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That’s one of the biggest conundrums for Watchtower. They claim Christendom/false religion is Babylon The Great and all “Gods People” were somehow in there and “came out of her” by coming into their o

The whole judicial process of 3 men taking you in the back room in secret is unbiblical. If after going to your brother or sister about their “problem” doesn’t work (Matthew 18:15), and after tak

I assure you, all of it is happening.  The spiritual food offered on the blog link below,  is presented by an inspired servant of God and Jesus Christ, a "Jew" under the New Covenant.  Knowing truth a

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On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As people would say about me, it seems that you are looking for perfection. I know that you are not, and neither am I.

But S. M. 'the facts' are different to different people. 

If I were you, I'd be smart to not make claims I cannot cash at the bank, JB.

You brought that claim several times, yet no one seeks perfection here. All men are imperfect, and the price for imperfection can result in sin for some. This same quote has been mentioned to you time and time again. You yourself at times fail to realize how imperfect all people are.

The facts are not different to different people, opinions (even unproven ones) are. 

A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. An opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others...; and that quote in of itself was puled from BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE, other sources state nearly the identical. Although it if author based, it still applies to various discussions and or talks as well.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You seem to love this word. But once again it means different things to different people. Many of us here could easily quote past teachings of the Watchtower / JW Org, which were misinformation.  You yourself belong to a different 'religion' which may give some 'misinformation' according to JWs.

Because if your religion and the Watchtower/JW religion taught exactly the same then they would be one religion. 

I have mention a disdain for falsehood and conspiracy theories, so much so I am easily identified as a Truther or part of the community itself, in fact, you were even told what a Truther is and how they operate, they do not like misinformation, in turn, they do a lot of research in order to find truth, i.e. when you asked about Q Anon, it  was both truthful and factual, not based on opinion. More so, the fact I know enough about the UN and even the Superpowers themselves.

It is only different if based on an opinion piece, not facts. You are getting both terms mixed.

The problem is not about quoting the JWs, the problem is mixing in what they are saying with your own opinion piece, often times taking things out of context, i.e. you not realizing Bible concordances and quick to call judgement on a word or passage.

I believe I made myself clear on the fact I study Religions (which correlates with being a Truther) mainly due to the fact as to why and how all the denominations came into existence in the first place, other than the Bible's history. It is also the very reason as to why I speak strongly against Trinitarianism and Interfaith other than call out misinformation concerning core Christianity.

Again with adding on an exegesis to deviate from the focus.

Like I said, opinions are based on claims, even unproven, you claimed 3 times I was part of an interfaith when you know I am against it, and in return, I offered, facts.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And you will give me some examples ?  You know what I follow do you ? 

Several times you bring up some things that are based on your own opinion, and often times lack some clarity and or information, even if you interject Jehovah's Witnesses, in the examples below, their own Bible, you had no idea of what the Concordances are. You were given ample facts on the matter, as I made it clear to the latter, even with truth, you reject facts.

Even here you did the same thing in the pervious pages.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

S. M. There is a difference with, the idea of agreeing with someone, as opposed to following them.

So what stopped you from agreeing in the provided examples? When facts are presented, you automatically reject it.

There were times I used your own quotes, which you didn't even realize it and you reject it unless it was said by the latter, you do not reject it.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Two or more people can agree on a few things, it does not mean they are following each other. 

You still miss the point. The biggest question is when it comes to facts, why not do the research? This isn't the first time.

As a side note, granted the original post began talking about Noah's Day, and how things would be in the present day that mirrors it. It was on a neutral footing, no mention of any faiths. If anything JW related is said by someone, you interject, or if you say it, they interject. Going to page one, you were the one who started such.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It's a bit like cars driving along the same road. Maybe they are all going to the same town but for different reasons. They are not just thoughtlessly following each other. 

Not the wisest of examples considering what is mentioned.

On 8/1/2021 at 7:20 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Doesn't the JW Org do exactly that. They start adding traditions of men as burdens to Christians. 

Then you'd have to prove such instead of going on to opinions.

It is 100% fact Restorations who maintain their viewpoint after the Great Awakening do not adhere to Traditions of Men, hence why they put themselves on a restoration path to strive to be like the first church, but even during their inception, they do not add traditions of men, you brought this up a while back, as pointed out in Example 2. It is evident on the fact they broke away from pagan based festivities, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. But just like you and I, all of them are imperfect, as is every single living soul on this green earth.

Therefore, my comment [people who do not have the facts will eventually go forth with bad assumptions and decisions] the sad part here is Witness' own link to the reddit, which shows the excerpt can be used against you here -  no one has all the facts when it comes to certain things because they do not do the research to come to a reasonable conclusion, and in turn, they jump to conclusions or come up with opinions based on misinformation.

That being said, it is evident, even fact, if this thread began solely about the Bible and onward, for some it would be problematic because there were several examples before. Also I do not think he is Billy for Billy was always akin to Alan. This is due to both mannerism and the fact of the subtle font used by him.

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16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Then you'd have to prove such instead of going on to opinions.

Traditions of men. Or just dictatorship by the GB ? 

Well silly things come to mind such as the Beard problem. Some brothers were not even allowed on the platform if they had a beard.

The Suit and Tie thing, a must for all brothers. And ladies not being allowed to wear trousers even though they are designed and made for ladies. 

And having to go through an 'examination' of 100 questions before being allowed to be baptised. And then being baptised into the Organisation, not baptised as Jesus gave instruction. 

Having to put in report sheets to prove you have done ministry each month, then being counted as 'inactive' if you haven't put a report in.   

Being almost forced to join their Ministry school which mean you have to go up onto the platform to give small talks to the whole congregation (over 100 people). Something which gave me no pleasure at all. 

The being told what you can and cannot do, instead of it being left to your own conscience. 

Yes it's all been on here before but you did ask. 



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35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Well silly things come to mind such as the Beard problem, and the Suit and Tie thing. And ladies not being allowed to wear trousers even though they are designed and made for ladies. 

And having to go through an 'examination' of 100 questions before being allowed to be baptised……


I remember back in the “old days”, the only thing you were asked was “ … can you do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?”.

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17 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Therefore, my comment [people who do not have the facts will eventually go forth with bad assumptions and decisions] the sad part here is Witness' own link to the reddit, which shows the excerpt can be used against you here -  no one has all the facts when it comes to certain things because they do not do the research to come to a reasonable conclusion, and in turn, they jump to conclusions or come up with opinions based on misinformation.

Once again this can easily refer to the leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org. Obviously they didn't have the FACTS  when they wrote so many of their Watchtower magazines and so many of their books. Either they didn't have the FACTS or they deliberately told lies.  But you probably wont agree. It would be pointless listing proof of their mistakes / lies as it's all been here before. 

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Traditions of men. Or just dictatorship by the GB ? 

You said Traditions of Men, so we can go with that. Best you start a thread about it to not deviate from here. That being said, Example 1 and Example 2 already addressed such from your older threads/posts.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Well silly things come to mind such as the Beard problem. Some brothers were not even allowed on the platform if they had a beard.

I hope you do realize their take on acceptance of a Beard or not stems even outside of their faith as is the time period of why they adhered to such, to a degree, it correlates with culture. As to why in some areas they can have beards, and in other areas they can't, mainly with the type of people within their vicinity, i.e. in my culture personally, to some not all, beards can make one a threat, or a sign of disrespect, and that is one of several reasons. Even outside of culture you have various groups, such as, for example, the US Military and or the equalivate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_hair_in_the_military). For beards and even various hairstyles can detract from what you are trying to convey, even the gospel. Also it comes down to cleanliness too.

Addressed Here # 1 and Here # 2, you were in one of these discussions.

Other sources similar to secondary subject:



Even to a degree, police officers - https://www.quora.com/Why-do-cops-have-mustaches-but-not-beards

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The Suit and Tie thing, a must for all brothers. And ladies not being allowed to wear trousers even though they are designed and made for ladies. 

Addressed in this discussion of which you were part of as seen Here # 3.

Also [And ladies not being allowed to wear trousers even though they are designed and made for ladies.] Are you serious? Christians outside of Mainstream Christianity will strongly refute that statement. Perhaps in an alternate dimension. Just not this one.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And having to go through an 'examination' of 100 questions before being allowed to be baptised. And then being baptised into the Organisation, not baptised as Jesus gave instruction. 

One has to be spiritual strong in order to make a declaration to God. I can understand as to why they study and adhere to various questions before subjecting one of their members to baptism.

Jesus' instruction was clear - make disciples, and it was evident in how people were baptized back then, even in regards to Acts 8. To go further on instruction, Jesus gave command to the Christians, as we read in Matthew 28:18-19, to make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and such was baptism in this sense was full immersion in water baptism for declaration of the True God. Also check out Acts 8; 18:24-26; 19:1-7.

Also your older remarks related to this discussion Here # 4 and another related Here # 5

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Having to put in report sheets to prove you have done ministry each month, then being counted as 'inactive' if you haven't put a report in. 

If I am not mistaken this is more so to track their ministry. It isn't much for providing "proof" per say, but in their view of how a minister should operate when it comes to preaching of the gospel it is a voluntary based work to which when they track their progress in the ministry, it shows how active they are, however, the only person who can see one's zeal with sheer accuracy is God himself, and in the gospel work, it has to be honest at all times.

Perhaps if the person isn't preaching the gospel due to various circumstances, it may yield that result. Life and or other events can get in the front of activities which, to them, yields the inactivity status.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Being almost forced to join their Ministry school which mean you have to go up onto the platform to give small talks to the whole congregation (over 100 people). Something which gave me no pleasure at all. 

Your experience does not apply to everyone else who differs. Mainly if the person in question, or people in general who seeks God and wants to speak about him are both eager and vocal, even at times wanting to speak the Word in their own personal voice or what they've personally written in relation to various Biblically subjects.

You should know how joyful people are when speaking about God to others, even children who in turn do the same - I already mentioned I myself was an example, but of course, my experience differs from your own upbringing, granted, you came out of the JW faith in the EU.

True pleasure is talking about God and his Word to anyone, to those up on high, to those on the low.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The being told what you can and cannot do, instead of it being left to your own conscience.

Bible principles. People can give counsel, but it is up to your own conscience to take action on something or make a decision. Restorationist are known for constantly giving counsel and encouragement, likewise, with the latter. Although households can be different, one strict, one who isn't strict, or ones that simply do not care.

That being said, if a pastor tells you smoking is bad constantly, clearly you can see where he is going with that despite you making the decision smoking itself.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes it's all been on here before but you did ask. 

As asked you specifically for misinformation and traditions of men, all you did was did what you just said; thus taking us down memory lane. More so, instead of bothering to comment on some, I linked the discussions, ironically enough, you didn't even bother with Examples 1 and 2, which touched on the Tradition of Men remark.

That being said, facts is far above mere opinion, which is seen on in this thread, but the linked examples.

I strongly advice you to do research. You can disagree with your former faith all you want, but you should be wise to not let your own personal opinions go over facts, let alone mixing things up in your favor.

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50 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Once again this can easily refer to the leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org. Obviously they didn't have the FACTS  when they wrote so many of their Watchtower magazines and so many of their books. Either they didn't have the FACTS or they deliberately told lies.  But you probably wont agree. It would be pointless listing proof of their mistakes / lies as it's all been here before. 

So what exactly did they spread misinformation about in regards to Noah's Day vs. Present Day specifically in relation to Brando's original post?

We can start with that.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

I remember back in the “old days”, the only thing you were asked was “ … can you do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs?”.

Something to do with Hall Turner, correct? 1913?

In seismology, he is credited with the discovery of deep focus earthquakes. He is also credited with coining the word parsec, an astronomical unit of distance equal to the range at which the semiannual change in parallax of a celestial object is equal to one second of arc (equal to 3.26 light-years.)

Star Wars made some homage to Turner's term. 


He coined the term.

Other than that, in relation to what JB said, to be brief, regarding beards it equates to the culture and vicinity of who the person is preaching to, as for clothing, modesty vs immodesty of how males appear and how females appear. The list thing someone needs is a male Christian minister in a dress and a female Christian minister in a suit coming to you preaching the gospel at your house or in the streets.

That being said, may come as a shock for some of how some folks react to certain greetings or having a beard.

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From Wikipedia:

" In popular culture

The parsec was apparently used incorrectly as a measurement of time by Han Solo in A New Hope, the first Star Wars film, when he claimed to have "made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs". The claim was repeated in The Force Awakens, but was retconned in Solo: A Star Wars Story, by stating the Millennium Falcon traveled a shorter distance (as opposed to a quicker time) due to a more dangerous route through hyperspace.[22] It is also used ambiguously as a spatial unit in The Mandalorian.[23]"


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8 hours ago, Pudgy said:

From Wikipedia:

" In popular culture

The parsec was apparently used incorrectly as a measurement of time by Han Solo in A New Hope, the first Star Wars film, when he claimed to have "made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs". The claim was repeated in The Force Awakens, but was retconned in Solo: A Star Wars Story, by stating the Millennium Falcon traveled a shorter distance (as opposed to a quicker time) due to a more dangerous route through hyperspace.[22] It is also used ambiguously as a spatial unit in The Mandalorian.[23]"


It is even worse in “A Golfer’s Story.” The lead character, Jack Bogey, defines the term as when you par out a hole in a very short time.

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