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"Don't Talk to Your Neighbor. Don't be Friendly" - Australian response to COVID19


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And as if that wasn't absurd enough.... they use helicopters? https://streamable.com/kq365d  

The Military as been deployed to deal with people outside the Lockdown, which was no coincidence for those that said it will happen, some of us, whom were canceled for saying that. Now this has become

We are a small nation in number and a isolated country..we always were a prime target for the Satanic NWO..now renamed the Great reset…neighbours are turning on neighbours..police turning on the peopl

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The Military as been deployed to deal with people outside the Lockdown, which was no coincidence for those that said it will happen, some of us, whom were canceled for saying that. Now this has become a reality.

Germany, The United Kingdom, etc will follow before the US takes hold of this dark winter to come, which the powers that be, Babylon and others will profit off of.

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On 8/13/2021 at 5:53 AM, Space Merchant said:

The Military as been deployed to deal with people outside the Lockdown, which was no coincidence for those that said it will happen, some of us, whom were canceled for saying that. Now this has become a reality.

Germany, The United Kingdom, etc will follow before the US takes hold of this dark winter to come, which the powers that be, Babylon and others will profit off of.

We are a small nation in number and a isolated country..we always were a prime target for the Satanic NWO..now renamed the Great reset…neighbours are turning on neighbours..police turning on the people..laws being in ignored and overruled…parliament shut down when it suits those in power….Hysteria and fear even amongst brothers and sisters….fearful times indeed ….and many not having insight into the evil workings behind it all…..this is so much more than virus and vaccinations…it’s just the start ….

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On 8/19/2021 at 9:12 PM, Thinking said:

We are a small nation in number and a isolated country..we always were a prime target for the Satanic NWO..now renamed the Great reset…neighbours are turning on neighbours..police turning on the people..laws being in ignored and overruled…parliament shut down when it suits those in power….Hysteria and fear even amongst brothers and sisters….fearful times indeed ….and many not having insight into the evil workings behind it all…..this is so much more than virus and vaccinations…it’s just the start ….

NWO has not been changed to The Great Reset, for the reset is but a branch to it. We can see what they're also doing concerning the general public and the economy. But yes, there will be many who play into the hands of such powers, i.e. people getting paid by the gov't and not trying to get back to work even though they can. Not only the MSC who will be effected, but even JWs, current and former, who are unaware, will be in subjection to it, as is with those who are not as religious, in a sense, like getting tangled up in bundles of rope, you can struggle to free yourself and flee from the powers that be, but others, they will struggle to the point of passing out and the help they get is from those of power, thus siding with them and being spoiled by them, for that is how we see it in the Truther Community.

Fear, immorality, greed and a list of things is known to be weaponized by some, but in this case, the fear is intertwined with the pandemic itself, and when people are in subjection to such fear, the powers that be can swoop in to manipulate people and children like puppets, for that combination is a very strong weapon to use against people.

I say this many times here, what is taking place, mainly with the recent events of Kabul, as is, in my case, the country of the mother, once we hit the Tribulation End Times, it will be 100 times worse. And during that time, the test of endurance will begin. And as you said, a neighbor can easily become an enemy, even a family member, as there are many examples right now concerning the vaccine.

That being said, The United Nations still maintain their plans for security, and their agenda in relation to Abrahamic Faiths has only increased. As they did in 2017 for those who hold dear to the constitution, they come again, talking about it due to various events taking place, mainly in the US.

Some here stated they do not need to worry about the real enemy, but that is not a good idea. No man ignores a loose Lion hiding in the tall grass as he walks by the beast. To be aware of things, knowing the workings of the real enemy, it gives you the opportunity to evade, and protect oneself from danger, unlike the man, you'll have awareness to not even walk along the tall grass.

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@Thinking Cannot update my last post, but in a few days it is going to get really bad, which will transition into months. In the Truther community there was talk about Israel and what they're doing which will spell over to the West and the EU, and what was said in regards to the things to come, to quote another Truther "It is going to be a harshest Hell from now into 2022, stay frosty and watch yourself and your family."

I have a lot to say, but I and the community are still doing research in regards to the United Nations, CIA and Israel.

What is to come will be tougher for you Jehovah's Witnesses too, granted Babylon and the Beast as of late are dealing with various objectives in their agenda that will soon befall of many people if they are not vigilant. So expect even your own, for they will begin to feel some kind of way in the coming months, for the foreshadowing of NWO is also near - The Mark of the Beast isn't too far too. As I told Butler, there are things taking place you wouldn't know about from the MSM.

That being said, not sure if you saw this but this was the current situation in Australia, whereas men, women and children at at risk now against authoritarianism. The irony here is, under authoritarianism, everyone is a target physically and mentally, even children for there were some, not even teens yet, who fought the police to defend their parents.


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@Thinking Was busy with a lot due to the whole Afghanistan situation and elsewhere there serious case which I aided with to remedy.

Concerning Australia here is more information

Granted with a lot of things taking place at once, outside doing what I normally do, I contribute insight and information as is take information, for that is what Truthers do. 

During the last pandemic lockdown, in the United States, there was talk about many young people who ended up taking their own lives, mostly among Caucasian/white males, the youngest known so far during that time period, was a 12 year old boy. 

This brings us now to Australia, which parallels the United States, as to which children are essentially being killed off due to the stay at home orders which are very strict there, outside of that spectrum, children succumb to violence and physical abuse, beaten and pepper sprayed as well as getting arrested. This is ironic because of the Redress Scheme from several months back where many people were against it because of them leaving out those who suffer violent and physical abuse, and now, during the pandemic, and earlier on, children succumb to abuse by the Law Enforcement, which proves my case about the justice system in Australia. Signs were also placed on people’s doors because they want these people branded, men, women and children, in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19, for instance, this took place some areas, including South Wales. 

People aren’t allowed to do anything under A critically high Totalitarian Authoritarianism. As you can see, people who are of high status, wealth and the rich do not play on the same playing field as the common household. They are not suppressed, like those of a lower status, nor are they pushed with Totalitarian punishment, more so, there has been talk about building COVID-19 internment camps for 2022. Law Enforcement in Australia were also tasked to kill off all dogs that could have been adopted, and they did so in an inhumane and heartless manner. And it continues, more strict ruling and mandatory actions that can drive people insane.  Granted everyone is indoors for sometime now, Child sex abuse and violence towards children has increased drastically, which was predicted back in June 2020 should a domino effect take place in that country.

For example, The MCU actor who plays Thor, the God of Thunder, Chris Hemsworth was at the beach with his significant other, and he was surfing. Although nothing against the man, but you can see the difference between him [his household] vs others. Moreover, Chris ironically never did an op-ed for the vaccines on behalf of the government, so it shows his stance against the narrative and where his principles are. 

As you can see, the issue is the government and any system in Australia riddled with the political and justice system that are branches touched by the government. As pointed out this will slowly spill over into the United States. 

There is a man named Bill Maher, in the political space he is a Liberal who suddenly became against Booster Shots. Reason for this is because he took the vaccine on behalf of his team, only to see what is to come, hence his reaction concerning mandates. 

Elsewhere, you have Anthony Fauci who previously said that we’ll all need to get vaccinated we could have this done by Fall of 2022 to evade problems, then switches up without an explanation to Spring of 2022 On the other side of the spectrum, the Culture War has been increasingly problematic. 

The talk about Orwellian type situations that is to take place, were correct, granted, Truthers are always above these things, likewise with the talk about Civil Disobedience, which is also true, something of which some didn’t comprehend, like that of Srecko who was not aware the difference between a religious person doing this vs a political person vs a common person, for this act can go into effect by the individual if various things take place.

That being said, don’t expect the notation of going back to your church anytime soon, be it vaccinated or not. Because what is taking place will have a huge effect on what is to come, which will hit everyone who is unaware. Meanwhile, the United Nations is playing its role as of recent with the Afghanistan situation, although the White House says it is over, it is not. 10% Americans and allies remain alongside service dogs and the like.  

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

@Thinking Was busy with a lot due to the whole Afghanistan situation and elsewhere there serious case which I aided with to remedy.

Concerning Australia here is more information

Granted with a lot of things taking place at once, outside doing what I normally do, I contribute insight and information as is take information, for that is what Truthers do. 

During the last pandemic lockdown, in the United States, there was talk about many young people who ended up taking their own lives, mostly among Caucasian/white males, the youngest known so far during that time period, was a 12 year old boy. 

This brings us now to Australia, which parallels the United States, as to which children are essentially being killed off due to the stay at home orders which are very strict there, outside of that spectrum, children succumb to violence and physical abuse, beaten and pepper sprayed as well as getting arrested. This is ironic because of the Redress Scheme from several months back where many people were against it because of them leaving out those who suffer violent and physical abuse, and now, during the pandemic, and earlier on, children succumb to abuse by the Law Enforcement, which proves my case about the justice system in Australia. Signs were also placed on people’s doors because they want these people branded, men, women and children, in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19, for instance, this took place some areas, including South Wales. 

People aren’t allowed to do anything under A critically high Totalitarian Authoritarianism. As you can see, people who are of high status, wealth and the rich do not play on the same playing field as the common household. They are not suppressed, like those of a lower status, nor are they pushed with Totalitarian punishment, more so, there has been talk about building COVID-19 internment camps for 2022. Law Enforcement in Australia were also tasked to kill off all dogs that could have been adopted, and they did so in an inhumane and heartless manner. And it continues, more strict ruling and mandatory actions that can drive people insane.  Granted everyone is indoors for sometime now, Child sex abuse and violence towards children has increased drastically, which was predicted back in June 2020 should a domino effect take place in that country.

For example, The MCU actor who plays Thor, the God of Thunder, Chris Hemsworth was at the beach with his significant other, and he was surfing. Although nothing against the man, but you can see the difference between him [his household] vs others. Moreover, Chris ironically never did an op-ed for the vaccines on behalf of the government, so it shows his stance against the narrative and where his principles are. 

As you can see, the issue is the government and any system in Australia riddled with the political and justice system that are branches touched by the government. As pointed out this will slowly spill over into the United States. 

There is a man named Bill Maher, in the political space he is a Liberal who suddenly became against Booster Shots. Reason for this is because he took the vaccine on behalf of his team, only to see what is to come, hence his reaction concerning mandates. 

Elsewhere, you have Anthony Fauci who previously said that we’ll all need to get vaccinated we could have this done by Fall of 2022 to evade problems, then switches up without an explanation to Spring of 2022 On the other side of the spectrum, the Culture War has been increasingly problematic. 

The talk about Orwellian type situations that is to take place, were correct, granted, Truthers are always above these things, likewise with the talk about Civil Disobedience, which is also true, something of which some didn’t comprehend, like that of Srecko who was not aware the difference between a religious person doing this vs a political person vs a common person, for this act can go into effect by the individual if various things take place.

That being said, don’t expect the notation of going back to your church anytime soon, be it vaccinated or not. Because what is taking place will have a huge effect on what is to come, which will hit everyone who is unaware. Meanwhile, the United Nations is playing its role as of recent with the Afghanistan situation, although the White House says it is over, it is not. 10% Americans and allies remain alongside service dogs and the like.  

It has started..it’s bad…Satan will be successful in even turning brothers against each other…one must be very wise with words..for the sake of peace and be prepared to be wronged..by those not understanding….I remember reading Russell’s words…..that governments will be so oppressive at the time of the end that people will rebel and In turn anarchy will result…..and even those with some insight will not realize it has started …but some will see..and understand ….

what is happening is terrifying….but what is more terrifying..is so many cannot see it…..stay strong..and remember…nothing is worth selling out our integrity…

I dont come here very often but I enjoy your posts SM….as a people we are just starting to cop it from other religions for not opening our KHs and fighting back…they don’t understand this is not our fight …and when we do fight back it’s legally and thru the court’s…..which are preety useless now anyway as they change legislation during the dark of night and in secret.

One good thing..people are getting very fearful and are asking questions…seeds are being planted..and Jehovah reads the hearts of those who listen……

Ephesians 6:12 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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