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Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance

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11 hours ago, Witness said:

Really?  Maybe you or JWI can tell me the person's name.  No one here knows me personally.  


Just because the GB continually blow it, in their understanding, doesn't mean God hasn't sent a "faithful" slave to get it right.  By the way, Pearl was also tossed out/disfellowshipped 

No surprise there. She has made some converts here though, PSomH, Srecko, and KickFace, for example, fall all over her. @Patiently waiting for Truth,your TrueAnointed has revealed herself. However, I’m not sure she has any doctrine other than expressing jealousy over those who have a bigger stage than she does. And she channels. Where does that come from?

3 hours ago, Thinking said:

Anyone who admits they do not study the scriptures at all but sit with pen in hand and writes answers to questions..not knowing what they will actually write is engaging in automatic writing…or channeling …it is not fromJehovah…

Yes I knew Pearl Personally..and she is a lovely lady….also known by her website….woman in the wilderness…...but nevertheless…what she teaches is without doubt  demon inspired …..and highly dangerous as is anyone who follows her or teaches what she teaches…

I have incorrectly called her ‘woman from the hills.’ My bad.

Seriously, it is such a weird and obsessed sort of writing—I don’t know how anyone can fail to spot a rat. @JW Insider @Arauna @Anna @The Librarian @Pudgy

Given the ‘channeling’ concerns Thinking raised, one would think conversing with a bot would be more productive, not to mention spiritually safer.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No surprise there. She has made some converts here though, PSomH, Srecko, and KickFace, for example, fall all over her.

Such sarcasm, when you have 8 men whom 8 million people fawn over, and who plead for funds to build their empire.  When you have thousands of elders demanding the attention of 8 million people on zoom meetings.  When your thousands of elders like vultures, gather your "service time" over the years.  Who label you as "inactive" if after 6 months you haven't given them anything. ("oh, did you hear that so-and-so is inactive??") Who will send you  behind closed doors if you begin to say anything public about the 8 men, and their falsehoods, that 8 million people fawn over. 

Sarcasm - has a Greek root - “to tear flesh, bite the lip in rage, sneer.”

You are so good at that, and so is A. Morris.  I wonder how the both of  you sleep at night.  




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What WTJWorg and JW members think of C.T. Russell? Maybe they think like this: Some things he understood and interpreted well, and in some he made mistakes. To which category of people does CTR belong according to WTJWorg? Inspired? Guided? Analytical? A seeker of truth? Altruistic? Businessman? Or a little of everything?
It is claimed; The Bible was inspired by God because Bible writers were inspired by God as they wrote.
Does a Bible reader need to be “inspired” to understand the Bible? What kind of biblical text can a Bible reader understand without being “inspired” or even “guided” by God or by the spirit?

Why did Russell come to the conclusion that he understood his position as God’s “FDS”? Because the Holy Spirit told him he was? Why did Rutherford come to the same conclusion for himself? Why did the members of the group of Directors, and later GB, start claiming that God chose them to be "FDS"? Because they were; Inspired? Guided? Analytical? Truth seekers? Altruistic? Businessmen? Or a little of everything?

Question number one is: Do you have to be “inspired” to understand when God says, “Do good, do not kill, help another, go build an ark, flee the city, preach about Jesus, etc.?
Question number two is: Do you have to be “inspired” to interpret events as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? Do you have to be “inspired” to explain the prophecy and say it will be fulfilled one way or another at specific time period?

To the first question, it would be logical for me if the answer is, "no". You don’t need to be inspired to understand inspired tips/counsels/advises, commandments, prohibitions, and the like.
The answer to the second question is no longer so simple. If you are not “inspired” then you will be mistaken in your interpretations. And, since so many mistakes have been made, it is less worrying to know that those people who run WTJWorg are not "inspired", but it is worrying why so many people allow themselves to be "led" by those people who are not able to understand the Bible well, those people who studies and prayers addressed to God that He “leads” them without “inspiration”.

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17 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you have to be “inspired” to understand when God says

No - you need the spirit of Jehovah to understand and obey.  We must pray often to understand scripture better and to obey - do you?  Do you also ... obey?  Do you gather together with people who worship Jehovah and understand the position of jesus and what his kingdom wll do for us.  Do you regularly preach as we are instructed in scripture to do.  

Criticizing Gb on this forum is not preaching....  I mean talking daily to people about your faith..... 

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

it is such a weird and obsessed sort of writing—I don’t know how anyone can fail to spot a rat.

Most of the time I don't read it, and the rest of the time I just skim over it. It's just the same old I've heard a hundred times before......

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:
2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you have to be “inspired” to understand when God says

No - you need the spirit of Jehovah to understand and obey.  We must pray often to understand scripture better and to obey - do you?  Do you also ... obey?  Do you gather together with people who worship Jehovah and understand the position of jesus and what his kingdom wll do for us.  Do you regularly preach as we are instructed in scripture to do.  

Criticizing Gb on this forum is not preaching....  I mean talking daily to people about your faith..... 

Well, sounds confusing. You feel and claim how spirit of JHVH is requirement for understanding, but in the same time concept of been "inspired" by this same JHVH is something you and other JW members consider as "inappropriate" way and "not possible" way, .... because even FDS is not inspired ... so how would/how could any rank and file member be in this privileged position at all. 

WTJWorg really need to think more about terminology and meaning of specific words that they use and put on opposite sides ... "inspired by spirit and/vs guided by spirit". This two sort of words, that GB put in two sort of concepts that are not same, as they say, speaking about same think in fact. Influence of HS is needed for both models. Or, influence of different sort of spirit.  

When JW's go on to preach uncertain and inaccurate doctrines, by what spirit are they "guided" or !inspired"?

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23 hours ago, Thinking said:

Im guessing witness and some others will respond to this…waste of time if it’s for my eyes as I don t read any thing written by you….or some others…

That would seem to make you a coward. Push forward your own opinions but frightened to read the opinions of others.

As for being inspired by demons, maybe you should take a closer look at your GB. they prove themselves to be the 'wicked slave' and prove themselves to be saying 'the master is delaying' 

The GB tell the Anointed not to gather together for prayer and Bible study and the GB tell the Anointed that they 'would be working against the Holy Spirit' if they did meet together. Um, so where does your GB get this inspiration from ? 

They admit that they are not inspired of God's Holy Spirit. 

Who would want to stop the True Anoined ones from meeting together for prayer and the study fo God's word ????? 


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12 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Who would want to stop the True Anoined ones from meeting together for prayer and the study fo God's word ????? 

Do you believe you are one of them? Just asking, because you overlook all the other principles in Jehovah's word to champion a cause which is not scriptural. Nowhere in the bible does it say that anointed must be separated, circumcised and uncircumcised be separated, or any other separate groups allowed. It speaks of all brothers and sisters meeting together to build one another up.  There is nothing about separate clubs forming etc.

Actually, the bible says that those who separate themselves are promoting self-interest. 

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21 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No surprise there. She has made some converts here though, PSomH, Srecko, and KickFace, for example, fall all over her. @Patiently waiting for Truth,your TrueAnointed has revealed herself. However, I’m not sure she has any doctrine other than expressing jealousy over those who have a bigger stage than she does. And she channels. Where does that come from?

Oh dear Tom. Get well soon. You have a problem in your heart it seems.

I said it so many times before but it seems I need to say it again. TOM loves to groupe people together and then put one big label on them. It makes him feel good, gives him a 'kick' of some sort.  The reason seems to be that just because Tom is part of a flock of misled sheep, he thinks that everyone else has to be. So dear old Tom finds the need to put us in a flock. This this he's chosen @Witness. Previously he'd chosen @JW Insider. Who will you group us with next time Tom ?

The True Anointed will prove who they are when Christ choses to make it happen.  The remnant are part of His body, and HE will give them 'power' to do what needs to be done.  I'm quite happy to be mocked and laughted at whilst I remain patiently waiting for truth.  The other option would be, to be active IN TELLING LIES. 


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