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14 hours ago, Witness said:

APPARENTLY heard a rumor?

Have you ever done that — passed on a report without checking the facts? I think all of us have to admit that we’ve been guilty of that at one time or another. But now, how did the Thessalonians react? They were alarmed. They were “quickly shaken from [their] reason.” We mustn’t let that happen to us. When you hear something, check it out; don’t just circulate it; don’t just believe it; check it out."

All checked out, as you have done, and it isn't a rumor.  We can continue to circulate it.

But not even here most people accept fact. Many examples presented, even solutions, of which was ignored for even the most sensitive topics, as is with claims at times made without merit, especially towards others. On the other side of the spectrum, those who ultimately fall victim to a left vs right paradigm.

So people need to check out everything, turn all stones, and not to just accept something just like that.

This even stems outside of rumors, but misinformation about the Scriptures itself.

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do not believe most things that you write, even though some on here try to link me with you...


What can I say? Give him another upvote. He’s improving.

Tom, is it an ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ kind of thing?

Well, I wouldn’t go that far.

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4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

S M are just wasting space on this blog. Just writing rubbish just to be seen to be participating.  Such a shame they have nothing spiritual to offer. 

I told you before, you even mentioning me, it will only yield a response.

Rubbish as in how?  If you are going to make a claim, provide evidence - to that I will wait. I find that as a bold claim because everything I post is always Bible related or to the subject matter, even secondary subjects, and at times I quote and or paraphrase people if need be. In fact, half the information I pulled were some of the things you said actually in the past. That is the irony here, you were the one asking these things, and it didn't take long for you to repeat yourself.

The subject matter was solely about Noah's day, and how today equates to that, however, you simply brought up the similar narratives.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And I make it clear that I am not 'following' anyone else's interpretations on this forum.  So I stand alone with my head held high to give thanks to Almighty God through Jesus Christ, and I don't need the approval of any human. 

But you do follow certain things to cloud your judgment, hence your reaction in regards to the same people, even when correct, you react, even when a minor joke, you react, the very reason you were always, and will be linked with JB because the reaction and responses are always identical, in this case when it comes to Greek Grammar of not realizing religious office within a church, even of the first century.

But you have not changed, expect the fact by name only, which I discovered recently until now after quoting you; only one person refers to me as "S M" with a space.

And this is the problem, it is already known that you stand alone by me and of God and Christ, but you still fall victim to many things, even misinformation. You can disagree with some notations, which no one takes issue with, but it is added information that equates to nothing at times, which results in you dealing with, what I can assume are rivals and even now, after return I still see that has not changed, this show proves me case.

Yes, no man needs approve from any man, but even a man knows they can be checked and or counseled at times. Since Paul is mentioned time and time here, Paul himself publicly rebuked Peter regarding public sin, which caused Paul to speak to him, both men of God and of Christ, and one is giving the other one counsel regarding his mishap - keep that in mind.

That being said, in regards to the Steward comment, it was 100% correct. No violation to the Greek text, therefore, it does not go around what is written (Deut. 4:2) - that command, by no means, is rubbish.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

What can I say? Give him another upvote. He’s improving.

Tom, is it an ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ kind of thing?

Well, I wouldn’t go that far.

Essentially it defeats the purpose to the claim coined - I don't follow or need approval any man. People often hide behind this statement in order to shield themselves from what they are really doing.

People need to get all the facts regarding a subject before jumping to a conclusion, which some fail time and time again ironically for years here. Even for a man of God, not doing so can lead to a dangerous path, thus making the Christian in question blind. Most information such follow is often a repeat over and over again at times, and yet, unlike what I said about Rook, they do nothing to bring some sort of resolution to the matter, even at times, they make assumptions of many things, or going as far as to accept even a false teaching, with New Ageism, even from Atheists because it justifies their clouded judgement. This is why before, I realized how frustrated Kosonen was when some claim to be chosen on here which in turn discouraged him, and he himself was very neutral; can hold a middle ground with some people here.

The only good thing out of this, the common onlooker who has no experience in the Bible or in Faiths, they themselves have the common sense to understand and have reason, despite agreeing and disagreeing with some folks, they can also see the root of misinformation, and being all knowing that misinformation can spread through groups, institutions, and organizations because of a disgruntled few - this is strongly evident even now during the pandemic, mainly for the fact early on God's name and Jesus name raised a few eye brows on vandalized property throughout the US.

Before this train derailed, Rando in the beginning didn't speak of groups, just the Bible only in the beginning of this thread. Just like in the days of Noah, in relation to some people around the globe, you can proclaim the message to them and there will be a subnet of folks interested and some who are not, likewise with today, same outcome, but during this time misinformation can prove to be problematic, but it should not deter someone from spreading the gospel, one of the very reasons why Matthew 24:37-39 is applies today, even with the notion of the United Nations and Babylon the Great.

That being said, people who do not have the facts will eventually go forth with bad assumptions and decisions, thus opening a door to bad assumptions (Proverbs 19:2). The funny thing about this is much misinformation was even posted on this forums at times by those who didn't have all the facts, so I guess I will start to quote more often.

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23 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

People need to get all the facts regarding a subject before jumping to a conclusion

As people would say about me, it seems that you are looking for perfection. I know that you are not, and neither am I.

But S. M. 'the facts' are different to different people. 

23 hours ago, Space Merchant said:


You seem to love this word. But once again it means different things to different people. Many of us here could easily quote past teachings of the Watchtower / JW Org, which were misinformation.  You yourself belong to a different 'religion' which may give some 'misinformation' according to JWs.

Because if your religion and the Watchtower/JW religion taught exactly the same then they would be one religion. 

On 7/31/2021 at 11:43 AM, Space Merchant said:

But you do follow certain things to cloud your judgment

And you will give me some examples ?  You know what I follow do you ? 

S. M. There is a difference with, the idea of agreeing with someone, as opposed to following them. 

Two or more people can agree on a few things, it does not mean they are following each other. 

It's a bit like cars driving along the same road. Maybe they are all going to the same town but for different reasons. They are not just thoughtlessly following each other. 

23 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, people who do not have the facts will eventually go forth with bad assumptions and decisions,

Doesn't the JW Org do exactly that. They start adding traditions of men as burdens to Christians. 

They have their own form of baptism which is not the way Jesus instructed.  


They judge people in secret and they hide certain types of people within the Organisation, hence the immorality in the Org.  

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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As people would say about me, it seems that you are looking for perfection. I know that you are not, and neither am I.

But S. M. 'the facts' are different to different people. 

You seem to love this word. But once again it means different things to different people. Many of us here could easily quote past teachings of the Watchtower / JW Org, which were misinformation.  You yourself belong to a different 'religion' which may give some 'misinformation' according to JWs.

Because if your religion and the Watchtower/JW religion taught exactly the same then they would be one religion. 

And you will give me some examples ?  You know what I follow do you ? 

S. M. There is a difference with, the idea of agreeing with someone, as opposed to following them. 

Two or more people can agree on a few things, it does not mean they are following each other. 

It's a bit like cars driving along the same road. Maybe they are all going to the same town but for different reasons. They are not just thoughtlessly following each other. 

Doesn't the JW Org do exactly that. They start adding traditions of men as burdens to Christians. 

They have their own form of baptism which is not the way Jesus instructed.  


They judge people in secret and they hide certain types of people within the Organisation, hence the immorality in the Org.  

Somebody is scorned and gnashing their teeth as they make the trip to the lava bath.

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14 hours ago, BroRando said:

Somebody is scorned and gnashing their teeth as they make the trip to the lava bath.

I know the truth hurts you but, 

A. There is no lava bath. The dead are conscious of nothing at all. 

B. You are just a fraud pretending to serve God but you condemn others, which Jesus said you should not do. 

Quite funny as you started out here sounding so 'good', but now it's obvious that you are just someone else under a different AKA. 

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38 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I know the truth hurts you but, 

A. There is no lava bath. The dead are conscious of nothing at all. 

B. You are just a fraud pretending to serve God but you condemn others, which Jesus said you should not do. 

Quite funny as you started out here sounding so 'good', but now it's obvious that you are just someone else under a different AKA. 

You now know what it means to have your sins Retained.... 

John 20:23

If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.

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1 hour ago, BroRando said:

You now know what it means to have your sins Retained.... 

John 20:23

If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.

I must ask you to consider who would have such authority given to them?  Men who create their own doctrine, their own set of dates by using literal numbers to signify a symbolic coming and end of Armageddon? (Matt24:44; 25:13; Acts 1:7)  Men who could not be inspired by Holy Spirit, since they run ahead with their personal goals?  (Deut 18:20; 2 Tim 4:3,4)

"On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’ 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

21 Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.’"

These disciples remained attached to the vine of Christ - to TRUTH, receptive to the  spiritual sap that flows from Jesus, to the faithful members of his Body. (Eph 4:4; 4:25) This means, that any fruit/teachings they would produce would be "good" and only support the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Did any of them set a date as you have? Are they not the example to follow as leaders in truth? (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:3-4)  Should we wait until your date has come to prove you wrong?  No.  Assuming that you are anointed, it seems apparent that you dismiss the teachings and warnings of the Bible, and since you are not doing this, you could be labeled a renegade - an apostate against God's word in Christ.  Any renegade or "branch" not in harmony with Christ's teachings is cut off from the vine.  John 15:1-8

"Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them."  2 John 1:9,10

Do not the scriptures move your heart whatsoever, to consider your folly?

It's not too late to repent.  (Matt 3:8; 2 Tim 2:5)

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14 hours ago, BroRando said:

You now know what it means to have your sins Retained.... 

John 20:23

If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.

As Witness has almost said, that scripture does not refer to the likes of false anointed or false teachers. 

And as I've always said the scriptures are for the True Anointed remnant, of which it would seem, you are not one. 

But your pattern of condemning me brings back memories of Billy The Kid and other aka's that have done similar. 

For my part I worry not for myself.  I know I will be judged either in this life, or in the resurrection, if I die before the Judgement comes. My faith in God through Christ is strong, and I know both God and Christ are honest, fair and merciful. 


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