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My Sister Won’t Accept My Same-Sex Partner. What Should I Do?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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Patiently waiting for the Thuth

"Good is evil and evil is good", Isaiah 5: 20.

Jesus illustrates the Good Samaritan, who seeks to heal the wounded.


To heal the practicing homosexual is to talk to him about how God sees it. If he understands, changes his behavior and perseveres, he will be on his way to inheriting the benefits of the Kingdom.


But if he does not accept this teaching, refuses it categorically, there is no point in trying to make him understand common sense. Later on, perhaps, his situation will be different and he will be more receptive to the message that will be given to him in relation to the preaching. God see what is the condition of his hearth.  


This kind of person will not be a "close friend" for me. He will just be an acquaintance among many others.


But when he is a member of my family and he lives outside my house, I will not try to be close to him. He will know what the word of our Creator says on the subject, after that, the ball is in his court.


If he is an excommunicate, I will have nothing to do with that individual. Let the elders deal with him. 

Left-wing thinking is invading minds so open that it looks like sewage pipes. 

Let's be a little pipe of pure water.

It is not the question if he be condemned for etrenity. …..


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Patiently waiting for Truth What does the Creator think of those who "practice" homosexuality? (Just to see "if" you know) Best regard !

Oh ! you of little faith. What is your aim with this question ?  You speak like a Pharisee...........  I've already made it known in the topic above.  We know it's wrong because we believe God's

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52 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


You decide ? 

Decide what? And no one really commended anyone to death, just we do not condone the conduct, or anything the Leftist used to push the point. In @Pudgy defense to a degree it is a waste of time to tell them what is moral conduct and what is not.

So, my question to you, is, is it likely

So you will gladly go to a Gay Parade (UK based since you are there), perhaps the upcoming one in London next month - Physically or Virtually?

(and oh yes, thanks to technology and the pandemic, they got it virtual too)

Saturday, September 11 2021 Pride in London Parade

This is a simple Yes or No question


Bonus Question: Your Gay friend/co-worker invited you to a party focused on family friendly dancing, everyone there is to have a partner, 100% male. Would you go? Or would you at least serve if not a among the dancers? And should you refuse to go with him, his question to you is "why not come with since we've been friends and worked for a while?" - How would you response?

Also I like how you purposely cut the whole statement out, for what reason? An obvious one. This is what I said.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

[3] Who has condemn people to death? Because we see same sex marriage as something not holy? Or perhaps we don't like the conduct? Again, the person is not the issue, the conduct is - you ignored this several times. Something...


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13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Also I like how you purposely cut the whole statement out, for what reason? An obvious one. This is what I said.

14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

[3] Who has condemn people to death? Because we see same sex marriage as something not holy? Or perhaps we don't like the conduct? Again, the person is not the issue, the conduct is - you ignored this several times. Something...

I just gave a short answer to show that one person (or dog) here says 'they (homosexuals) are a waste of time' to talk to about Almighty God.

So it seems that one has chosen who is worthy and who is not, to receive God's message through Christ. 

If that person on here (who pretends to be a dog ???) has chosen homosexuals as not being worthy of receiving God message then that is as good as condemning homosexuals to death. 

Answer to your first question is NO I will not be going to any Gay Parade and NO i will not be watching it via any means. However it seems you know more about their activities than I do, because i didn't even know such a thing was taking place. But in this way you are doing the same as (the dog person) you are lumping them all as one.  

It seems that JWs and their followers just love to lump people together. Example : JWs on this forum lump all EX-JWs together, lump all apostates together, and now it seems they lump all homosexuals together.  Is it because you are frightened of PEOPLE AS INDIVIDUALS ?  

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14 hours ago, Alzasior Lutor said:

Left-wing thinking is invading minds so open that it looks like sewage pipes. 

I know nothing about LEFT - WING. I am not political. I have no interest in left or right wing, because all people are individuals to me. 


14 hours ago, Alzasior Lutor said:

But when he is a member of my family and he lives outside my house, I will not try to be close to him. He will know what the word of our Creator says on the subject, after that, the ball is in his court.


If he is an excommunicate, I will have nothing to do with that individual. Let the elders deal with him. 

And people commit suicide because of this. 

JWs are brainwashed to have a cold heart.  Jesus was never that way. 

Matthew 9 : 13. The words of Jesus,

Berean Study Bible
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” 

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21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So it seems that one has chosen who is worthy and who is not, to receive God's message through Christ. 

A man of God does not support immoral conduct. It isn't about worthiness, but you made it a big deal not resulting the focus was on conduct, hence you lashing out, hence the point made by EVERYONE HERE to you.

Luther, Kick and Pudgy to not like the conduct - case and point.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

If that person on here (who pretends to be a dog ???) has chosen homosexuals as not being worthy of receiving God message then that is as good as condemning homosexuals to death. 

You are twisting @Pudgy words. His point was it is a waste of time because those who practice the conduct in homosexuality don't bother with God's Word. If a man refused God's word when it is professed, that was his decision based on his free will. This goes as far back as @BroRando's thread about Noah's Day. Noah told the people of what is to come, but they did not care, he continue to the next person, on to the next. Likewise today, but unlike Noah, some listen, but the majority, or anything pertaining to LEFT-WING will never, ever listen. Leftist do not care about what you have to say about God because their ideology is God accepts everyone and their conduct.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Answer to your first question is NO I will not be going to any Gay Parade

But you were pressing everyone here who refused homosexual conduct. You saying this just shows you agree with us all this time, but don't wish to say that you are wrong.

You'd still go to service them food even though you are not involved in the parade as is with commit?

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

NO i will not be watching it via any means.

So you agree with what we say about conduct. You were being hypocritical all this time on purpose - God is witness.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

However it seems you know more about their activities than I do, because i didn't even know such a thing was taking place.

It was sourced in the NYT website concerning their events, which I was able to lookup.

But it does not excuse your ignorance to their conduct.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But in this way you are doing the same as (the dog person) you are lumping them all as one.  

We are focused on the conduct within homosexuality itself. I like how you say this after you show yourself to be in agreement now.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It seems that JWs and their followers just love to lump people together.

This is beyond JWs, it is people in general, mainly since the article which you linked is Left Wing. A Conservative who isn't religious will tell you the exact same thing, i.e. such as Steven Crowder and or those like him.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

and now it seems they lump all homosexuals together.

Focus was on conduct if you noticed.

21 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Is it because you are frightened of PEOPLE AS INDIVIDUALS ?  

Who said we are scared? No one. If you speak of fear, you should have no problem going to a Gay parade if not involved.

Also you didn't answer the second question

Note - You do not have to be a Left-Winger to adhere to their Theology. All they need is you and their influenced put on to you by means of various media and or MSM, hence your reaction to an NYT who is known for using these tactics. They did this in regards to the Pandemic and January 6th. You fell to Alt-Right influence last year concerning to Australia.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Bonus Question: Your Gay friend/co-worker invited you to a party focused on family friendly dancing, everyone there is to have a partner, 100% male. Would you go? Or would you at least serve if not a among the dancers? And should you refuse to go with him, his question to you is "why not come with since we've been friends and worked for a while?" - How would you response?


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Storm Trouper you are a complete JOKE 

You are a PHARISEE but you cannot see how wrong you are because you are soooo concerned in being a 'Truther'.

I don't have Gay friends, but I do have female relatives that live with female partners. I do not ask them about their sex life. It is none of my business. I do not spend time with them. They have their lives, i have mine. But I would help them if they needed help in an emergency.  The 'Good Samaritan principle' 

I also do not go to parties, gay or other.  i do not serve at parties, gay or other. 

I do not generally use the word Gay either. Homosexuals are homosexuals and that is the word i use. 

Matthew 9 : 13. The words of Jesus,

Berean Study Bible
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” 

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…… It always bothered me, back in the days when milk came in waxed half-gallon cardboard cartons that on one side had huge big black letters “VIT D”, and on the other side with huge black letters “HOMO”. 

Later the custom  arose to show pictures of missing children on the third sides of the milk cartons with the inscription “Have you seen me?”.

…. then, of course, there were the pictures of missing homo men on the sides of Vaseline jars ……

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35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Storm Trouper you are a complete JOKE 

Where is your evidence, Butler?

Also, I am an avid debater, for years in person, online, etc. so an appeal to motive does not work on me, and it does not work on avoiding a question. If you did debates, you'd know to avoid appeals.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You are a PHARISEE but you cannot see how wrong you are because you are soooo concerned in being a 'Truther'.

For not supporting immoral conduct? again you bring up Truther when it was not mention here, not realizing what it means. The focus on this thread is homosexuality and conduct, you even addressed the view, and the article was presented in full to conclude the focus being the conduct.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I don't have Gay friends, but I do have female relatives that live with female partners.

It is an example question. But the fact you reacted as such shows your folly. The question was asked to address how you would react in regards to the subject matter - You can still answer that question.


35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do not ask them about their sex life.

How is acting about their sex life? The question is should you end up in a situation, how would you response. You are a former JW are you not? Why hit the breaks there.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It is none of my business.

But in situations in regards to the general public you can be asked about this. This is no different from a random guy asking, for example, Anna who is a JW as to why she does not salute the flag and for what reason, likewise as to one can ask why @Kick_Faceinator likes Bill Gates, or @Pudgy why he as a dog for a picture, or, as someone addressed to me, as to why I have a Storm Trooper as a picture - in turn, there is a reason and a why to every response, hence the second question. If COVID-19 kept you under a rock this long, you are forgetting such things arise in interaction with people in society.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

They have their lives, i have mine.

Now that is an interesting mindset. Is that what you will say to someone who addressed to you why you do not want to entertain them in their event and or partake in it?

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But I would help them if they needed help in an emergency. 

And there is no problem to that. But the focus is on conduct, being a good neighbor has already ben established.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I also do not go to parties, gay or other.  i do not serve at parties, gay or other. 

Then why get angry for us calling out conduct? You even equated this to it being a stupid question to ask.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do not generally use the word Gay either. Homosexuals are homosexuals and that is the word i use. 

Well if you have been living under a rock for several years, the terms are intertwined with each other, hence modern society.

35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Matthew 9 : 13. The words of Jesus,

Berean Study Bible
But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” 

This is referring to the tax collector in the Gospel of Matthew who later became an associate of Jesus, is the In it, it highlights Jesus’ repeated insistence of mercy in addition to sacrifice. This is the point I made to @Alzasior Lutor already in regards to people fighting off, having enough will power and self control to fight temptation, which is the case with homosexuals who do not want to practice the known conduct in all things in the realm of homosexuality, mainly if such persons seek God. But the verse you are using misrepresents the focus on those who abide by immoral conduct.


My comment [Cela étant dit, la position de la Bible est raisonnable et correcte, avec tous les hommes. Il ordonne simplement à ceux qui ont des pulsions homosexuelles de faire la même chose qui est requise concernant la fornication (1 Corinthiens 6:18). Les hétérosexuels qui apprennent à connaître Dieu et sa Parole, se conforment aux normes de la Bible employées appliquent la maîtrise de soi face aux tentations, et en résistant et en se contrôlant, ils font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour plaire à Dieu, et abandonnent bientôt tout ce qui est mauvais.]

translated reads:

That being said, the Bible's position is reasonable and correct, with all men. He simply commands those with homosexual urges to do the same thing that is required regarding fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18). Heterosexuals who come to know God and his Word, conform to the Bible standards employed, apply self-control in the face of temptation, and by resisting and controlling themselves, they do all they can to please God, and soon give up all that is bad.


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Patiently waiting for Truth
1 Corrinthiens 6:

9Or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, 
10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God. 
11Such were some of you, but you were washed. But you were sanctified. But you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God
We want help everything one. As you , we would help them if they needed help in an emergency   Everything one is free to  ear or not.   

My sister is one of them. She know what is think of God. Now she have a very great hate again me. 


I'm not going to kill myself because of his feelings.

Now I'm not close to my sister. I still care about life.
I have my life and she has hers. If she wants words of comfort, she goes to her girlfriends.

"I have come to call sinners" .... We preach the good news of the kingdom to all, without exception, without discrimination. However, we do not approve of their conduct to make friends with them. They have their own lives just as we do. 
I will not invite myself to my neighbor's house who is a homosexual or a killer, to murder him. He is free to choose as I am free to choose .... 
I love my neighbor by teaching him about the mind of God. 

Jesus, in seeking to help sinners, did not associate with them to practice their sins, but to heal them. 

"I want mercy and not sacrifice".
We show mercy to everyone by bringing them a spiritual balm. It is our sacrifice of praise that we give to God. 

If the person wants to commit suicide because of me, because of my feelings of hatred towards homosexuality, I will go to that person to encourage them to live for the joy of God. Yes, there are some who change their behavior.

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On 8/12/2021 at 1:53 PM, Space Merchant said:

Bonus Question: Your Gay friend/co-worker invited you to a party focused on family friendly dancing, everyone there is to have a partner, 100% male. Would you go? Or would you at least serve if not a among the dancers? And should you refuse to go with him, his question to you is "why not come with since we've been friends and worked for a while?" - How would you response?

In the workplace, you are bound to meet people like this. Co-workers, whom you work with. The answer to that would be, I would tell him I won't attend, or take some form of responsibility for this event. If I am told WHY, my answer would not only I am a JW, but also tell the person as to, in a respectful manner, as to why I can't attend via Bible examples.

We do these to be very respectful, and I know it was address already, to not mingle with conduct or customs that are not in God's favor.

@Pudgy To a degree, it can be a waste of time depending on the person, but there are people who will listen. Believe it or not, some people out there can conquer this imperfections and be a follower of Jehovah God and Christ. I can't read French, but someone translated it already.

The article is a little bit pushing for acceptance of same sex marriage. The bible makes it clear marriage should be between a man and a woman.

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23 hours ago, Equivocation said:

In the workplace, you are bound to meet people like this. Co-workers, whom you work with. The answer to that would be, I would tell him I won't attend, or take some form of responsibility for this event. If I am told WHY, my answer would not only I am a JW, but also tell the person as to, in a respectful manner, as to why I can't attend via Bible examples.

We do these to be very respectful, and I know it was address already, to not mingle with conduct or customs that are not in God's favor.

It was a trick question, for anyone, even Christians would have a decent response if met with such a scenario. It does not have to be about homosexual events, it can be something general to that of other various events. You Cling to what is good by making a defense.

An in Bible example would be like that of the Hebrews when confronted by King Nebuchadnezzar and his people, and we all know how that played out.

In God's eyes, ones conduct should be clean, so people need to attest to that, some do not and that creates problems, but those that do, are the ones who earn his favor, reasons why I gave the example of a homosexual person in regards to self control, leaving sin, to be part of God and his Christ.

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