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4 hours ago, Kick_Faceinator said:

like a Canaanite taking the emblems a

You did not read matthew 13.  So I think our discussion is over.  You speak of things you do not understand..... just judge without sufficient knowledge.... There is another name for that but I leave this here.  I do not argue with a Baal stone.

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That’s one of the biggest conundrums for Watchtower. They claim Christendom/false religion is Babylon The Great and all “Gods People” were somehow in there and “came out of her” by coming into their o

The whole judicial process of 3 men taking you in the back room in secret is unbiblical. If after going to your brother or sister about their “problem” doesn’t work (Matthew 18:15), and after tak

I assure you, all of it is happening.  The spiritual food offered on the blog link below,  is presented by an inspired servant of God and Jesus Christ, a "Jew" under the New Covenant.  Knowing truth a

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4 hours ago, BroRando said:

ack the urgency that 2034 is only 13 years away

This time goes past quickly.  A lot of suffering is waiting for the world.  More people will die die from the virus and its associated therapies than ever imagined.. and by 2030 the UN wants its plan ( Agenda 2030) to be completed.  I hope Armageddon comes quicker because a terrible tribulation is waiting for the world under a new world government which tolerates nothing except its own concept of what the new world order under their dispensation should be.  These people are heartless and violent -like their aitheist God.  You will not be able to buy or sell food if you do not comply.

So like Habakkuk we will wish for it to be here while we suffer ..... but it will come.

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20 hours ago, BroRando said:

You seem to lack the urgency that 2034 is only 13 years away.  In the essence of time... it is here...

I was suggesting, on this forum last year, that Armageddon would be around ten years from now. So no I don't  'lack the urgency' but i don't put an exact year on it either.  

It just seems strange to me that JWs believe that God through Christ, would want to use an immoral, dishonest Organisation to gather right hearted people together to 'survive' Armageddon.  In my opinion Christ will 'raise up' / bring together the True Anointed remnant, and fill them with Holy Spirit, so that they will oversee an Association of willing servants of God through Christ. Truth needs to be taught to people soon to give everyone the chance to serve God before the coming destruction. I do not think the Watchtower / JW Org is seriously interested in teaching truth. 

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Unfortunately, although knowing this from inspired text of how the days will mirror like that of Noah, there are some who think otherwise, or think outside of what is inspired, i.e. Jehovah's/Yahweh's Warriors, who I have been dealing with mid-way through the pandemic.

That being said, only a small number of the fruits remain, and the real attack from Babylon will soon take place. Some of us are watching how she moves by means of the nations, even more due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the wild beast of which she sits on, has been taking in more and more who admire the beast, and just like Washington, Babylon will claim people, and later on, those still against her, she will attack.

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Wherever you go, there you are. Don't forget to tip the waitresses.

It seems to me that everyone here is in at least one of several disparate camps of certainty about how to interpret scriptures about this subject, and that within each of these camps there are serious questions about whether certain "facts" align, support or contradict other ....  "facts" about the main conclusions in each camp.

It sprains my small canine brain to try and make sense of it all ... it's like the SNL sketch "Dueling Banjos Brandos", but in this case it's "Dueling Scriptures".

My guess is that whatever is going to happen .... if I have full and complete knowledge, or are completely and totally ignorant, it will be all the same .... there is NOTHING I, or we,  can do about ANY of it.

I do not have to have a Doctorate in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering to try and not be run over by a car.

....distractions will get you killed.

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2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

It seems to me that everyone here is in at least one of several disparate camps of certainty about how to interpret scriptures about this subject, and that within each of these camps there are serious questions about whether certain "facts" align, support or contradict other ....  "facts" about the main conclusions in each camp.

It sprains my small canine brain to try and make sense of it all ... it's like the SNL sketch "Dueling Banjos Brandos", but in this case it's "Dueling Scriptures".

My guess is that whatever is going to happen .... if I have full and complete knowledge, or are completely and totally ignorant, it will be all the same .... there is NOTHING I, or we,  can do about ANY of it.

I do not have to have a Doctorate in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering to try and not be run over by a car.

....distractions will get you killed.

On this forum alone there is 4:

  • Trinitarians
  • Non-Trinitarians
  • Atheists
  • and the Misguided (or the uninformed; and one instance of a broken minded soul)

In each of these groups the experience, knowledge, and the like differ - some minor, and to some, great. Should have seen how it was earlier on.

That being said, we are very lucky to not have certain people and or groups, like the Jehovah's Warriors troop, for should they roll by as they do in other various forms of media concerning religious discussions and the come like a back of wolves. These dudes are a combination of Baptist, Protestants, and Black Israelites merged into one, and currently the only group that has been more annoying than the common Trinitarian after they showed up mid-pandemic of whom I and a few others are dealing with, for the debate revolves around, in their eyes Black Magic being a blessing, celebs talking about Hell and the Afterlife, so essentially, anything Bible based or religious base is spoken of by famous people or politicians, they show up.

Well that is one comparable factor. There is always something everyday on some form of media, even forums, so essentially, as you said, like a SNL episode.

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20 hours ago, Arauna said:

This time goes past quickly.  A lot of suffering is waiting for the world.  More people will die die from the virus and its associated therapies than ever imagined.. and by 2030 the UN wants its plan ( Agenda 2030) to be completed.  I hope Armageddon comes quicker because a terrible tribulation is waiting for the world under a new world government which tolerates nothing except its own concept of what the new world order under their dispensation should be.  These people are heartless and violent -like their aitheist God.  You will not be able to buy or sell food if you do not comply.

So like Habakkuk we will wish for it to be here while we suffer ..... but it will come.

The United Nations already have plans. Mainly due to the fact no one has really been paying attention to them, as is with Babylon. The events of the pandemic and the reset of some instances of the economy is inevitable and these things will by no means is worse compared to what is to come now. As we speak, there is a specific political faction that isn't going for their rivals, but, also anyone they do not agree with, more so, their actions have been effecting children, to the extent, those who partake in homosexuality, at one point burst into song stating we cannot stop what they are pushing on to our children, on top of that, the morals of society has been reduced.

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Saw a headline today - UN working with BIG Tech to make list of all those who they deem to be enemies of the NWO, their goals and moral values.

What moral values? 

The United Nations, it is riddled with man-made organizations that suck the life out of nations while transferring wealth to others. It stores up foodstuffs to drive up prices while humanity and children starve to death. All the while, rodents like rats and mice feast and pass on deadly plagues. The disgusting thing is certainly disgusting in its fight against the Lamb.
Now, the Wild Beast that are in the Body of Gog of Magog includes the King of the North and the King of the South. Both Kings are bad actors belonging to the same body. The King of the North pushes against the King of the South which means the King of the North takes the lead in coming against Jehovah's Named People. The King of the South is reluctant at first and engages in some skirmishes, but then joins in at a later time as this prophecy concludes. That's the signal for all of Satan's Entire Political system of things to come against the Law Abiding People of Jehovah's Witnesses with weapons and clubs in the same manner as they came for our Leader, Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago.
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15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

those still against her, she will attack.

Babylon as the world empire of false religion - the beast she is riding now will turn around and attack her (The Pope is now one of the largest proponents of Agenda 2030 together the the WEF). The beast that Babylon the Great is riding will  attacked her (UN).  If you read Revlation 17 and 18 you will see that when the image of the beast turns against her - the world economic system will collapse. I think the are speeding up UN agenda 2030 against all costs. ... so the disastrous events may happen one after another and may pan out sooner than we think. 

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42 minutes ago, BroRando said:

it is riddled with man-made organizations that suck the life out of nations

I did not say if their values are good or bad.  It is one of the most corrupt organizations on earth.  All their cultural organizations have been pushing the transgender and transhuman agendas...... satanic values.

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Even though the things being said here may be true, I still laugh at JWs (and those of other religions) that think JWs are 'safe' in their Org.  Spouting about Babylon the Great and wicked world organisations, when the Watchtower / JW Org is so full of lies and immorality. That is hypocrisy. 

It is also quite interesting to see how certain people like to pigeonhole others. Another member here has now started to do this i see. 

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