into Winter.

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5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

As we speak, medical personnel are being booted from their jobs; we can see how much of a problem that will be. From Heroes to Villains, as the MSM portrays them.

Did the CBS reporter really wonder why some might risk their jobs since the data shows unmistakably that shots are “safe for most people?”

Better not assign him to a story on Russian Roulette.

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I remember when Russian roulette used to be an Olympic sport dominated of course mostly by Russians. The most famous of which was Ivan “double click“ Gabonivitch, Who only competed every other Olympic games due to healing and recuperation.

Wow, what a sportsman!

“Ol’ Doubleclick” …. Now THERE was a competitor!

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13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Did the CBS reporter really wonder why some might risk their jobs since the data shows unmistakably that shots are “safe for most people?”

Better not assign him to a story on Russian Roulette.

On the other hand the moratorium on discussion is precisely what you would do if you wanted to foster a climate of suspicion and conspiracy. We had none of this w/regard to any of these other vaccines, just these. Never mind the emergency authorization orders would be invalid should they have been able to present evidence that effective theraputics were available (and there are and have been). This has been a political tool from the beginning. "Three Weeks to flatten the curve!".

The same can be said of the 'climate crisis'. If you follow the money you realize that there are people whose motivations are less about health or climate and more about power and money. 


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