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Patiently waiting for Truth

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You have all deliberately avoided the point. Although James did give it a good shot.

On 8/5/2021 at 10:13 AM, Pudgy said:

The ONLY reason such considerations are important is judging the credibility of those who claim to have "special insight" about such things, and who in doing so enhance their own authority and perception of their alleged wisdom.

Don't JWs have to judge the credibility of the GB / Watchtower writers ? 

My point was that surely a Bible should say EXACTLY what it means. IF 'certain people' think they have 'special insight', then surely those 'certain people' are responsible for giving a TRUE translation of God's word. 

I used one small scripture as an example. But if by that one scripture it can be shown that the translation is not a TRUE one, then how can the translation be trusted ? 

Pudgy here says it does not matter. But if i remember rightly, the GB through it's Watchtower magazine, have said that JWs will be given instruction 'that might not make sense', but that JWs are to obey that instruction anyway.

So credibility does matter. It matters to the point of life or death according to the GB. It certainly mattered in bible times for those very reasons. 

But if such people cannot even produce a truthful honest translation of God's word, then how can they be trusted with you life ?  

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It is. You needlessly complicate it by being overly exacting, excessively unforgiving, and too enamored with your own righteousness. “NAILS OR NAIL, HANDS OR WRISTS, AND OTHER SUCH SCRIPTURES. HO

NAILS OR NAIL, HANDS OR WRISTS, AND OTHER SUCH SCRIPTURES. HOW DO CHRISTIANS KNOW WHAT IS TRUE ? The ONLY reason such considerations are important is judging the credibility of those who claim to

Come come. Add hypersensitivity to the list. Jesus nailed through the hands or wrists? That’s your crisis of faith that causes you to patiently wait? Who cares? If he was shot with a gun it

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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Don't JWs have to judge the credibility of the GB / Watchtower writers ? 

You would think so. But from what I have come to understand is, if JW's even attempt to judge the GB / Watchtower writers, that will automatically put them in the position of being viewed as one doubting that Jehovah God is using this organization. Unfortunately, this sort of questioning is not welcome as if they are going by the example of the Bereans by doing their due diligence when it comes to the rank-and-file members. No, It goes against what they have publicly declared to hundreds if not thousands during their baptism ceremony.

Yes, members are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but within this public declaration, it also includes in their 2nd question confirming that they believe that this organization is the one that Jehovah is using. 

If a member judges, scrutinizes or finds fault with any interpretation of the scriptures by the GB or Watchtower writings, that one could be considered "running ahead of the chariot." Reminded who taught them the truth in the first place? ( which in actuality, is a swift reprimanding statement that is pretty much saying, know your place kiddo, & how dare you question mother Org! ) this is if a member is getting kind feedback if they chose to go to the elders with any doubts. Otherwise that one is declared an apostate, and when that happens, it never turns out to be a good day. 

From what I gather from this latest summer symposium is, if there are gang members in your neighborhood who are killing your neighbors and harassing your own son on a regular basis, it would be wrong to own a gun for the protection of your family and home. ( I Linda, am not advocating for whether or not anyone should own a gun. ) But on the other hand
GB member, brother Splane has declared to the members, that we are at war [with them their apostates.]

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13 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

From what I gather from this latest summer symposium is, if there are gang members in your neighborhood who are killing your neighbors and harassing your own son on a regular basis, it would be wrong to own a gun for the protection of your family and home. ( I Linda, am not advocating for whether or not anyone should own a gun. ) But on the other hand

Luke 22:36

Berean Study Bible
“Now, however,” He (Jesus) told them, “the one with a purse should take it, and likewise a bag; and the one without a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.   

Yes I know that scripture is for entirely different reasons, but it seemed to fit well :) '''

Maybe ask @Pudgy what he thinks of guns ? I think he and 'Billy the Kid' might own a few.

It must be terrible to actually live in those conditions though. Here in England it is more knives than guns but no doubt it will get worse.  If I find time I will try to listen to some of the 'new light' from the Org. 


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5 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

GB member, brother Splane has declared to the members, that we are at war [with them their apostates.]

This is the reason that I could not have chosen a better title or cover than I did for TrueTom vs the Apostates!


I wrote it for those friends who have come across something apostate that stumbled them and thereafter no one in the congregation was able to help them much because nobody knew just what they had come across. I wrote if for them. Nobody else is allowed to read it.

It is war—I’ll go with the analogy, but it is an unusual one. Usually in a war, the loyal participants under attack grab their guns and blast away. In this war, they are advised not to know what the enemy is up to. Not everyone can get their heads around it. For those who can’t, that’s why there is the book. 

I can think of one exception, however, in which stopping up the ears was exactly the right course to take. This is when Odysseus was sailing past the island of the incredibly beautiful and seductive sirens who wanted to lure and destroy his ship upon the rocks of their island. Outsmarting them, Odysseus commanded that his men stuff their ears with beeswax so they couldn’t hear. However, he had himself bound to the mast, ears open, with strict instructions that no matter how much he pleaded, his men were to ignore him and row on.

As they sailed past the island, sure enough, beautiful and seductive apostababes approached. They intertwined themselves around him, driving him mad with their sweet song of the delicious petty freedoms that could be his if only he would tell Zeus to kiss off. Though it would have deadened him for sure, Odysseus pleaded with his men to unbind him so he could destroy himself. But they couldn’t hear him.



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@ApostaBabe Linda James There is a war, an ongoing one. The Jehovah's Witnesses speak on this, but there is more going on that they do not know about, even as a whole, those that do are among the rare few. They are aware of the United Nations and Babylon, and what they are capable of, but do not know the operations of them as of recent, for, in the JWs case, the situation with Russia, with events that took place before their banning (like 2016 in regards to religion, and 2017 in regards to the general public), and what essentially replaced them. Speaking of 2016, what Babylon did was a clear indicator of who is on who's side.

As I mentioned time and time again, the things to come will break some Christians, granted men are imperfect, they can fold easily if not strong enough, and JWs are not immune to this due to the fact they, like all, consist of imperfect people, some of which who has and can give into sin.

On the other side of the spectrum, history is being changed, rewritten, an indoctrination hidden by the educational institutions to shift children into a new form of thinking, the very reason parents and guardians nowadays are battling this system.

The enemy that is Babylon and the Beast has many branches, and a fight takes place on every branch.

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9 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

GB member, brother Splane has declared to the members, that we are at war [with them their apostates.]

Yes the last words of his talk were…

“False rumors are often spread during wartime. Brothers, this is war. We need to put up a hard fight for the faith as if our life depended on it — because it does! “

And this is the war that will continue, until the Wt. is gone. (Matt 24:6)  Every JW believes they are spiritually “safe” within the organization. (1 Thess 5:3)  Anyone who exits, becomes the “apostate” - they can’t be trusted, they are the liars, and liars must be silencedTruth, must be silenced within the Wt. So, it is God who has rejected those who leave, because they reject the teachings of men guaranteed to fail?  THIS is the decision-making war of Armageddon; and the underlying reason that “this is war”, has to do with trampling of God’s anointed/Temple by the full leadership. The GB directs the elders to silence the anointed.    (Joel 3:1-14;1 Cor 11:19; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Luke 21:24; 2 Thess 2:3,4,7-10; Rev 11:2; Dan 8:13; Jer 12:10; Rev 13:1,2,5-7, 11,12,15)

Since Splane expounded on this war, it should be clear that Armageddon has nothing to do with the UN, Russia or Christendom…obviously! These political and religious entities are not  Watchtower’s greatest threat.  How can they be, when they’ve shared the same bed together?  (now, we’re finding out that they are donating donated money to politicians…’robbing from the poor and giving to the rich’ to support wt’s platform.)

The organization’s threat comes from those who were once among them, who now see their lies and sins, and lay them bare for all JW,s and the world to hear. Not good for business in the corporate world! 

Yet their greater threat is the exposure of lawlessness enacted against the “city that is called by My name” – the members of God’s Temple in the anointed. (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2;5,9) If only they would wake up, repent, and leave their captivity to lies behind.  (2 Chron 7:14; Jer 25:29; Isa 1:4-9; Rom 9:31-33; Col 2:8; Rev 18:4-8,10)

From Proverbs 21 - 

A proud attitude, accompanied by a haughty look, is sin;
    they reveal wicked people. 4

A fortune gained by deceit
    is a fleeting vapor and a deadly snare. 6

The soul of the wicked craves evil;
    he extends no mercy to his neighbor. 10

The Righteous Onetakes note of the house of the wicked
    and brings the wicked to ruin. 12

When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous
    but terror to evildoers. 15

One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty
    and pull down the stronghold in which they trust. 22

The proud and arrogant person—“Mocker” is his name—
    behaves with insolent fury. 24

A false witness will perish,
    but a careful listener will testify successfully.28

The wicked put up a bold front,
    but the upright give thought to their ways.29

 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
    that can succeed against the Lord.30

 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
    but victory rests with the Lord.31


Wars to Cease





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Just now, Witness said:

“False rumors are often spread during wartime. Brothers, this is war. We need to put up a hard fight for the faith as if our life depended on it — because it does! “

What are JWs putting their faith in?  Many leave the organization and find their faith in the Father and the Son has blossomed.  They grow in their love for them.  They gain knowledge of God's word.  They experience a closeness to the Father and Jesus Christ that they never had before.

So, what part are JWs taking in this war?  They are putting up a "hard fight" for their faith in an organization and men who lord it over them.  (Rom 1:25; Rev 13:4; 2 Thess 2:9-12)


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11 hours ago, BroRando said:
5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:


5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

@ApostaBabe Linda James There is a war, an ongoing one. The Jehovah's Witnesses speak on this, but there is more going on that they do not know about, even as a whole, those that do are among the rare few. They are aware of the United Nations and Babylon, and what they are capable of, but do not know the operations of them as of recent, for, in the JWs case, the situation with Russia, with events that took place before their banning (like 2016 in regards to religion, and 2017 in regards to the general public), and what essentially replaced them. Speaking of 2016, what Babylon did was a clear indicator of who is on who's side.

As I mentioned time and time again, the things to come will break some Christians, granted men are imperfect, they can fold easily if not strong enough, and JWs are not immune to this due to the fact they, like all, consist of imperfect people, some of which who has and can give into sin.

On the other side of the spectrum, history is being changed, rewritten, an indoctrination hidden by the educational institutions to shift children into a new form of thinking, the very reason parents and guardians nowadays are battling this system.

The enemy that is Babylon and the Beast has many branches, and a fight takes place on every branch.

Can you please expand on this explanation…as to what we as a people dont quiet..or deeply understand..as to the UN…I think I have an idea but I’d really like you to spell it out for me…

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