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Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details

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After filing a lawsuit against the creator of the 'DubTown' Lego stop motion series, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the supervising body and publisher for the Jehovah’s Witness religious group, has yet more alleged infringers in its sights. In addition to targeting more YouTube users, Watch Tower is attempting to find out the identities of people posting its songs to Facebook.

As the owner of various copyright-protected works, including many registered at the US Copyright Office, the group is allowed to send DMCA takedown notices to have content removed from online platforms. As the law requires, platforms like YouTube comply with these requests but it appears that is just not enough for Watch Tower.


As reported last weekend, an individual who created a series of stop-motion Lego animations is currently being sued by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. ‘Kevin McFree’ was first targeted in 2018 via a DMCA subpoena but with that legal process stalled, Watch Tower filed a full-blown copyright infringement lawsuit.

McFree (not his/her real name) is currently proceeding as a John Doe, since the earlier DMCA subpoena failed to uncover the animator’s real identity after Watch Tower met resistance from McFree’s lawyer. However, DMCA subpoenas – which do not necessarily require oversight from a judge – can prove a useful tool in obtaining people’s real names and addresses.

While this is a problem for alleged copyright infringers in any matter (such as those that involve copyright trolls), in Watch Tower related cases there is a chance that once identified, people who are current members (or have family members still in the church) could face much broader social consequences. As a result, staying anonymous carries additional importance.

Watch Tower Files a New Wave of DMCA Subpoenas

Watch Tower is no stranger to filing for DMCA subpoenas to compel YouTube to hand over the details of alleged infringers, and these can sometimes get quite messy. This week, however, Watch Tower appears to be increasing the pressure significantly.

In a wave of DMCA subpoenas targeting YouTube and also Facebook, the religious group is hoping to find out the real identities of people who uploaded Jehovah’s Witness content to the platforms. At least as far as the evidence provided reveals, none are serial infringers or mass uploaders.

In all cases, Watch Tower appears to have identified either a single upload on YouTube or Facebook, which were previously tackled by sending DMCA notices to the relevant platforms, targeting the specific content, which was removed.

Demands for All Subscriber Information

In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.

Since the content has already been subjected to takedown requests, preventing ongoing infringement doesn’t appear to be a key issue. However, since Watch Tower wants to personally identify the people in question, it is possible that it will seek to communicate with them directly. What shape those conversations will take is unknown but there could be additional consequences if the group can link the alleged infringers or their family members directly to the church.


And of course, as the lawsuit against Kevin McFree shows, there is also the possibility of a full-blown copyright infringement lawsuit, which at least carries the potential for up to $150,000 in statutory damages, if guilt is proven. Either way, if the people can be identified there is no good outcome.

The DMCA subpoena applications and supporting documents can be found below:

1. YouTube (Subpoena 1) (1,2)
2. YouTube (Subpoena 2) (1,2)
3. Facebook (Subpoena 1) (1,2)
4. Facebook (Subpoena 2) (1,2)

Matthew  5 : 38 through 45

 “You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39  However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him. 40  And if a person wants to take you to court and get possession of your inner garment, let him also have your outer garment; 41  and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. 42  Give to the one asking you, and do not turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.43  “You heard that it was said: ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44  However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, 45  so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.

And the GB and their lawyers continue to disobey Christ, because the GB love money and power more than they love God. 


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I just found this on JW Org. What Does the Bible Say About Revenge? The Bible’s answer   Even though a person may feel justified in taking reve

In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone numbe

https://torrentfreak.com/watch-tower-ups-pressure-on-youtube-facebook-to-hand-over-infringers-details-210523/ After filing a lawsuit against the creator of the 'DubTown' Lego stop motion series,

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'Thy shall not steal' comes to mind.  Your perspective (above) is totally one-sided and bias.  You do not understand law and the application of true justice.

The organization has asked Jehovah's witnesses not to put this online.  It is not their personal content to use as they please. Simply put - it does not belong to them. Most JWs comply unless they want to make some money off of other peoples hard work. 

They are setting a precedent because anyone can go on to combine disrespecting pictures with the songs and our other content and do what they like.  This is like the tabloid newspapers in England and tabloid TV stations in USA who lie about people and use other peoples lives to get clicks (clickbait) and make money though misleading headlines.

 It was just recently revealed how they misled and lied to Princess Diana to get that interview from her which led to the final divorce.  Tabloids know that court cases cost tooo much and do and say what they like about people and organizations.  Social media has become similar in its sleazy coverage of many subjects.

It is totally justified to protect your own content. It is there for the education and benefit of only the brothers and should be free for the brothers.  It was not created to provide freeloaders with a free income. 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

It is not their personal content to use as they please.

Of course. Originate your own content and nobody has a problem. 

Anyone posting on the internet knows that pictures from ANYONE cannot be used without authorization. You get around that by obtaining authorization, using your own photos, or finding public domain sources. I run into this all the time with my own posts.

As for text, when the intention of anything other than brief “fair use” passages is to misrepresent and beat them over the head with it, of course they will not be happy about it. 

Only a dodo would read paranoia into it.

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In all four cases, either YouTube or Facebook are asked to hand over “all identifying information, including subscriber registration information” including their “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), [and] any electronic mail addresses” associated with the allegedly infringing accounts.

You Tube and Facebook could easily avoid this. They only need to declare themselves a kind of religion and appoint their employees or volunteers as clergy. They could then invoke the priestly privilege of not disclosing privileged information about their members.

Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way. Neither in a legal sense, nor in an intellectual sense. Nor is it for moral and ethical reasons. For they cannot prove before any Court, or Judicial Committee, that it was God who chose exactly them to defend the intellectual-doctrinal property of God or Christ.

If WTJWorg and JW have a problem because of the content or the way other people comment, criticize, or reveal the religious teaching of the JW Church, then that is another topic. Well, doesn't it say in the Bible: For free you have received, for free you have given. If WTJWorg and JW truly believe this, then WTJWorg's lawsuits are completely outside the teachings of the Bible. 

By this it would be that the requirement/lawsuits sought by WTJWorg and JW is contrary to Biblical principles. Any and each JW who acts contrary to Biblical Principles is not a Witness for either YHVH or Christ.

The irony and hypocrisy is that WTJWorg teaches how members have to suffer evil and not retaliate against “enemy attacks”, but wait for JHVH to give comfort and strength to endure. Strength To Endure, not Strength to Fight Back. :))

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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

You do not understand law and the application of true justice.

But what you are deliberately avoiding is the fact that Jesus understood law and true justice BUT he said those words I quoted from Matthew.. Jesus did not say take them all to court and grab as much money as you can when you sue them. 


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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

of course they will not be happy about it.

It's not about being happy with it, it's about having a true Christian personality and being obedient to the words of God through Christ. And acting in harmony with the scriptures

Hebrews 10 : 32 though 34.

However, keep remembering the former days in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great struggle along with sufferings. 33  At times you were publicly exposed both to reproaches and to tribulations, and at times you shared with those who were having such an experience. 34  For you expressed sympathy for those in prison and you accepted joyfully the plundering of your belongings, knowing that you yourselves have a better and an enduring possession.

So it seems that the GB should accept joyfully what is happening. But they have no true faith and therefore they will not be obedient to God. 

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I just found this on JW Org.

What Does the Bible Say About Revenge?

The Bible’s answer

Even though a person may feel justified in taking revenge, doing so goes against the Bible’s counsel: “Do not say: ‘I will do to him just as he has done to me; I will get even with him.” (Proverbs 24:29, footnote) The Bible contains advice that has helped many overcome a desire for revenge.

What is wrong with seeking revenge?

If someone offended or harmed you, it is natural to feel angry and to want the other person to be punished for what he or she did. However, taking personal revenge is not in harmony with the Bible’s message. Why?

When humans seek their own revenge, it displeases God. In the Bible, Jehovah  God says: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” (Romans 12:19) The Bible encourages those who have been wronged to seek peaceful ways to resolve matters when possible instead of pursuing revenge. (Romans 12:18) But what if such peaceful avenues are exhausted or unavailable? The Scriptures admonish us to trust in Jehovah to right all wrongs.—Psalm 42:10, 11.


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My reply is on record for all to see. Reasonable people will look, see and learn and they will then recognize the trolls, the hate-OCD personalities.

I need not reply to hate. Reasonableness and understanding of the law is needed.... and why theft laws are in place...... this is clear for all to see.  Whether these laws will be enforced with justice is another matter. The legal system in USA is crumbling. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 6:28 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And the GB and their lawyers continue to disobey Christ, because the GB love money and power more than they love God. 


On 5/23/2021 at 7:23 AM, Arauna said:

They are setting a precedent because anyone can go on to combine disrespecting pictures with the songs and our other content and do what they like. 

20 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

"The Bible encourages those who have been wronged to seek peaceful ways to resolve matters when possible instead of pursuing revenge."  Watchtower


21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Because WTJWorg and JW are actually legal entities, they are a firm / business. In this context, everything they "intellectually" produce is their "property". BUT, there is a problem of another kind. WTJWorg claims that all of this/that is “spiritual food” that comes from God and Christ, because they are, reportedly, led by HS to write magazines and books, to make songs and movies. If it is truly “spiritual food from God,” then it is not the property of WTJWorg and JW nor in any way.

If the leaders of the organization were genuinely living for the Kingdom to come, they would drop all of this crap and walk away.  But, their kingdom is of THIS world, and like the evil one, they don’t want to lose it. (John 18:36; 1 John 5:19)  They have taught their followers to also support their cause, to support their kingdom, and their lies; which is alienated from the kingdom that lies in the hearts of those in Jesus Christ.  (Luke 17:21; 1 Cor 3:16)  It has nothing to do with earthly treasures or legal rights. (Luke 4:5,6; Matt 6:19-21) 

The leaders have been living under a cloak of apparent humility, but the intentions of their hearts are becoming quite clear to the world at large.  No longer can they hide their true selves, that which lies beneath white-washed tombs. Matt 23:27,28 

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

The legal system in USA is crumbling. 

God is concerned with the "legal system" that His holy people live under - His saints/anointed and all JWs who put up with internal organizational corruption.  To believe that the Wt. is innocent on all accounts, and that its sins are ignored by the Father and Jesus Christ, is pure foolishness.

Woe to the rebellious children!
This is the Lord’s declaration.
They carry out a plan, but not mine;
they make an alliance,
but against my will,
piling sin on top of sin.
Without asking my advice
they set out to go down to Egypt
in order to seek shelter under Pharaoh’s protection
and take refuge in Egypt’s shadow.

Go now, write it on a tablet in their presence
and inscribe it on a scroll;
it will be for the future,
forever and ever.
They are a rebellious people,
deceptive children,
children who do not want to listen to the Lord’s instruction.

Therefore the Holy One of Israel says:
“Because you have rejected this message
and have trusted in oppression and deceit,
and have depended on them,
this iniquity of yours will be
like a crumbling gap,
a bulge in a high wall
whose collapse will come in an instant—suddenly!

14 Its collapse will be like the shattering
of a potter’s jar, crushed to pieces,
so that not even a fragment of pottery
will be found among its shattered remains—
no fragment large enough to take fire from a hearth
or scoop water from a cistern.”  Isaiah 30

The Kingdom - 1914?

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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

My reply is on record for all to see. Reasonable people will look, see and learn and they will then recognize the trolls, the hate-OCD personalities.

I need not reply to hate. Reasonableness and understanding of the law is needed.... and why theft laws are in place...... this is clear for all to see.  Whether these laws will be enforced with justice is another matter. The legal system in USA is crumbling. 

Reasonable people are not necessarily True Christians though, including the GB and their lawyers. However True Christians will know the words that Jesus spoke and that were recorded for use by the True Anointed ones. Even we, the 'little dogs', can gain some guidance from some basic scripture. 

Jesus said " For you expressed sympathy for those in prison and you accepted joyfully the plundering of your belongings, knowing that you yourselves have a better and an enduring possession." 

So whilst Arauna is worrying about man made 'theft laws', True Christians Earth wide are living by God's Laws through Jesus Christ. 

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On 5/24/2021 at 9:16 AM, Arauna said:

The legal system in USA is crumbling.

Not crumbled completely, however. Here is a German Court that ruled how most of the “anti-cult” organization, FECRIS—most of their charges against Jehovah’s Witnesses were false.


It is the VP of that organization who rides high in Russia and is a prime instigator of the ban on Witnesses. Would that the ruling had more teeth, but it is still good to show that the world of judicial reason does not side with such anti-cult fanatics. All the other “cults” FECRIS opposes—Witnesses disagree with them all, and they with us. But we prefer to ‘do battle’ with them in the marketplace of ideas, not by ruling them illegal and muzzling them. Whatever ruling illegal is to be done will be done by God, not any humans.

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