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The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?

Jack Ryan

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14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

[1] can you explain to me why the Jehovah's Witnesses removed Gospel of John 7:53–8:11 from their translation of the Bible and some have not?

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 7%3A53-8%3A11&version=NIV

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Did it ever occur to you that the early scribes may be have been at fault for leaving out this passage, and that God made sure it was replaced, especially for our sake in the last days?  Read it, and

Can someone explain to me, to whom would it have been advantageous to insert that piece of writing ? 'Religions' have always been about control. That piece of writing was concerning forgiveness.

Not a misstep, they actually tried to change Gods “times and laws”. It finishes in Acts 1:7 when “He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own

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7 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

New World Translation, online on JW Org. 

Luke 17 : 35  There will be two women grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.” 36  ——

Matthew 24 40  Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 41  Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken along and the other abandoned.

Strange that the verse should be left out of Luke, but used in Matthew. 

My questions concerning spoken errors was for @Srecko Sostar, not to you. You are free to make a topic about this verse, if you want a shot at debating that. The subject matter, to him, well to you now, is The Jehovah's Witnesses NWT Bible claims/errors. Granted it stems from the claim of a Restorationist group aligned with Prosperity Preachers, so the 2 questions addressed is for a reason concerning basic knowledge between the two.

That being said, explanation in this regard; the latter can cast the first stone due to his comment.

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1 minute ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 7%3A53-8%3A11&version=NIV


This still isn't an explanation, and again, the question was for @Srecko Sostar. There is a reason as to why the response was made. You, only scratched the surface, just barely.

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Storm Trouper you have much to learn about serving God properly. 

You attitude gives you away, as does the French person's (who's name I can't remember). 

You may have a head full of Facts, but you do not have a heart full of love. 


Butler, I am well aware and versed of Textual Analytics. Again, you only brushed the surface. and the question was directed to Srecko, and for a reason - not you. One of the reasons I said you are free to create a topic for that verse. What attitude am I displaying here? The fact that history and Bible Hermeneutics exposes you for having Gnosiophobia/Sophophobia?

That being said, I do have love, being Bible strict does not mean the person lacks love, let alone them being involved with helping missing persons and teaching. I have enough love to avoid misinformation, that of which I abide by.  The fact I do not support the conduct of - same sex marriage, does not mean I lack love. But you have the free will to content to immoral conduct in this regard, which contradicts you even uttering Romans 12:9. Not to mention you evidently ate what Leftism has not reading anything in full.

If I lacked love you'd prove it, but like I addressed before, you could not.

Facts, no, I attest and proclaim history be it Christianity as a whole or the Bible, and the history around to as why it is as such now. I am familiar with history in all respects to various things, even that of the UK, as is with what the MSM is not telling people and or lying in the face of the general public. Reasons for this is because unknown to you, for what I know and the people I have met, they are aware of history being erased and or re written in some respects, even ore damaging for this has poured into the higher education system. This is why in regards to The Trinity and Interfaith, misinformation, falsehood and conspiracy is problematic, and these things I hate. Reasons why when it even comes to misconceptions of faiths, be it JW, Unitarianism, Islam, etc. I point out truth and facts, reasons being because misinformation is often spread among them. Even for Trinitarians, I know my enemy well enough to not fall victim to misconceptions concerning them either. Case and point.

Babylon has swept away the unsuspected, and perhaps it may do the same for you too if not careful.

I will leave it at that. If you want to speak of such claims, make a thread; granted you haven't thus far and shy away from your other on speaks volume.

Also it's Storm Trooper not Storm Trouper.


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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Concerning errors -  [1] can you explain to me why the Jehovah's Witnesses removed Gospel of John 7:53–8:11 from their translation of the Bible and some have not? Let alone change parts (Partial Verses Omitted) of a verse?

You are closer to their thinking than I am. I can only quote their allegations that could give a possible answer to your question. But since you read their publications yourself, I am convinced that you can guess what the explanation for your objection to their translation of the Bible might be. That in the sense, “we are not inspired", "we are not perfect", "we thought", "Jesus thought" and the like.

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13 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You are closer to their thinking than I am. I can only quote their allegations that could give a possible answer to your question. But since you read their publications yourself, I am convinced that you can guess what the explanation for your objection to their translation of the Bible might be. That in the sense, “we are not inspired", "we are not perfect", "we thought", "Jesus thought" and the like.

Srecko in all respects you mentioned Basic Knowledge. You called out the Jehovah's Witnesses in error on Scripture before concerning the Bible. Those 2 questions are for you.

It has nothing to do with publications. The images and notes below were from other sources, primarily from JW facts, similar to what you brought forth in the past.

Also of course, no one is inspired, in the same sense as apostles/prophets of old. We already talked about that months ago regarding Prophets Not Inspired.

Anyways, you can take as much time you need with this one since the 2 question are Textual Analytics based:


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@Patiently waiting for Truth @Srecko Sostar Well now, since you are both adamant about the subject of the spoken Bible errors among JWs, then either of you can answer the 2 questions. And for that, 1 John 4:1 can be used here upon waiting, hence what was said below - 


15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Basic knowledge about WTJWorg tell me they are in error in things in which they teach and act erroneously. I am :) with that cognition. 

We can start with that, in regards their NWT,  to them ministering to people during the pandemic, hence the subject of the thread.

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8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

@Patiently waiting for Truth @Srecko Sostar Well now, since you are both adamant about the subject of the spoken Bible errors among JWs, then either of you can answer the 2 questions. And for that, 1 John 4:1 can be used here upon waiting, hence what was said below - 


We can start with that, in regards their NWT,  to them ministering to people during the pandemic, hence the subject of the thread.

Do you want to be extremely uncompromising (utterly unyielding) in claiming that JWs do not make a single mistake in their beliefs and the way they practice their religion (including JW people who created NWT) ??

If you start with such a perspective then it is superfluous for John and I to answer such and other similar questions.

The fact is, which does not require it to be explained and proven, that JWs are not on the streets with their magazine trolleys and that they cannot be seen going from house to house. This kind of “sacred service”, for them, was proof that they were “true witnesses” for God. It was an indicator and example, in the eyes of JW, for other religious members of how to preach and how individual faith in God is proven and demonstrated. If JWs preach over the phone, the Internet, writing letters, or the like, that is not something that would be the original way of preaching after the example of the First Church. This is what JW's himself (they) claims, that going from house to house and looking people in the face is the best way because Jesus and the apostles practiced and established it as an example to follow.

From everything we know (see) is going on, we don't need to start again (which started on the first page) with a discussion, because the current practice of JW members, on preaching, ends / concludes your question.

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@Srecko Sostar You yourself called out Jehovah's Witnesses for Bible errors several times (The notable one was regards to Judges of Israel), you brought forth again of JW errors in regards to the notation of Basic Knowledge, in this case, their Bible - New World Translation (NWT), I didn't ask you for that other stuff, for we are focused on errors.

Also I am aware that they crafted the NWT, who is not aware? Also I didn't ask you for what JWs are doing now, but if you want to go there - Then in your eyes the JWs are wrong for proclaiming such Bible errors, right? Should the people know? That is for you to speak of in regards to this matter.

Also thank you for confirming who @Patiently waiting for Truth is, for in the past, he made claims he was not John Butler, in fact, even spoke of himself in 3rd person. It didn't take Batman level of Detective work to recognize the textual and speech patterns of Butler, so the fact I refer to him as JB, early on, with his denial and later shows no reaction to it further, practically unmasked him, and this, unmasked him even more.

So I will quote you again:




If that is what you think, them not being true witnesses, then there should be no issue calling them out for removal of verses or partial changes of verses. @Patiently waiting for Truth brought up an example of what I had addressed to you, but has not shown evidence as to why they made the change, something of which the NWT has often been criticized by certain scholars.

Please address the following that is being asked of you - again, I do not need to do another Glasgow with your comments about errors and translation

To make it easy for you we can start with John 7:53-8:11 and Acts 7:59-60, something of which Jehovah's Witnesses were called out for concerning their Bible, the NWT.



Again, you and the sources of JWfacts claim that they are in error in regards to Translations. The images were provided by Mr. Cedars, an Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, whom you follow.

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13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

he made claims he was not John Butler

Are you going to support this with facts ? Because he never said he wasn't. He said he would leave it to others to decide. 

But then you misquoted me before so I don't expect any different.

Example : I said A Truther without a heart. You misquoted ; Truthers without a heart. 

Do you actually know the difference between singular and plural ?  The difference between talking about ONE person, not talking about a GROUP of people. 

I do wonder what lies you've told about me on your 'Truther community' :) 

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