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The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?

Jack Ryan

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

SM, you bring to the table, phrases and philosophies outside of the Wt. That's fine, but if I choose to call the GB "prosperity preachers", it is because they are.

On the contrary Witness, these aren't philosophies, they're historical accounts concerning Christianity, mainly when it comes to origin. A Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental things, about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language, majority of which does not correlate with Christian Christology. Such questions are often posed as problems to be studied or resolved. Now, Christian philosophy differs greatly and most of the time, it is against what is in the core teachings, to some degree, the Scriptures alludes this when it came to anything that is accursed.  Christian philosophy is the set of philosophical ideas initiated in 2nd century to the present day, and it continues to now, I even refuted some of it here. Christian philosophy emerged with the aim of reconcile science and faith, starting from natural rational explanations, some of which generated over the centuries with its independent scientific and philosophical theories,  which even correlates with the idea of coexistence. It is also the direct result of paganism from some, like the Greeks.

Sure you can choose, as you stated, but isn't that in of itself spreading a lie to inform everyone that Restorationist are what they were against even prior to the 19th century Great Awakening? Remember, you spoke heavily about slander and lies, even that of misinformation, but clearly, you, misinforming people the difference between a Restorationist, be it a Jehovah's Witnesses, even you, also a Restorationist to that of anyone of the Prosperity Theology, derived from New Thought. Even when the facts are presented, you purposely refuse, which is telling because you were always open to facts when it fits your favor, although in some cases an err.

This is evidently the simplest of a historical accounts in Christian history, anyone can read.

That being said, if they are considered such by you, can you explain why they adhere to Commission and not believe Jesus to be God when 100% of Anti-Trinitarians do not believe Jesus is God? I mean, you were pretty clear on John 1:1, were you not?

1 hour ago, Witness said:

They may not fit your definition according to your restricted terms,

These aren't my terms, they are straight from historical accounts and facts. It is evident you have Gnosiophobia in this regard. The irony here myself, Srecko and Evo essentially cited all historical sources, and said information was presented many times. I see this as a sad remark on your part because you just the following of mixing New Thought with Restorationism.

That said, it isn't my definition, if I recall, I was not born in the days Restorationism came out of it's predecessor - not of us were, at is. And God knows what you'd say if we bring up Subordinationism, which is essentially what birthed Restorationism.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

I choose to call the GB "prosperity preachers", it is because they are. 

This is willful slander regardless of disagreement with JWs. In this regard you only prove JWs to be right concerning misinformation. Although you can give point as to why GB is wrong, but to commit to a lie to even push your resolve is bad, mainly in the face of those who dealt with New Thought Christians. This is why people like Francis Chan always wins, and more and more people are swept by Babylon, from misinformation such as this.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

but their actions show them up to be men who revel in fleshly desires and dominance over others. 

So if they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity?  Prosperity Preachers do not have preachers besides them and their circle and they hold the Trinity to an extremely HIGH regard. They are among the worse to deal with because of Interfaith involvement.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

That is only possible by promoting the need for money.

So this should be answered then - If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 

1 hour ago, Witness said:

Lumping the Wt into your worldly definitions may work for you, but it doesn't work with me. 

It isn't a worldly term, it is direct notation the Apostolic Age whereas Subordinationism existed. After the councils and everything that transpired, such ones came back as Restorationist in an attempt to not just restore the church, but the Scriptures. This is the reason why you have the notation of the 2 camps concerning God and Christ, with the latter believing Jesus is the Son of the Living God, Matthew 16:16.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are still considered Restorationist due to their history, even as Bible Students, and those who predate them - the facts were brought up.

Granted you like Bible Gateway, here you go concerning The Age of the Apostles - https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/encyclopedia-of-the-bible/Apostolic-Age

1 hour ago, Witness said:

but it doesn't work with me. 

You were adamant of history before, so why the change?

1 hour ago, Witness said:

I don't need to dig into New Thought Theology or New Ageism

It isn't much of a dig up when you can simply look at the history of Christianity. You also just confused New Thought with literally Anti-Trinitarianism. If I may add, as I recall you briefly attested to New Ageism from your source in the past and you never corrected your statement, you were checked on that and informed on what New Ageism actually is. Again, even an err and not knowing can reap problems.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

to understand that the scriptures relate to "my people"

If that was the case, then you would not have been called out on this in the past, even now concerning Christian history.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

he "saints"/priesthood in the organization. (Rev 18:4-8) 

Then Kosnen would not have checked you also for he speaks of himself as chosen. In his defense, he knows Christian history, and would not reduce himself to ignorant slander, which in turn, can cause people to be misinformed.

That being said, I suggest you learn the history because you showed yourself to be very brittle in this regard.

And thanks to you, you just have legitimately gave Prosperity Preachers some canon fodder granted all of this is public.

No Anti-Trinitarian would make such confusion, even if you are not for JWs.

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@Srecko Sostar It isn't of interpterion. It is based on history. Even if we go back further, we can see the division between both parties concerning the Christ. Although Restorationism is a root, it's parent is practically Suborinationism, which was driven out by those who professed the teaching that later became known as The Trinity Doctrine. We also have the historical events of Bible Translation, which was brutal for some. This also connects to how paganism entered Christianity. Trinitarians, and those of the Prosperity Theology, are against Anti-Trinitarians whole heartedly, likewise, Anti-Trinitarians do not like their counterparts, and it has been this way for the longest time, so much so, as pointed out, Islam got involved too, which should tell you something.

That being said, when people do not know a bit of their history, they'll end up making wild assumptions.

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Well it seems the GB / Watchtower / JW Org are going to be going in for video broadcasting in a big way because that is what the building at Ramapo is all about. And in the assembly / convention talks they were giving instructions as to how donations should be made. I think @Srecko Sostar jokingly called in Video-vangalising or similar.  

Of course the Covid virus has stopped many things so it's easy to understand that JWs stopped the door to door work. However time will tell if this door to door work restarts and if the Kingdom Halls get reopened. Right now the KH are closed here in UK... That's why I try to be balanced on some points, because there are some things that are obviously done for good reason. JWs here in UK have been sensible regarding the Covid virus.. 

Concerning field ministry though, I tried to give warning to some JWs because I honestly thought that JWs would be in danger of physical harm due to the information concerning CSA which was and still is freely available to the public. I also wanted to make some other information known to my local congregation but, of course, they all stopped talking to me when i left, so it was impossible for me to show concern for them. I am still concerned about the elderly ones that have little knowledge about CSA or other problems in the JW Org. 

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@Patiently waiting for Truth Kathgar is a British-Arabic Jehovah's Witness, last I seen him he said CSA is low due to most institutions being closed, but he did say in areas such as London, CSA is at it's worse, even after the Justice system debacle. Granted of how long he has been pushing on misconceptions and educating people on the matter, there should be more aware of CSA, mainly in the past 4 years now. JWs won't be preaching any time soon because of what the, in this case, The United Kingdom, will end up doing very soon. London is somewhat open, which explains why preachers congregant in Hyde Park.

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16 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What do those who know, who are well learned about history, say on question: Does the devil believe in the Trinity?

Anything pertaining to lying about God, yes. People in the past were suppressed, even killed over it; mainly those forced to accept the Creeds of the Triune God.

It opened doors to the teaching that their is life after death, having visions even though the apostles have all died out, and the list continues, but at the center of it all, is Jesus Christ.

The history is important because of how close early Christian teachings were eradicated and overwhelmed by the new teaching, one of the reasons you have old Bishops who kept calling our heresies, one in question was Irenaeus of Lyons.

This goes for Bible Translations too, for that history was wild on it's own. This led to many believing verses and passages that are either not true or do not line up with Strong's.

So in short, the core battleground for Anti-Trinitarians and Trinitarians is concerning Jesus and the Bible. If the history of Christianity or the Bible isn't even concerned, it would be problematic. We are lucky this history isn't lost. You do not have to know everything, but at least the basics, with just basic understanding, it becomes a benefit.

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Sure you can choose, as you stated, but isn't that in of itself spreading a lie to inform everyone that Restorationist are what they were against even prior to the 19th century Great Awakening? Remember, you spoke heavily about slander and lies, even that of misinformation, but clearly, you, misinforming people the difference between a Restorationist, be it a Jehovah's Witnesses, even you, also a Restorationist to that of anyone of the Prosperity Theology, derived from New Thought.

For you, it is all about restorationism.  For the general JW it is not about being part of restorationism, or being a Restorationist.  Why you can't see that I just don't know.

7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
9 hours ago, Witness said:

I choose to call the GB "prosperity preachers", it is because they are. 

This is willful slander regardless of disagreement with JWs.

If the shoe fits...notice I didn't capitalize "prosperity preachers".  Another "shoe" would be calling them, "fortune seeker preachers/teachers".  I am not concerned with those you call officially, Prosperity Preachers, thus I haven't slandered them.  

7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, I suggest you learn the history because you showed yourself to be very brittle in this regard.

This is just a suggestion, (but I would rather you not do so  please) - become a JW for about 20 years at least, then get back to me.  We'll talk about the organization's "history" of false teachings.

Wait a minute, who am I slandering, Prosperity Preachers or the GB?  The GB willingly slander any who reject their falsehoods, just want to make this clear.



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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

So this should be answered then - If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 

As GB Splane said, false teachers introduce ‘a few grains of truth mixed in with falsehoods, and inspired by the demons’. (1 Tim 4:1,2; Rev 16:13-16)  

He knows what he's doing.  The only commission they are adhering to, is their own.  Many times the subject of "core teachings" has come here.  Yes, JWs hold onto a few grains of truth, and turn a deaf ear to all the lies.  (2 Cor 11:3,4,14,15)  Matt 24:24,25

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You do not have to know everything, but at least the basics, with just basic understanding, it becomes a benefit.

Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am :) with that cognition. If you and others think otherwise, it is yours and their right to dissent.

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13 hours ago, Witness said:

For you, it is all about restorationism.  For the general JW it is not about being part of restorationism, or being a Restorationist. 

As pointed out, it is not of my saying, it is the history itself, you are just as much of a Restorationist, as is, the majority of Anti-Trinitarians out there, be it a group or not, mainly in this modern age. What Subordinationism Christianity has birthed, Restorationism, has not changed. There is a deviation of Restorationism, should those accept the creeds instead of speaking out against it.

You're confusing beings with roots. There is a reason why I mentioned roots, as is what it means, something that is an origin or source (as of a condition or quality).

14 hours ago, Witness said:

If the shoe fits...notice I didn't capitalize "prosperity preachers".  Another "shoe" would be calling them, "fortune seeker preachers/teachers".  I am not concerned with those you call officially, Prosperity Preachers, thus I haven't slandered them.  

You're deviating from your lie now. Again, you were adamant about those speaking a lie, but to lie about a legitimate rival to Anti-Trinitarian, Jw or not, was willful on your part. I do hope you realize people can see that, especially a multitude of Anti-Trinitarians, for, to this day still battles with those in the prosperity camp, especially in regards to what they did some years ago that resulted in the interfaith nonsense.

Witness, it is slander to call Anti-Trinitarians prosperity preachers, you should have stuck with your false prophet notation instead of equating anything with Anti-Trinitarianism with a slanderous rival of which they dealt with for many, many years. The irony in this you speak of Babylon the Great alone, not realizing a potential threat. Therefore, Kosenen was right about you.

Learn the difference between the two.

14 hours ago, Witness said:

This is just a suggestion, (but I would rather you not do so  please) - become a JW for about 20 years at least, then get back to me.  We'll talk about the organization's "history" of false teachings.

You say this every time you evade addressing questions. But if we are to take it there, somehow a former JW adhere to a bit of New Ageism, and deconstruction of God's Order. Or cannot hold their own without the slight mention of a former faith.

So, as to my question, address it - If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 

You are a former JW, are you not? the answer should not be this difficult.

That being said, I find it quite ironic that for your 20 years, yet you proclaimed adhere to a guy, even defended without fact, who said your former faith hid literal poison in the basement of the churches, or perhaps believed in an untruth believing it to be truth, thus professing it yourself. The Biblical Facts thread comes to mind.

14 hours ago, Witness said:

Wait a minute, who am I slandering, Prosperity Preachers or the GB?  The GB willingly slander any who reject their falsehoods, just want to make this clear.

You referred to JWs as prosperity preachers, let alone Anti-Trinitarianism. That in of itself is slander.

GB you can speak of, I care not, but it is the obvious accusation of New Thought theology, which in of itself, does not make any sense.

13 hours ago, Witness said:

As GB Splane said, false teachers introduce ‘a few grains of truth mixed in with falsehoods, and inspired by the demons’. (1 Tim 4:1,2; Rev 16:13-16)  

This ahs noting to do with the question addressed to you. The prosperity theology or it's root, New Thought, has nothing truthful about it, which is evident from their inception and what transpired, and their role in Babylon.

13 hours ago, Witness said:

He knows what he's doing. 

What does this have to do with the question addressed to you concerning the commission and the Trinity?

13 hours ago, Witness said:

The only commission they are adhering to, is their own.

Everyone who came out of the Great Commission, be it they hold on to their Restorationist roots or not, adheres to it. The Commission itself is rooted in Matthew 28:16-20 and to the gospel being taught to the Nations, hence Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:13. The Commission is the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world, and as we see in Scripture, it was later entrusted to the church to continue this command. In regards to majority of Anti-Trinitarians, even that of the JWs, to them, although the general public agree/disagree with some of their notations, they recognize them for adhering to the Great Commission, such, even pointed out by the non-religious.

Going back to the first century, the Commission was held strongly, since Pentecost 33AD and onward, even in the face of Bishops. Restorationists, those that maintain said roots, do not have their own Commission. In fact, the Great Commission sits on the basis of Matthew 24:14 alone; even then, Restorationist of the 19th century didn't know everything, but they sought to learn despite their counterparts moving into the direction of Creeds.

That being said,  the Commission was addressed many times and what it signifies, even to you, at one point you even ignorantly brushed it off as a Unification Church.

14 hours ago, Witness said:

Many times the subject of "core teachings" has come here. 

Not really. Majority of threads speaks of JWs alone, rarely is there any topic of "core teachings" on the forums concerning who God is, and or of Scripture. The only one ever brought forth, you turned it into a JW thread when the focus should've been Scripture and what is conveyed.

Plus, history is rarely spoken of in terms of Christology alone.

14 hours ago, Witness said:

Yes, JWs hold onto a few grains of truth, and turn a deaf ear to all the lies.  (2 Cor 11:3,4,14,15)  Matt 24:24,25

This has nothing to do with the question addressed to you concerning their roots vs. the claim.

The question remains below:

If they're Prosperity Preachers as you said, what is the reason for Jehovah's Witnesses to be preachers let alone adhere to Commission and why they do not believe in the Trinity? 

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am :) with that cognition. If you and others think otherwise, it is yours and their right to dissent.

It still does not excuse the New Thought slander. I mean, you did cite Restorationism yourself.

That being said, Basic knowledge in regards to the Bible and the history of Christianity, we can stick with that, especially concerning JWs - we can go with the Bible first. And the fact you bring this up, reminds me of what you stated a while back regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses version of the Bible concerning error - I guess we can start with that, with just 2 questions.

My response to you:

NOTE: Jehovah's Witnesses were spoken of as committing various errors because of their New World Translation (NWT) of the Bible, and they teach that their action on this was because the errors were considered not inspired, hence 2 Timothy 3:16 (All scripture is given by inspiration of God). Not only they were spoken of as removing part of verses, but in their translation, removing a verse/passage entirely.

Concerning errors -  [1] can you explain to me why the Jehovah's Witnesses removed Gospel of John 7:53–8:11 from their translation of the Bible and some have not? Let alone change parts (Partial Verses Omitted) of a verse?

That passage isn't the only example, but we have a few others, as seen below:





Also they were spoken of as in error for verses like Acts 7:59, 60 and the verses in Matthew, it was even addressed here - 


[2] Why did the Jehovah's Witnesses make this change to the 2 verses?





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New World Translation, online on JW Org. 

Luke 17 : 35  There will be two women grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.” 36  ——

Matthew 24 40  Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 41  Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken along and the other abandoned.

Strange that the verse should be left out of Luke, but used in Matthew. 

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