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The Last Days that began in 1914 are now coming to their End...


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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

It's all the evidence that he has been able to gather. He does a ton of the legwork. You are free to come to your own conclusions about what the evidence can mean.

I see. It's like Wikipedia, then. Thank you for the correction. I imagine the person that submitted that mistake must not have been well-educated in the history of Pastor Russell in particular, not necessarily the association that consisted of many denominations. I suspect, that is the reason certain Bible Student groups do associate with Adventist, while Russell personally rejected it as a form of pluralism.

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I think I just happened to run across another post like the one you were speaking about above. https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/61369/was-the-1914-prophecy-derived-from-the-book-o

Actually it was very similar to the way Miller/Barbour/Russell calculated 1844/1874 and ultimately even 1914. The primary way of calculating 1914 was not the seven times of Leviticus 26 (which later b

In secret you can, or with those whom you hope you can trust. (Micah 7:5,6) I see Jws on here in disagreement with the 1914 doctrine. Yet, they are still considered brothers.  It is a disfellowshippin

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On 10/4/2021 at 10:55 PM, JW Insider said:

(ResLight also complained that Google is deleting a lot of posts where he claims that Russell was not a JW. He seems to think that someone (or organization?) with authority has been able to influence Google to treat ResLight's claims about Russell's NON-association with JWs as fake news. It's hard for him to keep up with maintaining disappearing links, etc.)

I'll check to see if there are anyone else who may know about the minister, for there are others who speak of Pastor Russell, and are not as one sided as many people tend to be concerning this pastor.

As for Google, situation is ridiculously deep.

There has been several situations in which, granted Google and YouTube are connected, waves of people getting deplatformed (post Bloodsport Era), removed, deleted, terminated, be it comment and or video, and on the Google Search side of things, searches for specific things are lowered compared to most, or simply neutralized (equivalent to cancel culture today but more damaging). It has been an ongoing battle for years now, so Reslight's material vanishing or being moved is no surprise.

Google is heavily influenced by Leftism, and a bit of Liberalism (as with all Big Tech), this is why various events, i.e. January 6th, is censored a lot and what is there is only what those of the Agenda want you to see, this is the same for some who hold no political side, and are neutral, but to them it is a mixed bag in which some material produced by them, even via blogs are simply reduced at times, in favor of what Big Tech wants you to see.

On the other side of the spectrum, on the Religious side of things, is also effected. Some JW and Bible Students are having some of their content vanish because of those who use hold influence in opposition to them and they use the system to flag (The tool of the YouTube and Google Police) on Google and YouTube, this is the case with the 1975 video made by the ExJW to debunk JWfacts claims, and the system was used not only to wipe his video out, but his channel, other times they provoke the creator in order to get them to do or say something to get them terminated, i.e. the events related to the man who stopped a protest at a park organized by ExJWs.

That being said, the events in connection to Facebook, Project Veritas, even that of COVID-19 puts some of us, even Truthers in a David vs. Goliath like situation. So anyone who is Anti-Agenda are essentially targets, the unaware of tricked. So many people, including me, will get hit hard by this if this turns sideways; granted the situation with the whistleblower of Facebook, with many Leftist involved in a hearing concerning Big Tech, censorship will evidently increase drastically and will effect, mainly with a lot more talk about Section 203. Times like this, it makes you think only a matter of time where the Bible itself will be in subjection to censorship in due time.

Other then that, some hold enough power to even shut this place down if need be. If they can do it to Parler, Gab, various blogs, etc.


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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Google is heavily influenced by Leftism, and a bit of Liberalism (as with all Big Tech), this is why various events, i.e. January 6th, is censored a lot and what is there is only what those of the Agenda want you to see,

This has been very true, especially in the Trump era where any Trump supporter was "demonized' in most of the MSM and this quickly bled over into methods of reporting on Covid-19 data, the promoted view of the vaccine, leftist late night comedians, mid-day talk shows, etc. It all creates a vicious cycle that ultimately exacerbates partisanship and bifurcation of societies all over the world.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

this is the same for some who hold no political side, and are neutral, but to them it is a mixed bag in which some material produced by them, even via blogs are simply reduced at times, in favor of what Big Tech wants you to see.

I agree that Big Tech, political and corporate agenda is behind a lot of it, but not always in the way people would guess. Because it really is a "vicious" cycle, any side can win a few battles simply by going on a surreptitious campaign to flag what they don't like from another side. If you talk to a lot of people on the left (and on the further left, especially), they are able to point out just as many cases of their own favorite sources and resources being taken down for apparently no reason. Except for the "corporate left" and large-scale culture warrior campaigns from the "academic left," they don't have the money or clout or organizational skills (or cohesiveness) to create the kind of campaigns that the right is often capable of mounting. For the same reasons, they also can't present their complaints as easily.

But if you look hard enough you can find solid evidence presented where Neo-Nazi, pro-Nazi, white supremacist hate speech, war-mongering, race-baiting, pro-pornography, pro-torture, etc., has been allowed to remain amidst complaints when those who complain are instantly labeled "Antifa" or the like and "disappeared." In another type of example, my son showed me documentation of literally hundreds of Twitter posters who have exposed the lies of Falun Gong and the supposed persecution of Muslims in China, all being deleted at once. (He had been following people on both sides of this issue, so had personal knowledge of how true the complaint was.) Exposing abuses by US allies has brought similar swift results to many social media accounts.

Covid-19 related "fake news" has taken on a life of its own, but easily predicted under the current social climate.

But there is also a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty in partisan campaigns, and there are even those who fake their own "persecution." So we also have to be careful what we trust from every side.

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On 10/5/2021 at 5:30 PM, JW Insider said:

He does a ton of the legwork.

I even helped in out with this. He wanted a copy of Nelson Barbour’s will. I ran down to the courthouse to fetch one for him.

On 10/5/2021 at 5:30 PM, JW Insider said:

You are free to come to your own conclusions about what the evidence can mean.

The evidence points to Nelson not ending up as a wealthy man. He bequeaths specific pieces of furniture to various parties..

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@JW Insider Indeed, because the MSM tend to rage against the Orange Man, and or anyone against the Agenda.
Yes there are various groups that spawn from both sides, the ones more notable is ANTIFA and their adversary, The Proud Boys. In ANTIFA's case, they tend to simply attack anyone that do not agree with them, in most cases, anyone who is a white male, granted today's society pushes such attacks on people.
This is true, I have confronted some Leftist before, and they have provided the sources they deem is true, even when challenged and corrected, they refuse to listen and can get violent.

The only leader of the group I had ran into directly was Berkeley teacher Yvette Felarca of BAMN, a militant, far left group, and this woman was extremely aggressive, was not too happy of paraphrased Bible verses, of which she deems hate speech, so much so, she deems those using anything Christian based used against her and her group as "Bible-thumping bigots" and automatically assume the person, myself, as a Democrat. The irony was unlike many they could have assaulted me right then and there, but because I was black, they also assumed I was associated with BLM, granted, BAMN supports BLM, especially in the in Berkeley situation back in 2014, as is what she did afterwards with  Milo Yiannopoulos, who is a British Far/Alt-Right Winger. Then you got the events of 2017 whereas the Left and the Right were at it, this time with White Supremacist and their leader, Richard Spencer, and on top of that, what the United Nations attempted to do with the Constitution, which failed.

This is true, for the Left will say and do things because they feel they have the freedom to do so, but in some cases, some of their content/comments are taken down, but the majority of takedowns were of people of the right and or neutral, that does not align with those of Big Tech's way of thinking, i.e. Hassan Piker, Stephen Molyneux, the Gina Carano situation in comparison to Pedro Pascal, etc. Other times they do take down things without warning, and or if there are people backing the removal, which explains the case with Reslight, for the fact he speaks about Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses, mainly on a Goggle centric base, it will effect him in some type of way, in general, even outside of Religion, just the Bible alone, should you explain context in a way that someone does not like, you can be subjected to what happened to people like Reslight, for instance, if you challenged Soco Films, a Trinitarian Christian Community on YouTube, you can get shutdown in a way, and or James White followers.

The Cooperate and Academic Left do have some power, although some in Leftism, if they do not have financial means to commit action, they can bring forth influence, for instance in Higher Education, there has been some indoctrination going on of which some realized how damaging it is, as is with some form of Child Abuse being taught in some manner, children given material to sway their thinking while at the same time make them very uncomfortable.

The situation in China, some, even myself, equate it to what is going on with the Black Markets in organ and blood. Speaking about such will often times land some unhappy visitors on certain platforms.

Exactly, there is a lot of misinformation about COVID-19 as well as legitimate fake news, and some truths, of which some consider fake news, in addition to the fear mongering. As of now, COVID-19 is giving those in power more ability to exploits a crisis, and very soon, the full effects will be felt by many in the time of the reset.

That being said, it is always wise to look into things and think critically vs what the MSM says or some other form of media. The last thing anyone need is to be influenced by the MSM, and when that happens, they already have you.

I remember mentioning to Arauna about more dark and stricter forms of persecution, granted JWs are neutral, some wonder how they would handle or react should the powers that be censor them on grounds of the Bible itself, since slowly but surely, some people are viewing the Bible as a form of hate speech (like in schools) in some parts of the US and should it escalate, people, mainly the Left will react.

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@JW Insider The irony regarding Reslight's content being deleted/removed. Apparently, some of us took a hit yesterday, me included, regarding a situation in Loudon County. My Debate with someone was completely wiped out, yet his remarks remain. The debate revolved around a high schooler who was sexually assaulted by a boy, supposedly older than the girl, who dressed up as a girl, to access the girl's bathroom. The girl's father is very angry and the school and the county are seemingly pretending that the situation of sexual assault did not happened. Some media that also talked about this were deleted/removed in favor of the opposition's narrative, in a sense, in a defense of the Trans Gender community.

If they can do this, they can do the same to you in the future, as is with your faith community, granted, more and more anything related to Scripture is starting to appear as hate speech in the eyes of a few people.

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