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On 11/6/2021 at 9:50 PM, xero said:

The argument given is that it's voluntary given that your job, etc. is a privilege, not a right.

There is a high possibility that Boosters will be mandated too. Which will really hurt even more people.

On 11/6/2021 at 11:52 PM, Pudgy said:

Freedom is like a Salami ... you would go to war if they stole the whole Salami at once ... but they steal it from you slice, by slice, by slice ... none of which people are willing to go to war over.

But over time ....

Freedom .... like the Salami, has disappeared.

Well we are in a Freedom vs Compliance like situation right now in which everyone can easily be effected by this, regardless of race, background, religion, sex, etc. No matter the age either, granted, the situation spoken about in the past concerning segregation, is a reality, or some two-tier like system. As for our children, even among them, there ahs been a cause of division, reasons why the whole Tim Pool vs Jack Murphy thing shows this point.

That being said, as the weeks go by, as the days go on by, you are going to see what a concerned beast will do.

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…. I remember my Guardian telling me about his growing up during the Civil Rights protests during the early 1960’s where the white people sat in the front of the bus, and the black people sat in the back of the bus, and Senator Kennedy of Massachusette’s made an empassioned plea that All People be considered as “green”.

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

What @xero pointed out, it represents Mainstream Media. MSM consist of various News Outlets as is Online ones, of which is branched out into Social Media and other platforms. After the Blood sport Era, The MSM has not only been pressing at their rivals, the Right Wings, and those equated to them, but they also began to press at Independent Journalists, as well as Truthers, who they attempt to dub us, and Independent Journalists to some degree, as Conspiracy Theorists. The MSN also supports certain groups, i.e. The Left will side with BLM and ANTIFA whereas the Right will side with members such as Patriot's Prayer, Pride Boys, Trump Supporters, etc. Qanon is an odd ball group of which the Left will weaponize against their rivals.

Some of these people are not pleasant in person. In my case, it was Yvette Felarca, she is crazy, and if you are a white man, you will not be walking away from her and her group, hence her past actions.

The MSM also tricks people, and at times, even use celebrities and other super stars to do it, essentially, making them a tool, for example, if someone said the Bible was an Extremists , there will be one sided narratives in order to push people to be influenced by this. We have an ongoing situation right now in regards to the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

We do not follow the paradigm when it comes to the media, nor do we have a one sidedness mentality as the majority, even you, attest to. We do not have a special secretive type of media either.

Truthers do not keep secrets, in fact, we simply want people to know the truth of things, and do not want them to fall victim to misinformation. This is why Big Tech, and those of the MSM favor censoring us, as is, those under them, who are committed to do the same thing to us, and lie about it at the same time.

That being said, speaking of misinformation, Truthers, such as myself are able to discern the NYT articles for falsehood and influence, an example would be the one you addressed before that were Hit-Pieces, which was trying to push the LGBTQ community narrative. I call this out, likewise, with you believing what Witness professed, which came from Smurf Girl, who is a conspiracy theorist. Also there was Newscorp.... The list goes on.

The unaware are not all knowing of the inner workings of the MSM, and they are the types to fall victim to it very easily. Makes me think how things would be when things get Biblical, at a higher level.

That being said, CNN, otherwise known as Cable News Network, is Leftist media. This is why some Truthers call CNN the Communist News Network. The Leftism spreads like wildfire into others in that same paradigm, such as MSNBC, ABC, etc. As we speak, in regards to COVID-19, they continue to lie and brand others as lairs, and they continue to, sing the praise of Fauci, let, right and center. Various things has taken place, and will take place and they will not report it and if any of their own looks bad, they will paint them as a Saint.

There a groups of people in the Ukraine who made between $9,000 and $15,000 a day making up totally false “clickbait”, at two cents per “click”, during the Trump/Clinton Presidential campaign.

”Follow the money”, and everything becomes clear.

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17 hours ago, Pudgy said:

There a groups of people in the Ukraine who made between $9,000 and $15,000 a day making up totally false “clickbait”, at two cents per “click”, during the Trump/Clinton Presidential campaign.

”Follow the money”, and everything becomes clear.

It is more of an underground. But not all of them do this for money, but as of late, Crypto Currency has been of interest by Hackers, even the Black Hats. The parallel to this is there are those who the Left had influence with propaganda, to which an Agenda, one of them being the infamous Russian Collusion.

In the age of COVID-19, false information is always spreading, more so, false information can also be pushed to influence people to look at someone or a group differently, at times, in hopes of chancing segregation and division, which seems to be working for them against the unaware.

15 hours ago, xero said:

Unfortunately the MSM will no give out the information accordingly. The goal is to make Kyle look like the bad guy when the latter (who's intent was to kill Kyle for he was armed as well) look like a Saint. Even the Judge in this trial is annoyed by the MSM, which should tell you something. The witness, Gabe, pretty much killed his own case.

The testimony in question proves Rittenhouse Witness was actually the Assailant, the irony is, he thought Kyle to be a police officer, which explains his gleeful intent to kill until it backfired on him. There was also some talk about by some that the FBI had a role in this, in their attempt, to make Kyle the bad guy also, and defend the witness in question; fuel for Extreme Leftism to be ever more crazed and mentally deranged as before.

As I stated in the other thread regarding indirect action, it began with Bannon, and it will start with others too. January 6th was no more than a move on a game of chess to get to this point now.

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@xero @Space Merchant Well this whole Kyle Rittenhouse case is spinning heads, and somehow the news made it about race. I saw that Bannon was taken in, so what is the deal with that? Also SM, someone said Silver Haired Truther during the Verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse, any idea who that may be? I found name well title, but not sure 100%

@Matthew9969 Well now they're encouraging booster shots for J&J people. I guess some people saw this coming because of Indonesia and Dominican Republic.

@Pudgy I guess it depends on which state you live in. The severity of how the mandates effect things. Texas and Florida are being criticized for some reason, and some EU country.

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On 11/15/2021 at 9:05 PM, Equivocation said:

@xero @Space Merchant Well this whole Kyle Rittenhouse case is spinning heads, and somehow the news made it about race. I saw that Bannon was taken in, so what is the deal with that? Also SM, someone said Silver Haired Truther during the Verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse, any idea who that may be? I found name well title, but not sure 100%

That case has been my focus for the past 2 weeks, along with the case regarding Ahmaud Arbery. Been in several debates so far regarding Rittenhouse, 8 debates, 3 still ongoing. The MSM made it about Race and Politics, something very stupid for them to do, and they influence the masses with misinformation and inaccuracies. So much so, even my friendly adversary made a few points of her own. The MSM was also caught cutting streams with a brazen lie concerning the trial and MSNBC stalked the Jurors.

Guilty was practically not guilty from the start and the trial was not necessary. For the past 8 days in the trial they tried to get him on Joseph Rosenbaum. There was an issue with video evidence tampering where the defendants for Kyle got the wrong one, compressed, in addition, since the death of Rosenbaum by the hands of Kyle was deemed reckless homicide, it was still within grounds of Self-Defense, mainly via Law in Wisconsin. Although all persons involved having a history, namely Rosenbaum, who violated/abused several children, some even not reported, somehow this guy was released and he got himself into the Kenosha Unrest, and there is another man, Black Man, who was dubbed Jump Kick Man, who also had a criminal history; some believe his Ninja style kick emboldened the late Huber to attack Kyle with his skateboard and immediately getting shot/killed. The whole situation could have been avoided with the police and those in authority didn't cave into the demands of specific groups and those who support them. Regardless, this is the court room and that stuff is not as focused.

The issue with Kyle, it was not him who was on trial, but rather, as from what I have seen, The Constitution's First and Second Amendment, as is with those who uphold their bearing of arms rights. This also brought forth a huge battle with the Left vs the Right, as is those in between like us Truthers and Independent Journalists.

We kind of already knew about the situation with Steve Bannon and Project Veritas, and a lot of nefarious things what the government and MSM such as MSNBC and the NYT have been doing. Although one does not always agree with these guys 100% of the time, the fact of what took place with them is an indirect action, something of which I always talked about on here.

As for the Truther guy, I assume you are talking about old man Brian. Like him, me and the majority of us, were laser focused on the Kyle Rittenhouse situation. So much so, it was a rare moment where Independent Journalists and us Truthers actually sat down to speak, we even had the company of various lawyers who interacted with the community.

That being said, these debates with Leftist are annoying, but at the same time, they need to be called out for their nonsense, and at times, ignorance and stupidity. They were spoon fed by those with an agenda.

On 11/15/2021 at 9:50 PM, xero said:

@equivocation I've surmised that the fuss is "Hey! We should be able to riot, loot and burn and pillage w/o worry that someone might shoot us"

These silly groups seek opportunity to cause trouble and nothing more. Talked about them a lot, but because of Rittenhouse now, they want to cause even more trouble, and it is the same usual folks who are committed to such actions. They are pushing riots and now we have a contender on the list of combatants, The Revolutionists. The fact the ACLU took action some days ago, it is no surprise the United Nations might chime in again as they did back in 2017.

That being said these groups are very sick. A child molester is now seen as a hero, granted I am very vocal on what some of the Left have to say about pedophilia, moreover, some of these, people in authority and power, they joked about a teenager being raped in isolation, others wanted to witness said teenager be killed in the most gruesome way possible, then you have some who professed to see cities and towns, even Kenosha burn down - the irony in this is Facebook and Twitter left these messages up, only for the person who gave the message to delete it themselves. It is people with this mindset that are a danger to everyone, and it shows how politics and misinformation can drive some crazy.

It is stuff like this, that can indirectly effect people. Granted your faith community cannot preach gospel, those in the insane Left or Right can indirectly effect you in the long run.

That said, the days are counting down, and there is a clustered build up of things that will literally explode in people's faces. What you see now is mere leaks from the powder keg of events.

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20 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

When I get my booster I'm going to request a booster seat.

Since you took the JNJ, it is anything goes for Boosters of your choosing, perhaps pfizer. But you will need to get another granted effectiveness does reduce over time.

As pointed out before, mentioned below:

On 10/27/2021 at 4:27 PM, Space Merchant said:

which in turns correlate with the break down of the federal government’s plan for a 4th procedure.

This essentially means you will be getting more Boosters than recommended in the coming year(s). The 4th procedure isn't shy of mixing shots either, hence transpired in Dominican Republic, which Big Pharma wanted to hide from the masses who took the jab while at the same time shaming anyone who took ivermectin (or intimidate any medical personnel who recommends it), now is a reality for the majority who are vaccinated. Then you have the pills, of which the media and the Left would say is a lie until now.

That being said, the COVID-19 has become a Gold Standard Medical Procedure, but some people will opt out, even their own children, they opt out, should a medical professional protest against the parent(s) or even a minor will attempt to refuse, a situation which is very similar to others. As for the vaccinated, they too still get COVID-19, in some instances, multiple times.

Other than that, it is propaganda all around.

Some of us already know what is next, but as you can see, Big Tech Soldiers like to censor a lot of information in favor of the MSM and Big Tech. As for mandates, the NBA did this with Boosters, so any Blue Wave area will do the same eventually, and or if outside of the US, something Draconian concerning mandates will be proclaimed.

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