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I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making m

I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug.  The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passi


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1 hour ago, xero said:

Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place?

The MSM are fooling people, yet they do not speak much of the situation in Florida, as is the vaccinated spreading the sickness to other vaccinated, as we can see in various parts of the world. The Crisis is only prolonged in which the powers that be want more power and control. Sure they can get people to vaccinate, be it their choice (granted it is wise to speak with a doctor), but at the same time, it lands people into a system of which the mandates will also play a contributing factor into shifting people into more division, perhaps grander then that segregation of old. More so, it allows people to hit their breaking point and to some, show off their true colors, which will create pack mentality and other problems.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have the powers that be and their puppets concerning the mandates. Granted things will pop off badly in the span of the next few weeks, those in power will ty to usher in more things to create more problems for the people, even if it means to bypass anything constitutional, the edict of President Joe Biden, being an example.

For what he is doing, he is trying to push something of which he does not have must authority to do so; the thing is, likewise to some degree with congress. His target, now being OSHA, for by January 4th, enforcement to comply. He does who do not, will be effected by such mandates.

That being said, it is a shame that some people who are unaware get fooled by anything pertaining to the Woke or the Left, for the political paradigm does cannot fix anything, for man will drive their own into ruin in this sense. But as I said, there are various things in the works as the weeks go on by, specifically the US and the UK, for some things they are willing to adopt which will drive the common folk to a tipping point. The unaware will not see it unfortunately and they themselves will be devoured by the roaming beast of the system becoming one with it. Proverbs 22:3 comes to mind in this regard, for those who see the big problem vs those who do not.

Unfortunately the other platforms tend to be molded by the MSM, as some here also share that too sadly.

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I thought that in 1945 the International  courts that were convened in Nuremberg Germany by Allied Forces firmly established the fact that it is illegal and immoral to force someone to take any medical treatment that they object to.

They actually took some German soldiers, medical personnel out and hung them by the neck until dead because they did this.

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3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I thought that in 1945 the International  courts that were convened in Nuremberg Germany by Allied Forces firmly established the fact that it is illegal and immoral to force someone to take any medical treatment that they object to.

They actually took some German soldiers, medical personnel out and hung them by the neck until dead because they did this.

The argument given is that it's voluntary given that your job, etc. is a privilege, not a right.

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On 11/5/2021 at 1:42 PM, Pudgy said:

What is a MSM?

What @xero pointed out, it represents Mainstream Media. MSM consist of various News Outlets as is Online ones, of which is branched out into Social Media and other platforms. After the Blood sport Era, The MSM has not only been pressing at their rivals, the Right Wings, and those equated to them, but they also began to press at Independent Journalists, as well as Truthers, who they attempt to dub us, and Independent Journalists to some degree, as Conspiracy Theorists. The MSN also supports certain groups, i.e. The Left will side with BLM and ANTIFA whereas the Right will side with members such as Patriot's Prayer, Pride Boys, Trump Supporters, etc. Qanon is an odd ball group of which the Left will weaponize against their rivals.

Some of these people are not pleasant in person. In my case, it was Yvette Felarca, she is crazy, and if you are a white man, you will not be walking away from her and her group, hence her past actions.

The MSM also tricks people, and at times, even use celebrities and other super stars to do it, essentially, making them a tool, for example, if someone said the Bible was an Extremists , there will be one sided narratives in order to push people to be influenced by this. We have an ongoing situation right now in regards to the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

On 11/5/2021 at 2:54 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Because SM and the Truthers have some special 'media' which is not main stream and they keep it secret amongst themselves :) 

We do not follow the paradigm when it comes to the media, nor do we have a one sidedness mentality as the majority, even you, attest to. We do not have a special secretive type of media either.

Truthers do not keep secrets, in fact, we simply want people to know the truth of things, and do not want them to fall victim to misinformation. This is why Big Tech, and those of the MSM favor censoring us, as is, those under them, who are committed to do the same thing to us, and lie about it at the same time.

That being said, speaking of misinformation, Truthers, such as myself are able to discern the NYT articles for falsehood and influence, an example would be the one you addressed before that were Hit-Pieces, which was trying to push the LGBTQ community narrative. I call this out, likewise, with you believing what Witness professed, which came from Smurf Girl, who is a conspiracy theorist. Also there was Newscorp.... The list goes on.

On 11/5/2021 at 3:10 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Believe me, Fido knows what the mainstream media is. Ask him what CNN stands for.

The unaware are not all knowing of the inner workings of the MSM, and they are the types to fall victim to it very easily. Makes me think how things would be when things get Biblical, at a higher level.

That being said, CNN, otherwise known as Cable News Network, is Leftist media. This is why some Truthers call CNN the Communist News Network. The Leftism spreads like wildfire into others in that same paradigm, such as MSNBC, ABC, etc. As we speak, in regards to COVID-19, they continue to lie and brand others as lairs, and they continue to, sing the praise of Fauci, let, right and center. Various things has taken place, and will take place and they will not report it and if any of their own looks bad, they will paint them as a Saint.

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