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Interesting thought about the initial rebellion


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8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

almost EVERYONES' thinking is agenda driven.

As long as most of your imperfect  thoughts are in line with the bible, in Jehovahs eyes that is OK!   Other agendas in his eyes is a no-no. 

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On 7/22/2021 at 10:09 AM, Pudgy said:

However, if your perception is agenda driven, you will always be wrong.

So the Watchtower/GB/JW Org will always be wrong by basing everything on 1914. 

And again they will be wrong because their agenda is to gain and keep power for themselves and their big businesses and real estate. 

Even Bro Rando seems to have an agenda about predicting a new date for the Judgement Time. 

Most JWs want the 'end to come' because they think they are 'safe' inside the Org. That alone is an agenda. 

But then we probably ALL have personal agendas. 

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16 hours ago, Arauna said:

As long as most of your imperfect  thoughts are in line with the bible, in Jehovahs eyes that is OK!   Other agendas in his eyes is a no-no. 

I didn't know God had made you His spokesperson. You suddenly know what is ok in God's eyes ? 

Perhaps you should be running the Org then because your GB seem to demand more from people :) 

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6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

didn't know God had made you His spokesperson.

You said everyone had an agenda!  And I said that if you follow only God then the agenda is ok.  Do you mean to say I am wrong ?  That one can have any agenda and be acceptable to God? Please explain yourself better!

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45 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Says the expert! I bet you cannot prove why they are wrong! You will need some other person on here to try to prove it!

“The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.”  - wt 2017

No one needs to prove that. This fact is not refuted even by GB. And they alone explained why they are wrong, in quote above. :))

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17 hours ago, xero said:


Our cat was never quite the same after spending a few seconds with head inside the dog’s mouth. Later, he auditioned and actually became the moniker for Top Cat O’Malihan, one of my aliases here, employed to mess with astoundingly obnoxious people like Alan F.

Since the dog and cat did not get along (I thought I could keep them out of each other’s sight, but did not reckon on sense of smell), while the dog stayed with us (it was a temporary resident that later became permanent), I brought it to stay with my dad who had dementia. He took it for one of the barn cats that he had grown up with and left bowls of milk for it everywhere, which it did not touch. “Pop!” I grumbled later since I staying with him overnights for a few months before he died, “I want to pour myself a bowl of cereal but I can’t because you’ve poured out all the milk in saucers throughout the house!”


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