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13 hours ago, John Houston said:

There was a question asked which seemed tricky at first, but once I read it again I understood it and with practicality it can be answered. The husband would have to go through life alone,until the death of his wife. Even with a divorce it does not free him to remarry. That is just common sense. There are no loop holes or other circumstances. Sexual misconduct by his wife or her death frees him to remarry. PERIOD!

Matthew 9 : 13

Berean Study Bible
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

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You wouldn’t know a waste of time if one bit you in the rear end. Now here’s a waste of time: ”Good morning, brothers. Our first talk today is on the subject of dress and grooming.”

I haven't blocked you. I posted the core beliefs HERE But I will list them here too, since this a relevant topic here. God. We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name

Not that it should matter too much to anyone here, but just to get a discussion started, I will happily state that I am in 100% agreement with all the scriptures in this list. And am in 100% agreement

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8 hours ago, John Houston said:

There was a question asked which seemed tricky at first, but once I read it again I understood it and with practicality it can be answered. The husband would have to go through life alone,until the death of his wife. Even with a divorce it does not free him to remarry. That is just common sense. There are no loop holes or other circumstances. Sexual misconduct by his wife or her death frees him to remarry. PERIOD!

Totally disagree.

Actually even in the 1st century in a Christian congregation no matter where you were any local government would have likely executed the wife who murdered her children, so the fact that today she's not a corpse wouldn't change the principle that she should be dead. Slicing and dicing this like "she's still alive ..duuuhh! you can't get remarried" reminds me of Jesus who condemned the religious leaders of his day who'd make loopholes to avoid fulfilling the principles behind the law.

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41 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

But could you commit adulatory with a dead person?

  1. excessively praising or admiring.
    "an adulatory review"
    I'd imagine you could "give and adulatory review" OF a dead person. We do that all the time.
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