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Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying


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The reason there is so little common sense, is simply that common sense is not that common. Ever bit a bee?

Veeeeerrrry Simple: 1.) Jehovah God made men with beards.   ..... that's it .... no secondary points needed.          

And you should have seen the control-freak jerks when I tried to give a talk without pants! “It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quiet

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Oh, we hashed this out long before you came along—right here on the WNMForum:

And though it has nothing to do with anything, I came across an old post of mine from 15 years ago and noted a response to it:

“WOW! What a defense of Jehovah's Witnesses ! I am old enough to remember this stuff, or know it is true from the folks who were there.

"We kicked them while they were up" (paraphrased). WOW.”

And who was it from? Tom Rook! Little did I realize I would run across (and do battle) with him many years later. How is that bad boy faring today, I wonder.


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What is good to notice here? Beards were mandatory and circumcision was  mandatory in ancient Israel. Jesus came and did not express his clear position on beards and circumcision issue. In fact, no one knows if he wore a beard or not.

Given that he was the originator of the reforms in the Jewish religion by laying the foundations for a new way of worshiping God and breaking with the forms and traditions that were part of the "legacy of Moses", it would not be surprising if his appearance showed the direction of future change, that is, that external features are not proof that the individual is a member of a movement, organization, religion or ideology that represents "the only and true worship of God."

Was his beard, if he wore it, the beard of a “real, true Jew" or did his beard deviate from the fashion and trend of other Jews? What if he trimmed her more than was allowed to be done - Lev 19 27? He “violated” many other norms of Jewish tradition and law.

Jesus (the child) was circumcised at the behest of his parents. I am not aware of any biblical verse that says that Jesus supported or forbade or was neutral about the matter. But some of his followers, and later many other important members (apostles) of the congregation, preached and taught that circumcision was not an obligation.

What is the situation in WTJWorg today? Beards have become banned since the time of Judge Rutherford (with some indications of a relaxation of measures, today), and circumcision is not banned if one wishes to do so.

Issue on beard is in a way still a religious issue in WTJWorg. But it should not be because it is a meaningless dilemma and has its causes in the personal attitudes of WTJWorg religious leaders. Evidence? In the past, God determined forbidden things and punished people for things that He later marked as completely unimportant. If these things have become unimportant to God, the question is; Why are these things important to some people today ??



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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

Everyone knows Jesus looked like a clean shaven Ted Nugent according to some old catholic renderings.

Not what I was thinking of. But the excuse is such a wimpy-girly-man excuse.

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Albania was a communist country before.  People were forced to cut all beards because they did not tolerate Islam - which likes untidy beards.

Here is Albania a neat beard is acceptable because of the past history here. We met a very religious south African man in Rep. of Georgia and still keep contact. He has what we call in my language a small goat beard.  A small pointy beard.  If he ever had to become a JW, his beard will be too weird to keep.  There are many kinds of beards that are not acceptable as meeting the neat criteria because it looks cult-like or weird and may identify one with weird practices. Manbuns are not acceptable for the same reason.

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