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Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying


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The reason there is so little common sense, is simply that common sense is not that common. Ever bit a bee?

Veeeeerrrry Simple: 1.) Jehovah God made men with beards.   ..... that's it .... no secondary points needed.          

And you should have seen the control-freak jerks when I tried to give a talk without pants! “It is remarkable, that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quiet

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Just now, Arauna said:


Very popular in Sweden and all over Europe now...... but for those who serve Jehovah this is not appropriate.

I don't know why the bun-man look pisses me off, but it does. Especially as a hairy guy who went bald at 21. :)

It's like bun-man is saying "Man, I have sooo much hair. I don't know WHAT to DO with it. Oh well, I'll just bun it up."

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4 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Some proof for such statement/claim

The bible indicates that it was offspring of Abraham who first received this instruction to cut the foreskin. So obviously everyone was born with a foreskin. This was an indication to Abraham's offspring of the promise. Moses later wrote it down as part of the Law.   It is obvious that Adam was born with his foreskin.....and that an effort had to be made to  take it off!  LOL.  I never thought I would ever hear this absurd quest for  proof - LOL

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16 hours ago, xero said:

But the excuse is such a wimpy-girly-man excuse.

I studied with an African-American college student who was later baptized. We studied just before the Thursday meeting and I drove him straight from the study. He had all these skin bumps on his neck from shaving "in-grown" hairs and he would quickly shave just before the meeting. He often had to switch shirts at the last minute because of the mess of blood that came from those freshly shaved bumps. If he tried shaving like that just before getting married he would have been a "bridegroom of blood."

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24 minutes ago, Arauna said:

The bible indicates that it was offspring of Abraham who first received this instruction to cut the foreskin. So obviously everyone was born with a foreskin.

I just read here that Moses was born circumcised, so it must be true. It's on the Internet:



Divine birth: The birth of Moses

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Just now, JW Insider said:

I studied with an African-American college student who was later baptized. We studied just before the Thursday meeting and I drove him straight from the study. He had all these skin bumps on his neck from shaving "in-grown" hairs and he would quickly shave just before the meeting. He often had to switch shirts at the last minute because of the mess of blood that came from those freshly shaved bumps. If he tried shaving like that just before getting married he would have been a "bridegroom of blood."

I get it w/some blacks, but white guys? It's all moot at this point, but to me the more I see social signaling done w/clothes, or hair or anything other than just trying to be clean and functional bugs me. You see it in hipsters where they all look the same. or the blue-haired tatted obese who drink their latte's at the nihilist cafe.

I sort of appreciate it, because it lets me know who they are.

Reminds me of:

“May those who love us, love us;
And for those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts;
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles,
So we will know them by their limping.”


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Wow ! GB inspired conversation going on here.  Hate on people with hair or beards.

Discriminate between black and white where hair or beards are concerned. 

Wow. This is really showing the thoughts of pretend Elders and other pretend servants of God. 


Once those people have found God through Chrsit, then THEIR OWN conscience will give them guidance as to how to wear their hair or beard or no beard. 

One way that the GB / Elders / JWs make a very big mistake is, to give orders to people on how to dress etc.

A true Christian will know that service to God through Christ comes from 'inside' a person's heart and mind, not from obeying orders from domineering 'overlords'. 

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:

The bible indicates that it was offspring of Abraham who first received this instruction to cut the foreskin. So obviously everyone was born with a foreskin. This was an indication to Abraham's offspring of the promise. Moses later wrote it down as part of the Law.   It is obvious that Adam was born with his foreskin.....and that an effort had to be made to  take it off!  LOL.  I never thought I would ever hear this absurd quest for  proof - LOL

Thanks. I seem to have reversed the meaning of the words (uncircumcised vs circumcised). :))) But it is always good to look for a supplement to some statement, even when the statement seems logical. Creative moments in the formation of something or someone can be challenging for all those who did not attend the act. So, it would not be strange if God created Adam beardless and gave him the opportunity to feel his beard grow day by day. Of course the question arises as to how Adam trimmed and shortened his hair and beard or whether it grew to the floor/ground in the first 40 years. :))

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