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How would solid, controvertible evidence of Extraterrestrial Aliens affect your Theology?


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aaaaaawh. So this was unserious. A throwaway comment. So would your comments about "waiting untill the 3rd page" to Space Merchant, ( or as you put it, a "throwaway unserious " comment ) fal

The question makes me think of Carl Sagan's Contact, if you haven't read it I recommend it, or at least I liked it and the movie adaptation as well. Sagan brings up this subject in a way. There w

I will vouch for Tom…he’s a writer…and he banters…he’s also very genuine…yes he can talk a bit harsh at times…but I’ve also seen him be enormously kind …very tactful….and even unbelievably humble…a tr

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54 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What about my photo of Devil’s Tower, you flea-bitten mutt? Where’s the like for that? It’s from the movie, after all.

You REALLY need to see that TED video!

Probably me, more than you ... and it is only 17 minutes long.

The picture you have is a landscape photograph.

devils tower close encounters.jpg

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Here's a thought from the 1st chapter of Ezekial .... makes ya wanna go "Hmmmmmm?" ...

15  As I was watching the living creatures, I saw one wheel on the earth beside each of the living creatures with four faces.+ 16  The wheels and their structure appeared to glow like chrysʹo·lite, and the four of them looked alike. Their appearance and structure looked as though a wheel were within a wheel.* 17  When they moved, they could go in any of the four directions without turning as they went.

(see above illustration ....)

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On 6/29/2021 at 8:22 PM, Pudgy said:

Just THINK of the opportunities we will have if Extraterrestrial life forms visit Earth, and want to study the Bible with us!

So I gave this some thought. And I came up with this. When I made this I thought about sharing by way of going to them as well as them arriving here on 🌎. I can recall year's back. The Pope said that they were open to sharing the gospel with Extraterrestrials if or when they arrived here on 🌎. So if they do show up "and want to study the Bible with us," out of all four bible's that these astronauts who are holding, which Bible do you think would best suit them? I'm going to go with the kingdom Interlinear. 

Which one would you choose and why?PicsArt_07-01-06.42.23.jpg

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2 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

The Pope said that they were open to sharing the gospel with Extraterrestrials if or when they arrived here on 🌎.

Nah. “In all the inhabited earth” will suffice. Whatever gig they have going up there on whatever planet, they’ll just have to work it out themselves.

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3 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

Are you referring to extraterrestrials when saying, "they'll just have to work it out for themselves."? What are you referring to when saying "it?"

I mean if they screw up as much as we do, they’ll need some provision to smooth over their screwups. And the ransom provision is for us. We ain’t sharing.

On the other hand, if they came all the way from outer space to find us, and not we them, then perhaps they don’t screw up and don’t need the ransom so badly.

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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

they’ll need some provision to smooth over their screwups. And the ransom provision is for us. We ain’t sharing.

Okay, Thank you for that explanation.


6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

then perhaps they don’t screw up and don’t need the ransom so badly.

Okay, I get what you're saying now. 

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