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On 7/30/2021 at 12:01 PM, Witness said:

Oh sir, I’m not sure what you are wanting to see.

You should know exactly what I'm wanting to see. I've made it clear plenty of times :).

 Zechariah 8:23

Berean Study Bible
This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’

Everyone needs to know exactly who these spiritual Jews are, before Armageddon comes.. 

Acts 2:17 

Berean Study Bible
‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

This needs to happen before Armageddon. 

It's not too much to ask :) 

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That’s one of the biggest conundrums for Watchtower. They claim Christendom/false religion is Babylon The Great and all “Gods People” were somehow in there and “came out of her” by coming into their o

The whole judicial process of 3 men taking you in the back room in secret is unbiblical. If after going to your brother or sister about their “problem” doesn’t work (Matthew 18:15), and after tak

I assure you, all of it is happening.  The spiritual food offered on the blog link below,  is presented by an inspired servant of God and Jesus Christ, a "Jew" under the New Covenant.  Knowing truth a

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10 hours ago, Witness said:
On 7/29/2021 at 4:13 PM, Kick_Faceinator said:

I have to share this quip from GB D. Splane's convention talk on apostates and the news medial.  

"Now, Paul compares the Beroeans with the Thessalonians. What do we know about the Thessalonians? They didn’t have YouTube in those days, but at one point, the Thessalonians apparently heard a rumor that “the day of Jehovah” had arrived. Who circulated the rumor? An apostate? Maybe. But maybe it was just someone who had heard the rumor and passed it on without checking it out.

APPARENTLY heard a rumor?

Have you ever done that — passed on a report without checking the facts? I think all of us have to admit that we’ve been guilty of that at one time or another. But now, how did the Thessalonians react? They were alarmed. They were “quickly shaken from [their] reason.” We mustn’t let that happen to us. When you hear something, check it out; don’t just circulate it; don’t just believe it; check it out."

All checked out, as you have done, and it isn't a rumor.  We can continue to circulate it. 

Many doctrines and expectations that were and still are a product and fruit of WTJWorg theology belong to the group of “rumors”. For everything they claimed to be or will be the result of their beliefs and hopes and expectations and interpretations, and in fact disappeared with the sun’s rays of a new day, it falls under “rumors”.
Consequently , the instruction given from the podium of the JW Congress or otherwise, is aimed at themselves, against themselves, and not at the ex-JW and / or apostates.
Unfortunately, “fried/burnt/cauterized brain” is a feature of most JW members, as it prevents them from seeing what is behind the visible and declarative.

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36 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

This needs to happen before Armageddon. 

It's not too much to ask :) 

I assure you, all of it is happening.  The spiritual food offered on the blog link below,  is presented by an inspired servant of God and Jesus Christ, a "Jew" under the New Covenant.  Knowing truth and understanding of the last days, takes some work on our part.    God provides it if we sincerely ask, but sometimes out of our desire to see things develop as we envision they should, we may miss the door already opened to us, by Christ. 

 “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened"  Matt 7:7,8


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52 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Many doctrines and expectations that were and still are a product and fruit of WTJWorg theology belong to the group of “rumors”. For everything they claimed to be or will be the result of their beliefs and hopes and expectations and interpretations, and in fact disappeared with the sun’s rays of a new day, it falls under “rumors”.
Consequently , the instruction given from the podium of the JW Congress or otherwise, is aimed at themselves, against themselves, and not at the ex-JW and / or apostates.
Unfortunately, “fried/burnt/cauterized brain” is a feature of most JW members, as it prevents them from seeing what is behind the visible and declarative.

Excellent comment, and very sobering.  The "sun" represents Jesus Christ, the light of truth. 2 Pet 1:19; Mal 4:2; Hos 6:3; Rev 1:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Pet+1%3A19%3B+Mal+4%3A2%3B+Hos+6%3A3%3B+Rev+1%3A16&version=CSB

These leaders are desperate to hang on to every JW who supports and feeds into their power and earthly treasures.   Light will overcome the darkness of these false prophet/teachers, snuffing it out permanently.  

"This is what the Lord says
concerning the prophets
who lead my people astray,
who proclaim peace
when they have food to sink their teeth into
but declare war against the one
who puts nothing in their mouths.
6 Therefore, it will be night for you—
without visions;
it will grow dark for you—
without divination.
The sun will set on these prophets,
and the daylight will turn black over them.
7 Then the seers will be ashamed
and the diviners disappointed.
They will all cover their mouths
because there will be no answer from God."  Micah 3:5-7


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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Of course - and it is spot-on.  Most apostates suffer from this compulsive behaviour of hate for everything to do with JWs. It is totally irrational and all answers are the same.... motivated by hate.

It's book-hawking time. From Tom Irregardless and Me:

"For years after he stormed out of the congregation, Vic Vomodog would visit hospital transfusion rooms, roll up his sleeve and say: Fill ‘er up! just to show Jehovah’s Witnesses what he thought of them! Finally, he caught something and died. But before he did, he summoned me to his bedside. ‘Come quick, I’m fading fast!’ he pleaded. Throwing caution and counsel to the wind, I rushed to his side. My old friend Vic Vomodog! We used to pull together shoulder to shoulder in the work! How I regretted having cut him off when he’d changed sides. How judgmental I’d been! If only I could have another chance! His pained eyes met mine from his hospital bed. I knew he’d regretted his prior course. With trembling hand, he beckoned me close. I strained to catch his last words:

"There’s two, Tommy. That Watchtower you study? It’s not the same as what the public reads. You’re being indoctrinated, buddy. When are you going to wake up? They’re different.

"Oh, for crying out loud! I rolled my eyes and he died. Of course they’re different! When Stephen Hawking has his science chums over, do you think they crack open their Physics 101 college textbooks?"

….I like how this passage has aged. He used his dying breath to undermine his former religion.

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

I think most here know exactly the reasons but CHOOSE to remain obtuse because they have reached a stage in life where they oppose everything to do with Jehovah and his people. 

I don’t know of any greater hate or opposition toward God’s people, than the hate directed toward the anointed priesthood in the organization, who ARE God's holy people.   Isa 43:10,21; 1 Pet 2:9; Mal 2:7; Heb 8:5; Rev 5:9,10  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+43%3A10%2C21%3B+1+Pet+2%3A9%3B+Mal+2%3A7%3B+Heb+8%3A5%3B+Rev+5%3A9%2C10&version=CSB

 Your own words of doubt over their capabilities and assigned position to serve as God’s priests and shepherds, adds fuel to the fiery hate and jealousy the GB have toward God’s Temple members. (Matt 24:48-51; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3; 13:1,2,11,5-7)  I see no hate expressed by exjws here, toward the anointed or toward JWs in general.  

Hate is a disease that permeates the hearts of all of you, through the actions of disfellowshipping of any who are victims of spiritual, emotional, and sexual abuse committed in the organization.  No one, should silently support the abuse of another if they truly loved them; yet your "loving brotherhood" willingly turns its back against hate crimes committed by your leadership.  It reminds me of the Jews who threw their garments in front of Saul (Paul), in support of his heinous deeds against God's holy people and the stoning of Stephen.  The remorse Paul felt when alert to his sins, must have been excruciating, his sins were undoubtedly a heavy sorrowful burden he carried, although knowing he was forgiven.   Acts 7:54-60  He felt the least deserving of God's grace out of all the apostles. (1 Cor 15:9)  Yet, his repentant heart learned to love.  What was a focal point of his preaching?  Repentance, as well as the turning to Jesus Christ;  which I believe was not just a coincidence. 



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18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The Apostle PAUL, was completely separate from those 'superfine apostles' and it was PAUL that was chosen to write all those letters to the congregations. 

Apostle Paul did more than just write letters, and had done many things for Christians. Again, it is unfortunate you do not grab the context of Acts 15, so I understand why you laugh about it because it is unfounded by you - a shame. The irony here was I used your own words, JB. So to that I laugh with you.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

You are kind to say this!  I think most here know exactly the reasons but CHOOSE to remain obtuse because they have reached a stage in life where they oppose everything to do with Jehovah and his people.  They are irrational and nasty.... hence the term given to them: Hate-OCD.  They do not come here to learn but to divide and conquer! .... Unfortunately not for Jehovah. They have the same spirit the Pharisees had.

They won't change. I even challenged one in particular in this regard - and the fact I return here, months later, the person did nothing - ironically. At least at the time, Rook, himself actually did something about a sensitive topic mentioned time and time again here, and I commemorate him for that, and the community of which I was invited to and helping in the time of absence included his input with what was gathered originally.

The problem is, those who are so boiled in their emotions cannot truly be reasoned with. At times they will mix and or use events thus becoming one sided at times and can never hear both sides, or even try to come to a common ground and or conclusion; hence similar topics over the years. They come to assumptions, even from stupid things, only to shy away like church mice when they cannot prove something, and if proven incorrect, they wipe their evidence by deleting their threads and or posts. They rejoice over something, and do not realize a problem that they didn't see coming, and should you ask them about it, they say nothing. It is one of those issues that even the one who calls himself chosen took issue with here.

That being said, because of all this, intertwined with the pandemic, as I, Rook, and the one who claims to be chosen were correct - Their numbers who be reduced because they make up that branch of folks spoken of in Mainstream Christendom, as is with former members; all reduced.

Edit - as you can see, the latter even laughs at what he speaks out against - a sensitive topic.


@TrueTomHarley Perhaps more hate than Darth Vader himself. When one succumbs to hate, they are beyond reason.

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15 hours ago, Witness said:

The spiritual food offered on the blog link below, 

No thank you. Just the look of that page / blog makes me shudder. It would be out of the frying pan and in to the fire. 

I do not believe most things that you write, even though some on here try to link me with you...

We each have our own belief and I know exactly what I'm hoping for.  

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11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I would like to see the references to where he came to the screwball conclusion apparently someone heard a rumor. Where did that come from?

I don’t really know but I highly suspect if that statement and read was completely made up out of it out of absolutely nothing except agenda driven imagination. If anybody knows different, please correct me.

This was due to Lawlessness among the Christian Church.

TL;DR version - Mishearing something or speaking about something differently can open a door to misinterpretation and misinformation, as well lead into one succumbing to rebellion, and or apostasy, i.e. you can say, for example, a non-religious one,

  • Brando checks Rook's car and tells him he isn't going to take a look at the car and a professional needs to check it out.
  • Pudgy, seeing this, assumes Brando worked on Rook's car, the next day Rook gets into an accident and Pudgy thinks Brando was out to get Rook.
  • Pudgy - I think Brando did something bad to Rook's car, and Rook is almost got into an accident.
  • Srecko, hearing this, calls the police on Brando, making an assumption without having all the facts.
  • Brando opens the door to see police, being confused on as to why they are here - *Surprise Pikachu Face*

Jesus put in place those to take charge in the church by means of God's Structure, overseers, servants, etc. Capable figures in the church who can maintain peace, some of which who had no education, for all rich and poor were welcomed into the church. This brings us to Paul.

Apostle Paul associated the coming God's Day with the presence of the Christ as we know in his letters. But the situation with Thessalonians was among unique situations Paul dealt with. Regarding of what can be read in 2 Thess.  chap. 2 about disobedient ones, and eventually to chap. 3 regarding a warning to such persons.

Paul spoke of, as is foretold, man of lawlessness who would eventually develop the mentality of an apostate, thus falling into apostasy. Apostle Paul was able to discern lawless folks due to the fact they spoke of God's Day - This situation is noted as The Great Revolt (Great Rebellion), something of which can easily split the Congregation.

Which brings us to the formation of the rebellion. For Apostle Paul due to the fact he had the spirit on him, as did others, prevented apostasy from then becoming a problematic thing inside the church for a time. So essentially, Paul having the spirit was like that of a shield, using it as a defense for the congregation from incoming attacks. However, the shield cannot be maintained. When Paul, as with the other Apostles having died out, apostasy was able to thrive, to grow.
That being said, into our century, this still happens.

Someone would speak of a different ideology in the church thus coming into apostasy, even using misinformation, or misheard what was spoken, thus coming to their own conclusion, i.e. should someone speak of God's day in such a matter "The Time is Now" could be utter, and someone can mistake that for it happening at that very movement and thus spread the word, hence misinformation is spread.

There is no question God's Day is near, but to mistake people's words can often be problematic, at times, people also use such misinformation against the latter to demonize them, a sad tactic used by most today, even outside of religion.

Groups are very aware of what is taking place in most cases, however, at times, people in this regard can receive, like that of Paul, letters or electronic information, this is the case with rumors and misinformation, this excludes genuine true letters with concerns, and or suggestions.

That being said, Apostasy can be very dangerous. At times, those who call out others to some degree, are usually the ones consume by apostasy - for misinformation has lead to death and injury, even if said information is a glitch.


A wise person would:

Read the information carefully.

Gather all the facts, figure out the why, when, and reason.

Come to a conclusion

Thus should the topic is coined, speak of such reasonably.

FACTS is always KEY.

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It looks like Arauna, Tom and S M are just wasting space on this blog. Just writing rubbish just to be seen to be participating.  Such a shame they have nothing spiritual to offer. 

At least I write plainly about what I'm hoping will happen in the near future, and I give scriptural reasons for it. 

And I make it clear that I am not 'following' anyone else's interpretations on this forum.  So I stand alone with my head held high to give thanks to Almighty God through Jesus Christ, and I don't need the approval of any human. 

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