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Um, @Thinking seems to be well versed in The Satanic side of things. 

@xero and @TrueTomHarley and being insulting as usual, whist still pretending to be Christians. 

Unfortunately @Srecko Sostar  it seems you will not get a sensible answer out of any of them. They just continue to serve their GB and do as they are told by those leaders of the Org.  Being obedient to those taking the lead would only make sense if the ones taking the lead had spiritual guidance through Holy Spirit from God through Christ. 


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You wouldn’t know a waste of time if one bit you in the rear end. Now here’s a waste of time: ”Good morning, brothers. Our first talk today is on the subject of dress and grooming.”

I haven't blocked you. I posted the core beliefs HERE But I will list them here too, since this a relevant topic here. God. We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name

Not that it should matter too much to anyone here, but just to get a discussion started, I will happily state that I am in 100% agreement with all the scriptures in this list. And am in 100% agreement

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6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Those three things are referring to food stuff. Things eaten via the mouth.  

A strangled animal has its blood in it......that is why it is prohibited by Jehovah.  When you go to hospital and they tube-feed you - the FOOD is in a tube going into your arteries.  The arteries act as a mouth for accepting nourishment.  Replace the food in the tube with blood......  You are eating blood through your arteries. Drugs going into the stomach or through a needle into the arteries is still consumed by the body........ no matter how you try to reason to get out of it. ......  And your liver breaks the blood down.  It takes about 30 days.  If you are too weak and the liver is overwhelmed to break down the blood (consume it) and make new blood for you .....you get anaphylactic shock .....and die!    Just like people who can die from a food item they are allergic to... 

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

carved up the body of his concubine into twelve pieces which he sent to all the Israelite tribes, demanding revenge

He demanded justice - there is a LARGE difference between revenge and justice! ! !

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

it seems to prove that you do not accept the bible and make up your own rules! 

I quoted scripture. But you wish to be too blind to see it. 

It's your Leaders that make up their own rules.  

Acts 15 : 28 and 29

New American Standard Bible
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from acts of sexual immorality; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. Farewell.”

This is from the Apostles but you do not accept scripture as proof. This was through the Holy Spirit but you still will not accept it. Then you pretend it is me that doesn't accept God's word. 

It is not me that adds rules to God's word, it is your GB. 

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7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

ce again you are changing it from Jehovah to Yahovah.

I speak arabic. Hebrews and Arabs write Y for the sound of the english "J".... these letters sound the same.

Jehovah in english and Yehovah is Hebrew.

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Under what circumstances they curse own day of birth? .... says a lot about this issue. 

I hope, You don't think how individual have to curse his birth day every time he/she have problems in life?

Now I get it. "Sinners alone, not saints" going to take higher education and became Lawyers who defending WTJWorg in Court cases. Please, what sort of logic is given in conclusion made by Origen? Who is Origen, that we should listen and accept his explanations?

Lol….thinking never said any of that…I just copy and pasted from the satanic Bible….which I found whilst doing my own research on birthdays…

All that comes from satanist…..worshippers of the devil …from their own Bible……and no..I don’t own one….must say I was surprised myself..as I thought Halloween was their number one holiday….not so it seems….

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15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Apologize, but we have to make clear distinction between this two celebration. Christmas vs Jesus Birthday celebration. Christmas is one wrong way full with traditions and folklore of that how people are convinced that they giving honor to Jesus. JW members missed opportunity to "show the world" what can be better or proper way to doing so.   

Nowhere in its text does the Bible show that celebrating a birthday is wrong or pagan. 

Has having more than one wife ever been a pagan custom? Jewish law in the Bible says no, but it was and became a Jewish custom legitimized by decrees. How would JW members declare today what polygamy is? A pagan custom or simply a social norm of a nation and tradition?

Is celebrating a birthday "more dangerous and bigger evil" than having more women or vice versa? :) 

Secro have you been on utube and seen how many other faiths don’t celebrate birthdays …..I was shocked to see how many take the same stand as us with the same principles involved. You will also see the same amount who argue like you…so the thing is…make up your own mind on this…settle it with your own heart….but do you argue with those other faiths who don’t celebrate birthdays as well.?

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All this reminds me of an old circuit overseer we had who became our PO. He was from Guyana and told these great stories about witnessing down the Amazon in a canoe. Well they were well known JW's in their neighborhoor, and they had a dog named Buster. Now our old PO was quite friendly, but also blunt/polite about witnessing to his neighbors. So Christmas came and everyone in the neighborhood both knew of him and what he felt about Christmas, but they decided they would put up a big Christmas manger scene...and you can guess what happened. Right as they were admiring their handiwork Buster got out, ran down the street and grabbed the baby Jesus in his mouth and ran back to his dog house. All the neighbors present chasing him. I can imagine them all thinking "That Jehovah's Witness dog has stolen the baby Jesus!...I thought they weren't supposed to have anything to do w/Christmas!"

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2 minutes ago, xero said:

All this reminds me of an old circuit overseer we had who became our PO. He was from Guyana and told these great stories about witnessing down the Amazon in a canoe. Well they were well known JW's in their neighborhoor, and they had a dog named Buster. Now our old PO was quite friendly, but also blunt/polite about witnessing to his neighbors. So Christmas came and everyone in the neighborhood both knew of him and what he felt about Christmas, but they decided they would put up a big Christmas manger scene...and you can guess what happened. Right as they were admiring their handiwork Buster got out, ran down the street and grabbed the baby Jesus in his mouth and ran back to his dog house. All the neighbors present chasing him. I can imagine them all thinking "That Jehovah's Witness dog has stolen the baby Jesus!...I thought they weren't supposed to have anything to do w/Christmas!"

This reminds me of the pope at some big celebration releasing a dove from his ivory tower…and as the dove flew up  a black raven swooped in and attacked it…all caught on camera for all to see…..

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12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It is not about justification something, but about fact that Bible never said how celebrating birthday is wrong. 

Just for serious fun. Bible not instructed JW members to give monthly report, but you still doing that despite fact how JHVH or Jesus not command you are obligated to do so. Even more, elders making decisions about your "spirituality" based on your monthly reports. Where in Bible you can find justification for that?

Bible not instructed you how going to higher education is against God' or Jesus' teachings, but your publications still harping on that, and you welcome such instructions. 

Do you really want to go into and to enumerate what are and how many there are real, original "Bible Instructions" God gave to people? 

There is no justification for that secro…and yes unfortunately we are judged on our reports as to our spirituality by many…but that is slowly changing……( so it seems to me anyway ) and we are wrong to advise not to do higher education….I’m hoping eventually that will change….and no I don’t put reports in and yes I do still witness….personally tho I find these things frustrating…I know these things will pass eventually and be corrected… 
There are many things that we may see not right amongst Jehovah’s people….but we need to put up with some things knowing Jehovah is allowing them…and besides…like it or not…it’s good training for us..to humbly wait on Jesus and his Kingdom.

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


In the Scriptures a Levite alone, not sinners, carved up the body of his concubine into twelve pieces which he sent to all the Israelite tribes, demanding revenge.

If you read that whole account and I admit it takes a bit of research and time to understand it……it was a time period where ..everybody did as they pleased…..Jehovah’s people and all others who were not Gods people.

Judges 19-21…When there was no king in Israel…..everybody In  That horrible account did wrong…the Levite…the concubine..the husband/owner…the father in law..the Benjamin’s..the worthless men…the Israelites…..were all guilty of serious sin….

Because they lived in a time when everybody did what was right in their own eyes,,

,Judges 17:6 ..In those days there was no King in Israel Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.(ESV) 

So each of those persons believed they were right…and this is again proved by scripture.

Judges 21:25

In those days there was no king in Israel. each one was doing what WAS RIGHT IN THEIR OWN EYES.

Now this includes Gods people because they went up to Jehovah and presumed Jehovah would act over this so asked ..” who of us should go up and lead the battle”

Jehovah told them who…but twice they were defeated…and could not understand what they were doing wrong…..eventually they realised what they were doing wrong…

they then ASKED Jehovah what they should do…..instead of presuming what he wanted…..when they reached that point of understanding…he blessed actions..

I’m going from memory here so any one can correct me….but I think this time period was before the judges….no kings and no judges…and this is what happens when there is no leadership over Gods people……they do what is right in their own eyes…and these things happen….

If any thing Serco….this account shows Gods people cannot do what they think is right in their own eyes and leadership is required to keep some form of balance and some for of peace…but it can never be perfect and just like Jesus will accomplish…

This account should scare us all…it does me…because at times I have presumed what I thought Jehovah wanted me to do……instead of asking him what he wants of me or what I should do…..

That principle should not be taken lightly because it cost the Israelites tens of thousands of lives….so it was a spiritually  lawless period of time.


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