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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making m

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug.  The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passi


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On 9/29/2021 at 6:38 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Did the CBS reporter really wonder why some might risk their jobs since the data shows unmistakably that shots are “safe for most people?”

Better not assign him to a story on Russian Roulette.

Yep, and they, along with the others in MSM are demonizing people. On the other side of the spectrum, the division and or segregation I speak of is also true for every community, even the JW community, are hit with this as well to which it creates a separation, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. I made that point to Brando and Arauna, it is going to get serious because now even social media will be in subjection to division if Goggle continues to go on the path they are on right now.


That being said, any area of which mandates are hitting the hardest is where the strongest breakage of said communities will take place. @Kosonen and I even pointed this out a while back, in my case, I even brought up a darker version of persecution, for the things of today is a foreshadowing of what is to come.

The other notation now is Freedom vs. Convenience, which is creating a crabs in a bucket/Frog in a boiling pot like situation for many who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Outside of that the economy is going to take a hit, the Shutdown I speak of to Admin and Librarian will be inevitable, and you have shortages incoming that can last up to 2023, mainly due to the fact of many ships being idle in the West Coast.

Just recently a lot of us Truthers took a hit and what we spoke of what went down with Facebook and all connected to it, has taken place today, that said, if you do not want your information sold in the black market, I suggest you up your security, not just for you, but for others too.

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13 hours ago, xero said:

Good information.  It's crazy though. I think things like this have happened here in UK, where the Police are told to do things that are not even written in law.  So much bluff and so many lies. 

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19 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Good information.  It's crazy though. I think things like this have happened here in UK, where the Police are told to do things that are not even written in law.  So much bluff and so many lies. 

According to what I have been getting now, The United Kingdom will be on schedule like their neighbors. Mainly due to the shortage effecting them as well, mainly due to what the British Military are doing right now, which is, in this sense, challenging for them, as is with the responses of Bojo (PM - Boris Johnson). What effects the US and UK indirectly is China, as is China's eyes being glued to Taiwan. So as said before the situation will get worse, and the effects will last up to 2023, if it becomes difficult, even longer than that until reset.

That being said, how police and military operate in some areas in connection to the powers that be, is a small taste of authoritarianism. UK is in a similar position to Canada right now. Allow it to grow bigger and stronger, and you have a big problem on your hands. What is deemed Constitutional, and or similar slows this growth, hence why we see the events of Australia compared to their allies and rivals.

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20 hours ago, xero said:

With the whole Facebook situation, information like this will be wiped out. As mentioned in the other thread, a lot of things is taking place concerning what The Left/Libs deemed misinformation, and now it puts the spotlight on those who oppose them, this includes Truthers as a whole. Should things go side ways, and Section 230 flourishes, there wouldn't be a lot of truth to be spoken in the face of conspiracy, even in the light of talk of COVID-19.

The most damning thing is this sets everyone up for the reset and what is to take place 2030 and onwards at a faster pace.

That being said, I've mentioned COVID-19 Pills. Granted they can't get people to vaccinated, although they have a choice, do not be surprise if they enforce it. The pills will have to be taken multiple times, as is the vaccine, granted, the effectiveness, mainly Pfizer and J&J with Pfizer going down to 84% after 6 months, reduces protection over time, so it may be an every few months type of things, which justifies this pandemic is actually Endemic. Also, Natural Immunity is also talked negatively by many.

Interestingly enough, in the Independent Journalist space, it has gotten some people worked up, in the Truther community what transpired with IJ Pool and Murphy was talked about a lot, even that of which Mr. Southern stated (Her being called "Mr." has a history behind it)


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  • 3 weeks later...
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@xero A lot of things transpired recently. The Joe Rogan vs. Sanjay Gupta situation, those under 12 will evidently get the vaccine, China having a large amount of DNA/Genetic data via US healthcare systems due to COVID-19 as IA entails, if you do not take the jab, for some, there is a high chance of Social Security Checks to be withheld and a possibility of evictions. On top of all that, it seems the one the Cult of the Woke and the Left refers to as Lord may have lied; the NIH may have admitted that they did fund gain of function studies, thus making Fauci now appear to be a lair, but as you know, the MSM will not address that and will try to spin the narrative as they did with Colin Powell. Late Fall into Winter will be another set of stormy days.

That being said, all this stuff can cause you to drift from other objectives at times. Us Truthers have been eyeing Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Gates, so outside of COVID-19, us as is with you and everyone else, be careful to lose focus, as many did with other events.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

Well the situation is getting worse. Whatever New York does New Jersey, a blue state, might end up doing. Other then that the situation provided memes lol, not too many people are happy or laughing in dark times so... 😆 




Back in the day when you got a vaccine it meant you didn’t catch the disease. It doesn’t mean that anymore, and people schooled in the old ways, like the guy in the third video, are having a hard time with the new definition.

To be sure, the flu vaccines, not the Covid ones, have already introduced the idea that you could get the shot with no benefit.

It does seem to me that the media is doing backflips to avoid stating the obvious: people are leaving the workforce where possible to avoid the mandates.

Just finished repackaging some remarks I first made here, (except for the Newsweek link, which was JWI) on gain-of-function. It is another term—they proliferate today—that one day nobody has ever heard of, and the next day is ubiquitous.


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The other thing about these vaccines which could be an issue, but which it's verboten to wonder about or discuss is the question as to whether all these vaccines are generating mutations or the question as to whether we are creating the problem of vaccine dependency...think of the numbers of people who have peanut allergies today or asthma because these weren't naturally exposed to environmental toxins while growing up. Now they have to carry epi pens with them or they might die from certain environmental hazards we all dealt w/easily.

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Well the situation has gotten worse with recent news regarding China - https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-urges-families-keep-stores-daily-needs-ahead-winter-2021-11-02/

It is 100% certain of what the CCP will do in this situation, divisions of the haves and have nots. The Segregation mentioned before, is taking place, and will spread even more than this virus.

The irony here is people who brought this up, even us Truthers were censored badly, and branded as conspiracy theorist.

T-88 days until critical mass. For what I have said, as is with @Kosonen had said, will evidently come to fruition, and of it, a reset.

That being said, @xero @TrueTomHarley @Equivocation your faith community will evidently get hit by the Freedom vs Compliance situation, aside from the problems amassed by the mandates. Granted you are all aware of the situation with Moses in the wilderness, expect it, be it among you and your former members, this can be equated to the Holocaust, or Hutu vs Tutsi, perhaps the infighting among SDA taking place, whereas some breaking points can lead to issues, and some situations can be weaponized to a degree.

There's more information I had, but that got deleted apparently because anything connected to big tech, they want their form of information to be professed while others are censored or removed, hence why I am not in favor of section 230 because it is a Trojan Horse. As for you @Matthew9969, you'll be effected by all this due to what J&J has in store since that is the one given to you.

As a forewarning, do not let news and media distract you from what is taking place. Right now, The United States and the United Kingdom is on center stage, for the news of which the MSM deem false, that I wanted to say in this regard was wiped out.


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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It does seem to me that the media is doing backflips to avoid stating the obvious: people are leaving the workforce where possible to avoid the mandates.

The MSM is clever and can easily sway the unaware. Not sure if you noticed the proclamation of Pfizer recently, which is quite eerie, notice the majority is Left leaning:


3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Just finished repackaging some remarks I first made here, (except for the Newsweek link, which was JWI) on gain-of-function. It is another term—they proliferate today—that one day nobody has ever heard of, and the next day is ubiquitous.


The gain of function situation was what Rand Paul took issue with in regards to, on quote, Lord Fauci, end quote.

That being said, if that website is associated with you, be vigilante of censorship. Evidently there are some out there who will commit harm to get you deplatform should they find you, this was the case with Solider of God, in which he pointed out regarding himself and his support team:


It is with GREAT humility and a heavy heart that I have created this page ... As most of you already know I am not one to ask for help or donations. All I've ever asked for is your prayers. However, Since YouTube and Google have decided to censor TRUTH, I am finding it harder and harder to continue.
The Solider of God channel and website have been under attack for quite some time...

That being said... Make No Mistake!!! I Will Not Compromise. I Will Not Comply. I Will Not Submit. I Will Not Break. I Will Not Roll Over. I Will Not Sit Down. I Will Not Shut Up. I Will Not Go Quietly. I Will Not Give Up. I Will Not Surrender! I Will Stand For Truth. I Will Protect The Innocent. I Will Defend My Family To The Death. I Love Peace, But I Am A Fierce Enemy. I Will Fight For Christ I Will Die For Christ I Live By A Special Code. I AM A Soldier OF GOD!! Whos With Me? Reality is not what we were taught. The real world is very different and here is a glimpse into the truth.

If they can take him down, half his team, and or anyone the Left and the crazed do not like, they can do the same to you. Who knows, perhaps they would come after Admin here too. Depending on how heavy the censorship gets after everything goes critical.

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