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Some people can't do the math.


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Some people can't do the math. It's really quite simple - if you've been vaccinated, go about your life as normal. No need for a mask.
I think it's a rather simple IQ test.
If you're still wearing one after you're vaccinated because "How do I know if the other people are really vaccinated?", the answer is simple "It's none of your business". If you aren't vaccinated for various reasons, that's your problem - take whatever precautions you feel necessary. But if you are vaccinated, stop being weird and sticking your nose into other people's business.
You might as well go full-on-neurotic-germaphobe then and never go out in public again because "Who knows whether these people washed their hands" or "I don't really know what's going on in that kitchen" or "Me ride a bus? Has this bus been subjected to gamma radiation to kill all the bugs?"
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Reminds me of the time I came to a door that had two no soliciting signs. I rang the doorbell and asked them if they'd like to buy another no soliciting sign. The guy laughed and took the magazines.

Some people can't do the math. It's really quite simple - if you've been vaccinated, go about your life as normal. No need for a mask. I think it's a rather simple I

Ok .. let's do some math. To have a valid premise, you will need to look up the actual sizes of things yourself. 1.) Write down the size of a Covid 19 Virus (diameter) ______________________

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Ok .. let's do some math.

To have a valid premise, you will need to look up the actual sizes of things yourself.

1.) Write down the size of a Covid 19 Virus (diameter) _______________________ ,

2.) Write down the pore size of a N95 mask. ( much smaller than what we typically wear ) _____________.

3.) Divide #2, by #1 _______________.


I think, if you visualize this, you will see that it's about as effective as trying to keep flies out of your yard ,,,,,, with a chain link fence.


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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Ok .. let's do some math.

To have a valid premise, you will need to look up the actual sizes of things yourself.

1.) Write down the size of a Covid 19 Virus (diameter) _______________________ ,

2.) Write down the pore size of a N95 mask. ( much smaller than what we typically wear ) _____________.

3.) Divide #2, by #1 _______________.


I think, if you visualize this, you will see that it's about as effective as trying to keep flies out of your yard ,,,,,, with a chain link fence.


It certainly is w/the cloth masks.

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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I think, if you visualize this, you will see that it's about as effective as trying to keep flies out of your yard ,,,,,, with a chain link fence.

That's probably not quite right, because this particular virus doesn't just fly through the air except on a droplet of moisture. It's the size of that droplet of moisture that has to get through the mask.

Note the always-perfectly-correct NIH comments here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7293495/

The practice of social distancing and wearing masks has been popular worldwide in combating the contraction of COVID-19. Undeniably, although such practices help control the COVID-19 pandemic to a greater extent, the complete control of virus-laden droplet and aerosol transmission by such practices is poorly understood. This review paper intends to outline the literature concerning the transmission of virus-laden droplets and aerosols in different environmental settings and demonstrates the behavior of droplets and aerosols resulted from a cough-jet of an infected person in various confined spaces. The case studies that have come out in different countries have, with prima facie evidence, manifested that the airborne transmission plays a profound role in contracting susceptible hosts. The infection propensities in confined spaces (airplane, passenger car, and healthcare center) by the transmission of droplets and aerosols under varying ventilation conditions were discussed.

Interestingly, the nosocomial transmission by airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus-laden aerosols in healthcare facilities may be plausible. Hence, clearly defined, science-based administrative, clinical, and physical measures are of paramount importance to eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic from the world.

Keywords: Airborne transmission, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Masks, SARS-CoV-2

1. Introduction

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 (). The disease is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) () and asseverated to be transmitted from human-to-human by multiple means, namely, by droplets, aerosols, and fomites

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For whatever it’s worth, that other JW author I’ve mentioned a time or two wrote an article on whether to accept a shot or not, with the air of “lets be reasonable about this.” He did a lot of prep. He consulted the official sources. He crunched the numbers. I thanked him but also noted his post hadn’t been without bias:

“It IS a good column, Bill, and I very much appreciate the research done. It does essentially answer my question. However, it is not all that even-handed. By emphatically stating that you did NOT look at anti-vaxxer YouTubes—well, if there is data and reasoning against mainstream thinking, that’s where it’s going to be—not necessarily YouTubes, but websites setting forth reasons for the opinions given. Robert F Kennedy (yes, of THAT Kennedy family) runs a good one. One major red flag for many is that, in the event, of a serious reaction, you cannot sue the manufacturer, nor get effective redress any other way. If a nut wobbles loose on my Chevy and causes an accident, I can get compensation from Chevy. This holds true for virtually every product EXCEPT jabs. I can think of no better way to underscore the shot’s safety than to remove this legal immunity. Your characterization of vax concerns (without apparently looking at them) as “noise” does not speak well for impartiality. Also, your statement that selfishness plays a part in declining vaccination—the organization does not go there, as though to shame people. They simply state to accept vaccination or not is a personal decision & not for them to advocate either way. That said, I am not a flag bearer for the anti cause. Most likely I will get one of the jabs soon, reassured by the research you have done. In the meantime, I observe all mask and distancing recommendations. But I never dismiss ‘conspiracy theories’ out of hand. When Satan is the ‘father of the lie’ AND the ‘god of this system of things,’ ought we really to imagine that the only valid ‘conspiracies’ are the ones Witnesses have uncovered regarding blood misuse and religious misrepresentations?”

There was a little back and forth, in which he made a few valid observations. Some others joined in, some pro, some con. And then he writes: 

“Spent the morning watching a vid by a reputable doc who convinced me I came down on the wrong side of this. I promptly took down my column. I've also decided not to get the vaccine - not worried about getting ill, but I didn't know the part about being enrolled in a database. Since I have a healthy immune system and trust it more than I trust a vaccine anyway, I'd rather not go onto some mailing list for every new drug that comes out.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. If there’s one thing I’ve learned on the internet, it is that people never change. They take a position and stick to it come what may. He was big enough to examine an issue and reverse his stand. It doesn’t even matter if he is wrong or right. He is meek, in the Bible sense of the word, and that means everything.


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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It’s like trying to stop Jehovah’s Witnesses with a “Never Mind the Dog. Beware of the Owner” sign. Oftern works. But not always.

Reminds me of the time I came to a door that had two no soliciting signs. I rang the doorbell and asked them if they'd like to buy another no soliciting sign. The guy laughed and took the magazines.

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