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There's always a difference between what you know and what you think you know


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People invariably relate experiences both good and bad.

If you happen to have been in the same room as the event being reported, you have greater credibility with yourself if you agree with the judgment that it's "good" or "bad" because you were present.

Of course this doesn't mean that your judgment is correct. A third person or even a fourth of fifth person might disagree.

Eyewitness testimony isn't very good. This is why the police interview everyone they can when investigating a crime. No one expects the testimony to be consistent or correct.

It's more like plotting points on a graph. The more points plotted, the more likely you have an accurate picture of a given graphed function.

On the other hand it's important that the eyewitnesses not have time to rehearse their testimony or time to synchronize their testimony with those of others.

Actual footage of an event from multiple angles is best and if you can also get audio that adds value.

A person's attitude, their previous experiences and the things they believe to be true and righteous vary and this is true even among Jehovah's Witnesses.

Now on the synchronization side of things we can see that people quite naturally seek out others who see things the way they do and are not particularly pleased if there isn't agreement.

I see the grumbling lot not as liars, but as those who as a result of various factors has chosen to play a different movie of the annoying events in their lives and with a different music track to these events.

I remember reading in a book somewhere that in a relationship the more things you have in common (as long as these are positive things) the better. I'm talking about a value system as well more importantly. But, they countered that having identical values isn't sufficient as it needs to be determined how these values rank in relation to each other. In a scarce or competing resource situation, how will these things be prioritized?

Some people are more "feelings" oriented and if something doesn't feel right, even if it is right it isn't enough for them and this is why you have to dig deep and see what it is in your own mind (because we all have feelings) that feels right or doesn't feel right and really figure out why.

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People invariably relate experiences both good and bad. If you happen to have been in the same room as the event being reported, you have greater credibility with yourself if you agree with the j

Yes indeed. Didn't the Leaders of the Watchtower BLAME the CONGREGANTS  for 'getting it wrong about 1975' 

When you are a hammer ..... ...everything looks like a nail!

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It's quite funny what lies people tell themselves in order to have a clear conscience about being a JW. 

And it's even funnier when they write it in such a sly way that it makes honest hearted people look to be the villains.  

But as Elders or even Ex Elders I suppose it's their job to hide truth and to make excuses for the dishonest and immoral JW org / Watchtower Soc / GB 



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14 hours ago, xero said:

What an ironic moniker.

It wasn't me that did the blaming of their own people. Hypocrits 

I'll just place this here again. 


On 7/8/2021 at 6:36 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It's quite funny what lies people tell themselves in order to have a clear conscience about being a JW. 

It must take a very dull or almost dead conscience to remain a JW. 

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14 hours ago, xero said:

Why do you spend so much energy worrying about the affairs of other people?

That is so funny considering the topic you've made here and the length of your first comment. 

You seem concerned about people's attitudes and about people 'grumbling'. 

I'm more concerned about the way JWs bring shame on God and Christ. 


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4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It must take a very dull or almost dead conscience to remain a JW. 

Spiritual drunkenness, on the "harlot's" wine.  Luke 12:45,46; Isa 28:1-4,7,8,14; Jer 5:31; Micah 2:11; Hos 7:5; Rev 17:2; 14:8


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