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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I've never seen the words 'Governing Body' in the scriptures either. 

By word, no, by root and or expression, yes. If there was no root then it would have been a violation.

The Apostles and a few older men are one of the governing bodies in the church hierarchy, can also be referred to as a Council. It is most likely based on Acts 15 and all references concerning such, primarily verses 2, 4 and 6 within the passage itself whereas a group of older men who lead the Christian Church Congregation as is with settling matters, as well as give council, hence by some they are referred to as a Council or a council of men.

It is rooted with the terms that does not violate the Greek text, mainly towards those who hold religious office within a Church Structure. They can also refer to those who are servants, otherwise known as servants. Stewards are those who are taking the lead, examples being the apostles and other Christian teachers, elders (Presbyteros) and bishops/overseers (Episkopos), as is with servants/ministers/deacons (Diakonous) of whom either holds office and or make up the body. There is also the terms a freeman or a trusted slave/servant. An example of this would be Abraham to Eliezer of Damascus, for Eliezer is the steward of Abraham, and or his servant/slave.

  • (Titus 1:7 and 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2, as well as connected verses)
  • Abraham and Eliezer - see (Genesis 13:2, 14:14,15:2, 23:17-20, Acts 7:4, 5)

In Peter's case (1 Peter 4:10), he points out that Christians, Overseers and others are all stewards of God's undeserved kindness, which is expressed in a variety of ways - being in God's arrangement in which faithful servitude and or stewardship is carried out.

Peter points out to all Christians, overseers and others, that they are stewards of God’s undeserved kindness expressed in various ways, and he shows that each has a sphere, or a place, in God’s arrangement in which he can carry out a faithful stewardship.

So in short, the word itself does have a connection to the Greek expressions noted above, and such terms in various translations do not violate said terms.

The remark "True Anointed" however, it never utter even by expression for both those words are never joined together. Aleipho is often found by itself, be it if translated as Chosen, Anointed, etc. There is never a word tagged along with it that who violates the Greek grammar itself.

19 hours ago, Pudgy said:

That principle is enshrined in the U.S, Constitution, as well.

Alas, another person who knows about the Constitution on this forums:


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Other then that, the principle itself is pretty much adopted by most in Law concerning judicial actions and or groups in the committee who take action based on decisions, i.e. Chair, Ranking members, vice chair, etc.

The only difference compared to Abrahamic Religious and or early Christianity is that it is only men who hold such office in the church, this is all in accordance with God's Structure of things.

One thing for certain, going back on an old example I used, imperfect men differ from one another, so decisions can vary in some instances, so mistakes can be made, in some cases, mainly if the person within these committees are unequipped to handle certain situations.



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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

've never seen the words 'Governing Body' in the scriptures either.

True - they were not called GB but they performed this important function. A group of anointed Christians were sending out letters and making centralized decisions from Jerusalem.  For example, James (the brother of Jesus) presided over the meetings about circumcision and Paul specially went ack to Jerusalem to Witness about the gentiles receiving Jehovah's spirit. They made a centralized decision and sent out letters to all congregations to inform them that circumcision of gentiles was not needed.

Read all about this in Acts 15.

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34 minutes ago, Arauna said:

True - they were not called GB but they performed this important function. A group of anointed Christians were sending out letters and making centralized decisions from Jerusalem.  For example, James (the brother of Jesus) presided over the meetings about circumcision and Paul specially went ack to Jerusalem to Witness about the gentiles receiving Jehovah's spirit. They made a centralized decision and sent out letters to all congregations to inform them that circumcision of gentiles was not needed.

Read all about this in Acts 15.

Unfortunately people do not understand the "why" as to which terms derive from, elders, pastors, deacons, servants, etc.. Not only the passage from Acts 15, but the history itself.

It is also the body of apostles in the first century of which many debates take place concerning Christianity today, mainly in the Trinitarian vs Anti-Trinitarian arena, even about Paul, as is with those who try to dismantle God's Structure with some teachings not met for the church when the Bible tells you exactly of how the Church is structured and by what in terms of God's Order.

That being said, the New Age teachings has been quite the thorn to those who

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Oh dear the GB have certainly brainwashed many JWs.  And even an outsider, who's words i don't even bother to read, jumps on the bandwagon.

The Apostle PAUL, was completely separate from those 'superfine apostles' and it was PAUL that was chosen to write all those letters to the congregations. 

Acts 15 is the ONLY case that anyone can use as an excuse to pretend that everyone was controlled by a single body of men. Paul certainly wasn't controlled by them.......... 

BUT you all miss the point. GOVERNING BODY. It proves they want control. To Govern. And they use the Elders as Policemen to enforce the GB Rules. Rules and traditions of men. And to disfellowship people that they do not like, not sinners as such, just people they do not want, including victims of CSA. 

I think those Apostles in the 1st century said " The Holy Spirit and we, will add NO FURTHER BURDEN TO YOU" 

Whereas the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org continue to produce rules and burdens. 

A complete opposite to what Jesus recommended.   Jesus told the apostles not to be like the nations, not to rule it over others.  But your GB make sure that every JW knows that they are the GOVERNING BODY, and that the Elders MUST BE OBEYED too.  

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8 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Hence we need a TRUE ANOINTED that ARE Inspired of God's Holy Spirit, to be that spiritual JEW that will lead us 'little dogs' to God through Christ. BUT this needs to happen Earth wide now, before the coming Judgement. Because I believe that Armageddon is going to be a real 'physical' happening, and I believe this Earth will be cleansed.. 

Oh sir, I’m not sure what you are wanting to see.  To his people, Jesus was not recognized as the Messiah.  He was scorned, ridiculed, and put to death.  The faithful anointed are treated the same way by their people in the organization. (Rev 11:1-3,7-10)  Presently, you won’t see the “true” anointed standing up in front of the world as the GB do, advertising an organization to come to.  They will not exalt themselves in such a flamboyant manner, gathering riches to build their organization.  They will not be organized whatsoever, through the parameters of an earthly organization. God does things His way, not by the way of man.   (Isa 55:8,9) 

These faithful ones, would be speaking about the truth in Jesus Christ.  As servants of Christ, they would be revealing the understanding of Revelation, since these scrolls were promised to be opened to Christ’s servants in the last days. (Rev 1:1)  They would sound the alarm of the presence of the elder body/ man of lawlessness – the “disgusting thing” “sitting”/ruling over, standing where it does not belong, the Temple of God. (Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3; 13: 18) They would explain the need for God’s people to “come out of her” – away from the captivity of false teachings and idolatry. (Rev 18:4-8) They would exalt the Almighty God and His Son. Anyone, who desires truth and who seek it out, would be led to these ones, by the Father through Jesus, because they speak truth.  (John 6:37; 14:6)  They provide it for those who desire it. 

Matt 24:15,16 –

“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),

then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

The “hills”/”mountains”, are the faithful anointed who are not only, the Temple/Zion, but are “living stones” of the Temple Mount Zion. 

 (Psalm 72:3; Ezek 36:8; Jer 4:6)  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+72%3A3%3B+Ezek+36%3A8%3B+Jer+4%3A6&version=CSB

This is already happening. That signal flag has been raised for those with eyes that see, and many have responded to the “fruit”, of the spiritual banquet God has provided. (John 15:16; Matt 22:1-13)  But, when the Harlot/false prophet is rejected by the organization,(Rev 17:15-18)  and the Wt. then goes down after a symbolic “one hour” of reign, (Rev 17:12) it is then that the flag/ “banner” will be prominent for all – ALL – from all nations who want to know God and His Son.  God will raise this banner, not man. (Isa 41:27; 13:1-5; Rev 17:14; Isa 5:26; 11:12; 2:2-4) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isa+41%3A27%3B+13%3A1-5%3B+Rev+17%3A14%3B+Isa+5%3A26%3B+11%3A12%3B+2%3A2-4&version=CSB

 The lowly will be exalted and the exalted will be brought to nothing.  (Luke 14:11; 1 Cor 1:27)





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On 7/29/2021 at 7:13 AM, Kick_Faceinator said:

"Don’t be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has already begunDon’t believe them, even if they claim to have had a spiritual vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us." 2 thess 2:2

"BACK in 1914, Jesus was installed as King of God’s Kingdom, and the Lord’s day began." - w88 10/15 pp. 15-20

I have to share this quip from GB D. Splane's convention talk on apostates and the news medial.  

"Now, Paul compares the Beroeans with the Thessalonians. What do we know about the Thessalonians? They didn’t have YouTube in those days, but at one point, the Thessalonians apparently heard a rumor that “the day of Jehovah” had arrived. Who circulated the rumor? An apostate? Maybe. But maybe it was just someone who had heard the rumor and passed it on without checking it out.

APPARENTLY heard a rumor?

Have you ever done that — passed on a report without checking the facts? I think all of us have to admit that we’ve been guilty of that at one time or another. But now, how did the Thessalonians react? They were alarmed. They were “quickly shaken from [their] reason.” We mustn’t let that happen to us. When you hear something, check it out; don’t just circulate it; don’t just believe it; check it out."

All checked out, as you have done, and it isn't a rumor.  We can continue to circulate it.  

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3 hours ago, Witness said:

but at one point, the Thessalonians apparently heard a rumor that “the day of Jehovah” had arrived. Who circulated the rumor? An apostate? Maybe.

I would like to see the references to where he came to the screwball conclusion apparently someone heard a rumor. Where did that come from?

I don’t really know but I highly suspect if that statement and read was completely made up out of it out of absolutely nothing except agenda driven imagination. If anybody knows different, please correct me.

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5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I would like to see the references to where he came to the screwball conclusion apparently someone heard a rumor. Where did that come from?

I don’t really know but I highly suspect if that statement and read was completely made up out of it out of absolutely nothing except agenda driven imagination. If anybody knows different, please correct me.

Splane's talk was the last one of the Saturday afternoon session of the convention - part 2.  At about the 1:35 mark you'll hear his quote I posted here.  A transcript of his talk has been provided by a few on exjw reddit. 

Here's a link...https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/ot7z2e/splanes_apostate_rant_transcription/

I think it is imperative to read this transcript and let the raw evidence of his lies and propaganda, sink in.  

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I am hoping someone will CORRECT my presumptions and premises.

Making up stuff like this is based on the assumption that we are fools, and CANNOT tell the difference.

I will have to watch the original video, the transcript may also be agenda driven.

You should only take advantage of a fool in a poker game, there it is morally acceptable to rip his heart out and eat it.




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27 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

You should only take advantage of a fool in a poker game, there it is morally acceptable to rip his heart out and eat it.


You would have to add that last line...after I gave you a like.  There goes breakfast.  

I think you'll find the transcript accurate.  

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19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

people do not understand the "why" as to which terms derive

You are kind to say this!  I think most here know exactly the reasons but CHOOSE to remain obtuse because they have reached a stage in life where they oppose everything to do with Jehovah and his people.  They are irrational and nasty.... hence the term given to them: Hate-OCD.  They do not come here to learn but to divide and conquer! .... Unfortunately not for Jehovah. They have the same spirit the Pharisees had.

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

You are kind to say this!  I think most here know exactly the reasons but CHOOSE to remain obtuse because they have reached a stage in life where they oppose everything to do with Jehovah and his people.  They are irrational and nasty.... hence the term given to them: Hate-OCD.  They do not come here to learn but to divide and conquer! .... Unfortunately not for Jehovah. They have the same spirit the Pharisees had.

And you always say that I judge people ?????  But You still cannot understand, or do not want to understand, the huge difference between GOD, and the Watchtower/JW Org.  It's just like someone saying that if YOU oppose the Catholic church then you are opposing God. Just because a man, Rutherford, put a name on His Organisation, JWs, it does not make it God's real organisation.  The Watchtower/JW Org has proven to be immoral and to tell lies.  That isn't just my opinion, it has actually been proven in court cases and by God's own written word. 

hence the term given to them: Hate-OCD  That term comes from YOU, no one else. It is your way of blinding yourself.  Because you are frightened of the truth. You put up this wall OCD, so you don't have to consider other people's comments or ideas. It's a bit like blocking someone, but you do it mentally and emotionally. 

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