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The 144k and the GB...gnostics?


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7 hours ago, xero said:

Point is that none of the people complaining about the GB actually are in their congregation and it's a waste of time chasing real or imagined deficiencies of other people you don't know

I do believe those in the world who want to "know" the GB just need to tune into the website and take a listen to their videos.  Their deficiencies are REAL.  

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Bolding WT publications such as this one, do you imagine you have uncovered some dark mystical “gnostic” secret? Or is this not the way knowledge of anything is acquired? If you want to be an electric

So then what you are saying is that it is your purpose in life to piss on something without offering anything better—to take away but not give. Isn’t that sort of a pathetic occupation for a grown man

Or, if you are the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW Org, then you spend your time playing with numbers and dates to pretend you know more than other people do. 

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2 hours ago, Witness said:

I do believe those in the world who want to "know" the GB just need to tune into the website and take a listen to their videos.  Their deficiencies are REAL.  

And you have none to concern yourself with?

Can you even name a defect you have which you've struggled with, but you keep sinning anyway?

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1 hour ago, xero said:

And you have none to concern yourself with?

Can you even name a defect you have which you've struggled with, but you keep sinning anyway?

I can name several defects that I have and I continually ask for forgiveness.  One thing I don’t do, is teach millions of people that they must obey me, no matter what I say.  I don’t put myself before Jesus Christ. I don’t lead millions of people into idolatry, a grave sin that I committed for over 30 years and which I have asked God to forgive me; for listening to spiritual harlots who have broken their covenant with Jesus, and becoming one myself by consuming their lies.   I don’t tell people that Armageddon will be here in a certain year, and when it doesn’t occur, blame my listeners for jumping to conclusions.

I don’t exalt earthly treasures above spiritual “treasures”/knowledge of God’s Word.  Can your leaders live without their organization, their compound, their hopes and dreams to be filled on this earth…in Satan’s domain?

Their sins are not the slight ones. They have committed the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit, by damning the anointed in Christ, who speak against their lies. 

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6 hours ago, xero said:

I don't mean to sound critical, but you really need to reword this. It's contorting the English language in a way that's painful to read.

Apologize for my poor English :) 

From reaction made by other people here i see that they understand what was said.

More serious consequences arise when people who write texts for WTJWorg “distorting, twisting, contorting, screwing up” the minds of their readers .... PS ....and listeners.

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9 hours ago, Witness said:

I can name several defects that I have and I continually ask for forgiveness.  One thing I don’t do, is teach millions of people that they must obey me, no matter what I say.  I don’t put myself before Jesus Christ. I don’t lead millions of people into idolatry, a grave sin that I committed for over 30 years and which I have asked God to forgive me; for listening to spiritual harlots who have broken their covenant with Jesus, and becoming one myself by consuming their lies.   I don’t tell people that Armageddon will be here in a certain year, and when it doesn’t occur, blame my listeners for jumping to conclusions.

I don’t exalt earthly treasures above spiritual “treasures”/knowledge of God’s Word.  Can your leaders live without their organization, their compound, their hopes and dreams to be filled on this earth…in Satan’s domain?

Their sins are not the slight ones. They have committed the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit, by damning the anointed in Christ, who speak against their lies. 

Let's stay on topic, shall we? Let's dive into your defects. Maybe we can help you stop doing whatever it is your keep doing? We can't until you ask for help. Remember, asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It's a baby step, but I know you can do it.

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12 hours ago, xero said:

And you have none to concern yourself with?

Can you even name a defect you have which you've struggled with

Aren’t I hearing the song from her:

Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again too few to mention.

My foes, theirs I accrue, for which I want your full attention.” ?

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Apologize for my poor English :) 

From reaction made by other people here i see that they understand what was said.

More serious consequences arise when people who write texts for WTJWorg “distorting, twisting, contorting, screwing up” the minds of their readers .... PS ....and listeners.

 As far as you worrying about other people, don't you have your hands full with yourself?

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4 hours ago, xero said:

Let's stay on topic, shall we? Let's dive into your defects. Maybe we can help you stop doing whatever it is your keep doing? We can't until you ask for help. Remember, asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It's a baby step, but I know you can do it.

🙂  Spoken like a true elder "shepherd". Ezek 34:1-16; Jer 23:1-3; John 10:7-15


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19 hours ago, Witness said:

🙂  Spoken like a true elder "shepherd". Ezek 34:1-16; Jer 23:1-3; John 10:7-15


And responded to like a person who doesn't take counsel.

"A man repeatedly reproved but making his neck hard will suddenly be broken, and that without healing." - Proverbs 29:1

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4 hours ago, xero said:

"A man repeatedly reproved but making his neck hard will suddenly be broken, and that without healing." - Proverbs 29:1

That is a very good scripture to apply to your leaders who continuously rely on fabrications of their own mind, to lead God's people.  (Jer 14:14)



Perhaps you are interpreting my resistance to approach a body of elders for spiritual support that you believe I must need, as being stiff-necked?  I don’t think you understand God’s use of “stiff-necked” in the scriptures.  It concerns God’s people not following His commands, and Christ’s teachings. (Exod 32:8-10; Acts 7:51) If needed, I receive my counsel and refinement from the Father and the Son. (1 John 1:7,9,10; 2:1; 3:2,3; 5:3; Eph 4:20-24)   The GB have created their own interpretation of God’s word that diverts from scripture. You even mentioned that the magazines are simply interpretations on the word of God, which indicates no solid ground for truth to be established. (Matt 7:26,27)  Their goal is to refine JWs according to an earthly organizational method under the influence of their word, that you seem to prefer.  No.  They are not my mediator, an organization made up of elders is not my mediator, who have usurped the anointed priesthood in Christ, (2 Thess 2:3,4) and who gives advice by the guidelines of a confidential scripted book.   Are your methods the same earthly methods of your leaders?  ( Phil 3:17-21; James 3:15)

“So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a feast day or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. 18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, ("messengers"....was it you who mentioned that JWs tend to "worship" the GB? Someone did)   intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.

20 Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations— 21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” 22 which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men? 23 These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.”  Col 2:16-23





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