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The Land of Exile


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I have been, um, doggedly pursuing the answers to some questions, and I think I know the answers, but in the tradition of beating irrelevant trivia that really has no practical value to death, in fact, to a thin puree, I thought it might be a good idea to get some other peoples thoughts.

It's about Cain, Able, and the Land of Exile. (Genesis 4:*}

1.) When Cain was banished to the Land of Exile, who was it already there that he was GREATLY afraid would kill him?

2.) Was it an existing Land of Exile that he was banished to, or did it BECOME a Land of Exile after his arrival?

3.) Apparently Cain was afraid that wherever he roamed, there would be someone there to kill him, so was the Land of Exile like, say, the next County over, or did it extend all the way to, say Asia?

4. How does one man and one woman  immediately start building a City? (I would think a grass thatched single shelter would have been more appropriate, without tools.)

5.) Were the inhabitants of the Land of Exile inclined to kill Cain only, or anybody that inhabited Eden?

6.) And of course, the "standard" question .... Where did Cain get his wife?

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I realize ANYbody's ideas are speculation, as none of us have Polaroids .... so I appreciate the feedback, anyway. My considerations take into account the hard, hard evidence that human civiliza

Many generations later, once the ravages of sin had thoroughly worked themselves into the chromosomes, yes.

Apologize, but i don't see how this is answer on question. Who are people you described as ..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…? 

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2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

And of course, the "standard" question .... Where did Cain get his wife?

Is it like when I was walking my pet pig, and someone said, “Hey, where’d you get the pig?” and the pig answered, “Oh, i found him at the marketplace?”

Come, come, is not the answer to some of this to be found in long lifetimes and Genesis 5:4?

“And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.”

Frowned upon today, of course, and with good reason. Can you not see the reason why in some of the neighbors up in your neck of the woods? But back in the day of being just one generation from perfection…

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21 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I have been, um, doggedly pursuing the answers to some questions, and I think I know the answers, but in the tradition of beating irrelevant trivia that really has no practical value to death, in fact, to a thin puree, I thought it might be a good idea to get some other peoples thoughts.

It's about Cain, Able, and the Land of Exile. (Genesis 4:*}

1.) When Cain was banished to the Land of Exile, who was it already there that he was GREATLY afraid would kill him?

2.) Was it an existing Land of Exile that he was banished to, or did it BECOME a Land of Exile after his arrival?

3.) Apparently Cain was afraid that wherever he roamed, there would be someone there to kill him, so was the Land of Exile like, say, the next County over, or did it extend all the way to, say Asia?

4. How does one man and one woman  immediately start building a City? (I would think a grass thatched single shelter would have been more appropriate, without tools.)

5.) Were the inhabitants of the Land of Exile inclined to kill Cain only, or anybody that inhabited Eden?

6.) And of course, the "standard" question .... Where did Cain get his wife?

1:..I’m guessing that watching his father and mother live a long life he knew his reputation would follow him where ever he went and I’m sure..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…..would have not felt thankful for bringing them into a cursed situation….so he was thinking about his future…

2)  must have been even worse than where his parents were banished to???..I mean if he went there it would end up as the hell hole of the world.

3) all the way to OZ…hey anything outside of eden was exile….his exile must have been really bad….but considering today…maybye it was still better than a lot of the existing world as we know it…we will have to ask when all this is over…

4) who said they never had tools….who would have loved to have given them forbidden knowledge to wreck ruination and to start up HIS world wide society…and what was the definition of a city back then to what it is now….my town is called a city…which consists of just over ten thousand….LA is a city which I think consists of all of Australia’s population or pretty close….so what type of city did they build in their loooong life time….

5..nobody inhabited eden….they were All in exile of to different degrees it seems….Cain killing his brother shows a incredible flaw in the mans personality…..what chance for any off spring not to have this same flaw( or any others of that time period ) especially with the demons walking around like a lion ready to devour them all…😈…hellbent on directing them…☠️.it always amazes me how quickly such serious sins prevailed……poor Abel….poor mankind…

6..not sure I’d want to marry my brother even if he was perfect 🤮…but I would imagine a lot of years between them may have been the case…?…..?


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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

so he was thinking about his future…

“Consider the future!” said the pre-Joker to the police informant as he plugged him from afar with a bullet in a movie you surely didn’t see but you absolutely know that Pudgy the Dog did.

Aside from that—that really is a pretty good analysis you did above. Is that what we call ‘Reasoning from the Scriptures?’

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On 6/17/2021 at 4:16 PM, Pudgy said:

1.) When Cain was banished to the Land of Exile, who was it already there that he was GREATLY afraid would kill him?


6 hours ago, Thinking said:

1:..I’m guessing that watching his father and mother live a long life he knew his reputation would follow him where ever he went and I’m sure..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…..would have not felt thankful for bringing them into a cursed situation….so he was thinking about his future…

Apologize, but i don't see how this is answer on question. Who are people you described as ..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


Apologize, but i don't see how this is answer on question. Who are people you described as ..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…

no need to apologize as we really don’t know…that’s just my understanding of it at this point….when we eventually find out the truth of the matter we may all be gob smacked  with the real facts …

that question I had pondered on myself sometime ago…..so I’m open to having to change my mind…I’ve just never read an acceptable alternative….

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On 6/17/2021 at 4:16 PM, Pudgy said:

2.) Was it an existing Land of Exile that he was banished to, or did it BECOME a Land of Exile after his arrival?


16 hours ago, Thinking said:

2)  must have been even worse than where his parents were banished to???..I mean if he went there it would end up as the hell hole of the world.

Gen 1:29 -  Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

In this verse it would be possible to conclude how all Earth and ground are prepared for and, in fact giving food, not only for humans, but for animals too. Or, if we conclude how only Eden was filled with animals and first humans, then animals outside of Eden was starving and humans also. 

Some controversy or dilemma came from Genesis 2

Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Here, report said how there is no shrub and plant. What, then, did the animals that were created thousands of years before humans eat at all? Reason for not existed shrub and plant was - missing of rain and no work from human hands. 

After, verses speaking about God who worked and planted ground of Eden, but rain was not needed as in first picture, because of streams and rivers which gave enough water for plants of all kind. Does this mean how streams and rivers inside Eden was sufficient for plants but not outside of Eden? Again, if so what have eaten all animals before Adam and Eve and before Eden? 

One thing is need to be take in consideration. After every creative day God said how every thing was "good". In this terminology, today we explain this as "perfect", without something that would missing. Animals were perfect, earth were perfect, the natural cycles were perfect. If God planted Eden and made it better and more beautiful than the rest of the planet Earth, does that mean that everything outside of Eden was “hell”? Why, when God says that all creation was "good" aka "perfect"?

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29 minutes ago, Thinking said:

no need to apologize as we really don’t know…that’s just my understanding of it at this point….when we eventually find out the truth of the matter we may all be gob smacked  with the real facts …

that question I had pondered on myself sometime ago…..so I’m open to having to change my mind…I’ve just never read an acceptable alternative….

 Font size 8 will be better for me to read :) 

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