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Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions

Srecko Sostar

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21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Wrong choice of words. Yes, i am Member in this Club.  If I want to leave a comment in this club or on some other page, then it is logical that I have to log in. Does that make me a “member” who swears allegiance? :) If you do not want to loosen your perseverance, feel free to continue in the same scenario. I don’t mind if people want to see where I left a comment or tagged a video with “like”.

Guests cannot comment in this club, you logged in using a email. It was not a poor choice of words. The fact you can leave a comment, in your name, with a profile, also proves hit as fact.

And? you still have an account on this forums.

Nice try tap dancing over that, and clearly it did not work.

21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Perhaps you have some sort of a OCD in this matter (as in Glasgow case too), as our other member of this club, Arauna, would say. Waiting for your (long) response. 

I do not care about OCD, I care about people stating misinformation as a truth, which you did.

21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

One of our case studies examined the responses of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to allegations of child sexual abuse. We also held an institutional review hearing to provide an opportunity for the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to inform us of its current policies and procedures in relation to child protection and child safe standards, including responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.

As of 31 May 2017, of the 4,029 survivors who told us during private sessions about child sexual abuse in religious institutions, 70 survivors told us about abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of the victims we heard about, 80.0 per cent were female. The average age of victims at the time of first abuse was 8.4 years. Of the 53 survivors who told us about the age of the person who sexually abused them, 44 survivors (83.0 per cent) told us about abuse by an adult and 12 survivors (22.6 per cent) told us about abuse by a child. A small number of survivors told us about sexual abuse by an adult and by a child. The vast majority of survivors who told us about abuse by an adult perpetrator said they were abused by a male adult.

Of the 65 survivors who told us during private sessions about the role of a perpetrator, 26.2 per cent told us about child sexual abuse by family members. This was considered to be within our Terms of Reference when the sexual abuse was reported to and handled by the religious institution. We also heard from survivors about other perpetrators including volunteers (13.8 per cent), lay leaders (9.2 per cent) and other adults who attended the religious institution (9.2 per cent).

As part of our case study, the Jehovah’s Witness organisation provided us with files containing allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse. They provided us with documents relating to at least 1,800 children and over 1,000 alleged perpetrators.

Institutional responses to child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Our case study regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses showed that the organisation dealt with allegations of child sexual abuse in accordance with internal, scripturally based disciplinary policies and procedures. We found that at least until 1998, individuals making complaints of child sexual abuse were required to state their allegations in the presence of the person against whom the allegations were made. The ‘two-witness’ rule applied – that is, wrongdoing could only be established on the basis of testimony from two or more ‘credible’ eyewitnesses to the same incident (or strong circumstantial evidence testified to by at least two witnesses or testimony of two witnesses to the same kind of wrongdoing). Allegations were investigated by elders, all of whom were men and had no relevant training.

We found that in deciding the sanctions to impose and/or the precautions to take in relation to a known or suspected perpetrator of child sexual abuse, the Jehovah’s Witness organisation had inadequate regard for the risk that the person might reoffend. Alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse who were removed from their congregations as a result of allegations of child sexual abuse were frequently reinstated. We found no evidence of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation reporting allegations of child sexual abuse to police or other civil authorities.

During our case study we heard from survivors of child sexual abuse that they were not provided with adequate information by the Jehovah’s Witness organisation about the investigation of their allegations, felt unsupported by the elders who handled the allegations, and felt that the investigation process was a test of their credibility rather than that of the alleged perpetrator. We also heard that victims of child sexual abuse were told by congregational elders not to discuss the abuse with others, and that if they tried to leave the organisation, they were ‘shunned’ or ostracised from their religious community.

Contributing factors in the Jehovah’s Witnesses

We considered a number of factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses or to inadequate institutional responses to such abuse.

The Jehovah’s Witness organisation addresses child sexual abuse in accordance with scriptural direction, relying on a literal interpretation of the Bible and 1st century principles to set practice, policy and procedure. These include the ‘two-witness’ rule as discussed, as well as the principle of ‘male headship’ (that men hold positions of authority in congregations and headship in the family). Scripturally, only men can make decisions. Other scripture-based policies include the sanctions of reproval (a form of discipline that allows a perpetrator to remain in the congregation), disfellowshipping (exclusion or excommunication as a form of punishment for serious scriptural wrongdoing), and shunning (an instruction to the congregation not to associate with a disfellowshipped person). As long as the Jehovah’s Witness organisation continues to apply these practices in its response to allegations of child sexual abuse, it will remain an organisation that does not respond adequately to child sexual abuse and that fails to protect children.

We recommend that the Jehovah’s Witness organisation abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.27), revise its policies so that women are involved in processes relating to investigating and determining allegations of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.28), and no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassociation is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.29).

We welcome the inclusion in the recently published Child safeguarding policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia of a requirement to report child sexual abuse to civil authorities in cases where elders consider that a child may still be at risk of harm. The Jehovah’s Witness organisation should also amend all of its policies and procedures relating to child sexual abuse to ensure that this requirement is included.

And yet you continue to avoid the case studies, the question is why? What you referenced is the opening, but you, like the guy in the video, avoid speaking about the case studies, the reason is already known.

21 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Which of these was posted on the WTJWorg official site for JW members to read? Did they post a link like you did at this club?

I already made comment to that regarding posting on official sites. Some JWs posted several links in this club in regards to discussion, even JWI had something to say.

They have actually, ARC was talked about several times here by others, specifically @Anna and @JW Insider. In Anna's case, she checked you "hard" several times, and to this day you do not even realized you were corrected, similarly to how The Black Knight in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, who didn't realize how bad his injury is.


That being said, I ask again, there was a specific note in the case studies I adhered to before you started to tap dance. Why ignore it?

Also, among all faith institutions who had CSA issues and were in ARC, the JWs were pretty low. If I remember correctly, out of all institutions/clubs, the Catholic Church was the highest, mainly due to the fact they have a large presence in Australia.

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Yes, we have discussed this on the forum before. I think this issue is taken to be viewed from the secular perspective only. They, the secular authorities, designate JW elders as having a clerical rol

Laws and regulations about issue is available to see and you said well. Of course, when we speak about JW elders then it is notable to understand how we have to put clear picture on question; Do

So, we could say that it is a matter of decision, In this case by JW elders, how much they want to be principled. The three Jews from the book of Daniel were so principled that they were thrown into t

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11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It seems as if Truthers, or at least one Truther,  should be called a Snooper 

Snoopers for what? He lied, and he was corrected. But it seems now you ignore the lie.

That being said, it didn't stop you and the latter from doing the exact same thing, calling things of this nature out.

And please, to insult one is a hit on many, do not insult the Truther Community, for them, even in the UK, they've been doing a lot concerning CSA, they knew the story of Sarah, and you, living there, being born there, I find it surprising you didn't know her story since you said it yourself, you are focusing on CSA in United Kingdom.

Ironic how I know more of the UK's innerworkings, but you do not, likewise with the situation that IICSA had with Teresa May.

11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I didn't know @Space Merchant was so bored that he spent his time snooping on people's internet activity. 

I don't snoop, platform remark was a lie, simply called it out. @Srecko Sostar lied twice actually.

A man of God you claim to be, but when one of your own lies, you see no reason to speak. Therefore, you proved my point.

11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:
Maybe I have to confess that i have around five Facebook pages. One is directed at Leaving the JW Org. 
I may even have a Youtube account but i would think it is inactive.

You said you used Facebook and YouTube, so that is not unknown to me or anyone else. None of you are doing anything about CSA in regards to helping child via platforms, and that can be seen.

Likewise, you are among many who do not realize pedophiles access such platforms, some people stamp them out. Twitter is an interesting one because we found something in relation to your camp.

11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do see FB as a 'platform' of sorts and it is very useful to use to 'Preach the Good News of the Kingdom' whilst remaining outside of the JW domination.

Facebook is indeed a platform... If it is this useful as you claim, what is stopping you from discussing child sex and violence abuse on a grounded discussion?

That gang you mentioned before who stop child abuse, they do this to an extent to, what is stopping you, or perhaps the JW teen was right about you and Srecko.

11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It's nice to be able to tell people that we ARE in the Last Days, without having to put silly dates or years on it.

But you shy away from discussion child abuse yet you whine about it here with no positive resolve.

11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It's nice to be albe to show people that a Christian can be balanced. 

But you defended someone lying regarding platforms. How is that Christian? Cherry picking the trees, are you?


That being said, this alone shows that the both of you are not serious at all when it comes to child sex abuse. You prove my point many, many times whenever CSA it brought up.

Some of those gang bikers are Truthers as well, hence their connection to BACA. I will gladly see their reaction to how some people claim they are serious about CSA... Because this can be seen here.

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

He is an interesting character. I presenting myself with real name (some would say that is a risk, because bad people can use photo and name for evil purpose) on this Forum and elsewhere if i leave comment or put "like".

Whether you use your real name or not, people can find you via IP and or otherwise. Your picture can also be used by others and or ads, even the degusting ones, granted some people's pictures were used, adults and children for nefarious things, I've already mentioned the Dark Web.

You can only sort of escape that with your security is good.

Regardless, if you have the ability to log in and make a comment, like/dislike something, you are tied to a platform via device, email, IP, etc.

You can't post here, in this specific thread as a guest. That isn't out forums work and Admin made that clear, although I mentioned him, I didn't quote him.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

He have idea how visiting internet places, let say 1, 5 or 35 of millions that exists, means how person is "all over the place".

I don't know if you are saying something that is concise, or you stumbled upon your words and lost all sense.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Perhaps, guess internet only, and not all over geographic places, all over time places/points, or all over parallel universe, or in some third space-time reality.

What does the Internet have to do with parallel universes and "3rd space-time reality"?

You aren't making a whole lot of sense, perhaps to avoid talking about the cases in ARC. Understandable because you clearly take CSA seriously, as always on this forum, this is why I pointed out if you knew Red Flags but you did not, so you wouldn't be good at detecting abuse.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

On contrary he representing himself with false name and an icon/figure that is strange.

Such is strange to a man who shows ignorance and dances in his own folly. On the contrary, all names and pictures have a meaning behind it, you were told this, Butler was told this, but I guess the strawberry cake that is placed at the Tableau des anges déchus is too good for the both of you.

The name "Space Merchant" with a "Storm Trooper" picture has a reasoning by behind it, as I always allauded to it, even mentioned it briefly.

Marchand de l'espace (Space Merchant)  derives from short stories of my mother when she was in her country, Haiti. She was a fan of super heroes as a child, and she created a name for herself, Space Merchant, which she made from a mix from her interest in The Green Lantern and Space Ghost since that and JSA was usually aired in Haiti to those who had access to a Television, created her own hero name. She  did this in order to not think about the badness, the killings, even threats of practitioners of Black Magic (Voudou) to her and others; this mentality helped her to stay sane because being in constant fear can take toll on people, thus assuming herself to be like that of a hero of some kind, and she, even as a child back then, helped people her age and, culturally older ones, while being pressed with all that stuff around her, as with her nearly losing her life a few times, granted, those of Black Magic often go for children and teenagers for their blood, that is why some are superstition and or do not give/take blood, the old generation and some of the new, onward today. So I take up that name, Space Merchant aside from what I am originally called BSGT_ Jean-Baptiste or simply Steph. I was even told it would be good to take up that name since I mentioned the story elsewhere. I referred to myself as Space Merchant prior to joining CSE whereas I was already an avid preacher of the gospel, as with being quite logical, and this earned me a lot in the debate space at CSE and in public. In the Truther community, although I am called SM there, people who are aware of me call me Space Merchant.

On 10/1/2018 at 12:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

The name Space Merchant comes from short stories my mother made when she was a child, and I figured, the name was not taken here so I reside with it.


I told Butler this already a while back in regards to this but was brief about it after he attempt to joke about why my name is such, mocked it even. The lost soul does not know when it comes to some people, even Islanders, there is a name behind everything and there is a reason as to why people choose or have such names, be it a title name, alias, etc. Unfortunately  some folks in the United Kingdom are unaware of this or being hypocritical, granted their history.

Like she did to help others, I do the same, hence why I have been involved with children, and helped out elsewhere.

Storm Trooper picture derives from 2 things. A child who I knew who liked Star Wars, his parents were Star Wars fans themselves, to this day (however not open about it as much because they lost their son). The child was an only child (their only child) and because of his interest in Star Wars, he drew the characters from it a lot, and favored Storm Troopers, he even called me a Storm Trooper. Unfortunately, this child passed away despite being a few months away from the being age 11, and what took his life was an infection, the Flu, for young children are more at risk for the Flu. Although he sleeps in death, and God through Christ Jesus will raise him soon, every since then I maintain a Storm Trooper picture everywhere, and it seems it is suitable for my name, more so, it is a constant reminder for that child, this is the reason I am not the type to forget things and often bring them up; granted as people age, they lost their memory in some cases.

The other part of that originated with the picture is the fact I was called a Biblical Storm Trooper. This was when I was debating a lot, so much so, I can recall most of my debates, even my early ones when I was a newbie in the debate space, this is also what led me to many things connected to other people, The Speaker's Corner in London, Kel, UK Truthers, The Restorationists, Ezekiel the Goldfish (Sunrise Ezekiel), Kathgar The Arabic JW who survived a terror attack, The late [who some alleged to have disappeared] Souja of God (anointed), FAKT Russia, Steven Gern, Venti, The Truther Community, as is with those who are Anti-Agenda (dislike for opposition groups), etc.

The Bible knowledge came from my Father of course, as is principle, the very reason I call out falsehood, aside from being a Truther.

Although not mentioned, The Islander part should be obvious, my culture derives from it, mainly due to the fact we were Scripture heavy. This also led to my growing in knowledge at a very young age, even baptized at the island. As I grew, I saw first hand what sin can do to a man, for I mentioned my brother who got himself addicted to pornography, as is with a late friend of mine, who was persuaded to do pornographic films and eventually she took her life after what the adult industry and the bullying that followed; this resulted in groups like Anonymous going after cyber bullies, including the one regarding my late friend.

On 10/1/2018 at 12:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

And there is a reason as to why I use the Storm Trooper image and what I have been called by the late young one who loved Storm Troopers, the very reason I maintain this avatar. I am actually an islander, for my own culture and background is entrenched in the islands itself, I am refereed to as a Biblical Storm Trooper because of my Biblical studies and this young one knowing how I am seeking all kinds of knowledge regarding God, I am referred to as such, hence his word sits in my memory and very soon I will see this young one again when he is resurrected by the Christ by means of God.

At least I am aware that there is a reasoning behind everything, even names. This is why I called you a pretender. St least now this time you learn; compared to the latter who knows who he is, and pretends he is not said person because he fears the admin when many people called him out.

You can mock all you want the name and picture, but the fact there is reasoning behind such, the name even the picture itself, I hold true to those convictions, and that is why I am how I am, even I speak like I do in this manner to people, mainly when it comes to call their bluff, as I did to you, as is, I don't flinch to people, even former JWs on the dark side of the moon.

Kind of hypocritical to attest to Child Abuse Awareness if this is how you act and response, for if the thread was in regards to such, you didn't have to do all that shoehorning.

As I told @ApostaBabe Linda James the story of Sarah, I hope this time you remember her name (for the mugshot of the pedophile should have been recognizable to someone who us posting about CSA in the UK). Therefore, choose your next response carefully, for, if you can't talk about CSA to drive interest in conversation and or additional solutions, they you simply made this thread for no reason.

That being said, as are my convictions, unlike you, I am very serious about CSA, so much so, I believe I was among the few who spoke about CSA on a grounded level form of discussion, a couple times actually.





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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:
23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

One of our case studies examined the responses of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to allegations of child sexual abuse. We also held an institutional review hearing to provide an opportunity for the Jehovah’s Witness organisation to inform us of its current policies and procedures in relation to child protection and child safe standards, including responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.

As of 31 May 2017, of the 4,029 survivors who told us during private sessions about child sexual abuse in religious institutions, 70 survivors told us about abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Of the victims we heard about, 80.0 per cent were female. The average age of victims at the time of first abuse was 8.4 years. Of the 53 survivors who told us about the age of the person who sexually abused them, 44 survivors (83.0 per cent) told us about abuse by an adult and 12 survivors (22.6 per cent) told us about abuse by a child. A small number of survivors told us about sexual abuse by an adult and by a child. The vast majority of survivors who told us about abuse by an adult perpetrator said they were abused by a male adult.

Of the 65 survivors who told us during private sessions about the role of a perpetrator, 26.2 per cent told us about child sexual abuse by family members. This was considered to be within our Terms of Reference when the sexual abuse was reported to and handled by the religious institution. We also heard from survivors about other perpetrators including volunteers (13.8 per cent), lay leaders (9.2 per cent) and other adults who attended the religious institution (9.2 per cent).

As part of our case study, the Jehovah’s Witness organisation provided us with files containing allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse. They provided us with documents relating to at least 1,800 children and over 1,000 alleged perpetrators.

Institutional responses to child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Our case study regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses showed that the organisation dealt with allegations of child sexual abuse in accordance with internal, scripturally based disciplinary policies and procedures. We found that at least until 1998, individuals making complaints of child sexual abuse were required to state their allegations in the presence of the person against whom the allegations were made. The ‘two-witness’ rule applied – that is, wrongdoing could only be established on the basis of testimony from two or more ‘credible’ eyewitnesses to the same incident (or strong circumstantial evidence testified to by at least two witnesses or testimony of two witnesses to the same kind of wrongdoing). Allegations were investigated by elders, all of whom were men and had no relevant training.

We found that in deciding the sanctions to impose and/or the precautions to take in relation to a known or suspected perpetrator of child sexual abuse, the Jehovah’s Witness organisation had inadequate regard for the risk that the person might reoffend. Alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse who were removed from their congregations as a result of allegations of child sexual abuse were frequently reinstated. We found no evidence of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation reporting allegations of child sexual abuse to police or other civil authorities.

During our case study we heard from survivors of child sexual abuse that they were not provided with adequate information by the Jehovah’s Witness organisation about the investigation of their allegations, felt unsupported by the elders who handled the allegations, and felt that the investigation process was a test of their credibility rather than that of the alleged perpetrator. We also heard that victims of child sexual abuse were told by congregational elders not to discuss the abuse with others, and that if they tried to leave the organisation, they were ‘shunned’ or ostracised from their religious community.

Contributing factors in the Jehovah’s Witnesses

We considered a number of factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of child sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses or to inadequate institutional responses to such abuse.

The Jehovah’s Witness organisation addresses child sexual abuse in accordance with scriptural direction, relying on a literal interpretation of the Bible and 1st century principles to set practice, policy and procedure. These include the ‘two-witness’ rule as discussed, as well as the principle of ‘male headship’ (that men hold positions of authority in congregations and headship in the family). Scripturally, only men can make decisions. Other scripture-based policies include the sanctions of reproval (a form of discipline that allows a perpetrator to remain in the congregation), disfellowshipping (exclusion or excommunication as a form of punishment for serious scriptural wrongdoing), and shunning (an instruction to the congregation not to associate with a disfellowshipped person). As long as the Jehovah’s Witness organisation continues to apply these practices in its response to allegations of child sexual abuse, it will remain an organisation that does not respond adequately to child sexual abuse and that fails to protect children.

We recommend that the Jehovah’s Witness organisation abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.27), revise its policies so that women are involved in processes relating to investigating and determining allegations of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.28), and no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassociation is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse (Recommendation 16.29).

We welcome the inclusion in the recently published Child safeguarding policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia of a requirement to report child sexual abuse to civil authorities in cases where elders consider that a child may still be at risk of harm. The Jehovah’s Witness organisation should also amend all of its policies and procedures relating to child sexual abuse to ensure that this requirement is included.

And yet you continue to avoid the case studies, the question is why? What you referenced is the opening, but you, like the guy in the video, avoid speaking about the case studies, the reason is already known.

No, SM. Quotation i put is from link you provided and i navigate further to Final Report to Particular Institution to Religious Institution and to particular religion Jehovah's Witnesses, which are all under heading Summary.   

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5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

No, SM. Quotation i put is from link you provided and i navigate further to Final Report to Particular Institution to Religious Institution and to particular religion Jehovah's Witnesses, which are all under heading Summary.   

Seems you cannot bear of what is being asked of you. Did you bother to check the cases, or the exhibits? No? Not yet still? Why? I mean, if you posted that video but can't bring what was mentioned in a response to said video, clearly something is being ignored. The information you put is technically the introductory to Jehovah's Witnesses on ARC. Surely you can do better than that.

I linked you ARC for a reason, if I had asked you for an introductory, I would have asked.

So I wait until to speak on what was asked of you pervious concerning Child Abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses from a couple years back.


That being said, IICSA has an interest P.O.I, as mentioned. This is why I mentioned Status. Concerning CSA people of Status are not really pressed on.

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16 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I am very serious about CSA,

I respect your reasons for internet name and picture and for history of your family and friends.

Because you put my credibility in question i don't see how story about your "fake" name and picture  and provided explanation should be used in order to continue harassing about where any of the other participants log in and give comments. If you are as serious as you claim, then please stop talking about who is where on other platforms and comment on the topic on this Forum. Stick to the topic if you can. If you can not, then continue with same "song". 

The topics that can be found in this Open Club, are primarily related to JW and that is why I put them. If you consider yourself and act in life more and better than activism or an observer, great. If others can’t be as good as you, then don’t bother them because they can’t achieve your level of standards and performance. Respect others if you want others to respect you. We may disagree about the type of problem and the type of solution and the type of cause for both things. You’re obviously a capable “debater,” but, winning in words doesn’t mean you’re right and others are wrong.

All your successes that you enumerate, we, who read them, cannot confirm or deny. It remains to believe or not to believe. So, be modest in your praises, and glorify others who you think are not as good as you, that is quality. 

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On 9/25/2021 at 12:57 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Because you put my credibility in question i don't see how story about your "fake" name and picture  and provided explanation should be used in order to continue harassing about where any of the other participants log in and give comments. If you are as serious as you claim, then please stop talking about who is where on other platforms and comment on the topic on this Forum. Stick to the topic if you can. If you can not, then continue with same "song". 

Again, names have reasoning, do not disrespect it by saying a fake name, for if you do not like it, do not speak of it at all.

You are mistaken. You told me directly you had no platform, merely called you out for it, for if it was this of a serious case to you, then you would have shut down the JW teenager who called you Frida several times in the past, even pointing out where he found you, even much later on that same teenager asked you about platforms, yet here your tunes has changed willfully.

I had since stopped talking about platforms, you were the one who continued to bring it up after being exposed.

That being said, in regards to such, if one can be vocal about something, on for instance, Facebook, they can use said platform to educate people on child abuse, and I do not see why the effort isn't made by those who speak of child abuse repetitively. Granted, you brought up awareness in regards to the IICSA.

On 9/25/2021 at 12:57 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

The topics that can be found in this Open Club, are primarily related to JW and that is why I put them. If you consider yourself and act in life more and better than activism or an observer, great. If others can’t be as good as you, then don’t bother them because they can’t achieve your level of standards and performance. Respect others if you want others to respect you. We may disagree about the type of problem and the type of solution and the type of cause for both things. You’re obviously a capable “debater,” but, winning in words doesn’t mean you’re right and others are wrong.

There is nothing to debate about concerning Child Abuse via Sex and or Violence.

These aren't my level of standards, this is in relation to CSA prevention.

The information you provided have guidelines to such things, so as I told you before, the source itself is from CSA prevention, perhaps you should apply what you are proclaiming


On 9/11/2021 at 2:09 PM, Srecko Sostar said:


The link provided, which you probably didn't look into, gives numerous guidelines on how to play your part in Child Sex Abuse aside from their investigations. - https://www.iicsa.org.uk/reports-recommendations/publications/investigation/cp-religious-organisations-settings

image.gifSurely if you took it seriously, you'd express more on said guidelines on protective measures regarding child sex abuse instead of deviating.

As you can see the IICSA used the Twitter Platform, not only to show awareness, but offer a link to said information of various things regarding child abuse in the United Kingdom, and they are one of several groups, this excludes community efforts.

On 9/25/2021 at 12:57 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

The topics that can be found in this Open Club, are primarily related to JW

Actually you posted a link for the IICSA, it isn't JW focused only, but The United Kingdom itself. Look at your own link.

On 9/25/2021 at 12:57 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

All your successes that you enumerate, we, who read them, cannot confirm or deny. It remains to believe or not to believe. So, be modest in your praises, and glorify others who you think are not as good as you, that is quality. 

I had made known evidence to this in the past, therefore confirmed. even those who were looking for the CSA information I posted here, of which they converted into Spanish because, even in the Latino community, this is problematic.

I do not praise myself nor do I glorify others. I mention because you didn't know as to why I have the name I have now. Do not jumble yourself.

That being said, I encourage you to look at the guidelines of IICSA instead of simply reading a Twitter heading.

You can start with the below concerning Religions in England/Wales:


8.1 in the introductory references the faith in question.

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@ApostaBabe Linda James Apparently some JW places of worship may open up very soon. Elsewhere, the Arabic JW I mentioned before confirmed this, and I am sure other JWs would bring this up too.


كاثغار ، أتباع المسيح - Vaccination rates vs Cases vary. The higher the vaccination percentage is, the higher the chances some places will open back up to resume activities, this even goes for us Jehovah's Witnesses, where we can return to our place of worship as a people, as a congregation. But clearly, this "New Normal" is spontaneous, anything can happen, and us going back to our Kingdom Halls, in your case, resuming your business, will be short lived. Now it is uncertain of which area will resume their activities, I can't say much about our coronavirus issue here in the United Kingdom.

Be safe, keep continue to keep Jehovah's Kingdom first.

I see this as something short-lived because of the Endemic situation. I believe they will not return to door to door preaching because of the current situation, more so, if they do open back up and continue their worship, there is a high chance that some people who go meet with JWs or become JWs had their colors revealed during in the Endemic. Although it is a good thing for anyone to want to resume worship, but they do not see how wolves and other predators who, increased, during a critical time on the outside. In a sense, JWs will get hit even harder than pervious, granted how high CSA was when COVID-19 began. Reasons why the opportunity to actually educate oneself on CSA is vital while there is time and this time people need to move very carefully, granted the pool of abusers, namely pedophiles, even Ephebophiles (Chrono) is very high this time around, likewise with child on child abuse.

That being said, I mentioned elsewhere that there are people who took a hit, me included, for calling out a School in a specific county, even in the past when I spoke about educating oneself on CSA prevention, what I stated, from CSA prevention source, the Bible and quoting a follower of Christ, is very critical due to places opening back up.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

In a sense, JWs will get hit even harder than pervious, granted how high CSA was when COVID-19 began. Reasons why the opportunity to actually educate oneself on CSA is vital while there is time and this time people need to move very carefully, granted the pool of abusers, namely pedophiles, even Ephebophiles (Chrono) is very high this time around, likewise with child on child abuse.

I agree with your prediction you repeated several times on various topics. This only proves that the WTJWorg Administration along with its members is dormant in its self-confidence of living in a “spiritual paradise”. Poor internal communication, poor policies and rules of conduct in critical situations, poor education, in general, and especially for CSA. The fact that they are capable organizers for construction projects and the purchase / sale of real estate is not enough.

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8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I agree with your prediction you repeated several times on various topics. This only proves that the WTJWorg Administration along with its members is dormant in its self-confidence of living in a “spiritual paradise”. Poor internal communication, poor policies and rules of conduct in critical situations, poor education, in general, and especially for CSA. The fact that they are capable organizers for construction projects and the purchase / sale of real estate is not enough.

It is something that is to happen, granted of the vast majority that [A] entered the country and [B] the sheer increase of CSA, which I brought up time and time again, New York recently had a man released (who raped and killed a child years ago), and elsewhere in the US a multitude of people were dropped off throughout the US at the dead of night, some of which may have ill intent, and ironically are barred from both mandates and vaccinations.

They're not dormant, granted if the people take the needed steps to counter anyone suspect, namely if they display any of the Red Flags of which is mentioned to you. As of now, abusers, namely children who sexually abuse other children target institutions, as is with media for meet-ups, i.e. the situation which YouTube was hit by, as is Twitter, but somehow they allowed the pedophiles back on to the platform, resulting in people monitoring and teaching to evade such ones.

It has nothing to do with policy or rules, hence recent events, but simply the education aspect of CSA, which is no different from the IICSA notation. Moreover, the biggest issue is bystander syndrome (Bystander Effect), of which majority of people who are unaware tend to be effected by, for recently, like I said, child on child abuse because of someone exploited transsexual/LGBTQ community, elsewhere, a woman was raped in a train and everyone just simply did nothing, some just had their phones out, a woman in UK was raped and killed by an officer, some abusers were released from captivity, one of them the MSM championed in their articles, etc.

Institutions are capable of teaching such outside of their operation, however, it is the people to apply the education. You can teach a room full of school children that drugs and sex before marriage is bad, but a good chuck will continue to go down that path, you already did your part, in this sense. This is similar to education related to CSA, strangers, drugs, etc in the realm of religious and educational institutions.

It also stems from politics, for should the Left have their way, as is with some Libs, you'll not only have more abusers around, but more Desmonds roaming the schools and the streets, on the other side of the spectrum, the whole situation with ARC in Australia is technically lost due to Authoritarianism, granted, when such is in effect, Opportunists will show up, and it will be no surprise that Opportunists how there had their way with children/teens be it violently or sexually, with police essentially dropping like flies due to despotic like action. 

That being said, indirect occurrence will effect majority of institutions if they leave their heads down.

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But it proves where their hearts and minds are. 

Actually no because they will not know someone's intent, mainly due to the fact the wild increase of pedophiles and child abusers due to the lockdowns and COVID-19, and how well rooted they made themselves in some communities that did open back up, mainly schools. As of recent, we have examples, some of which the New York Times and other forms of media now is branding the sexually abused high school girl's father as the enemy. This is why I told you before of how some Leftist operate, an inaction will result in a spill over into other communities, therefore, JWs will have a wave of things take place, as is everyone else; for parents are already battling Higher Education Systems. Likewise to you in the UK, there are things brewing of which your media will not inform you, and evidently this will catch you and other Britains off guard if not unknowingly prepared.

This is why the things I said on CSA is fact and true, even vital because we are in a phase right now, for if us Truthers are this worked up with mandates and what was born out of this Endemic, it should scare you.

That being said, I myself as with others were shut down by the MSM who defended the girl's father, and anything CSA related in this regard is getting wiped off platforms, they started with a Comedian/Conservative Journalist who spoke about it, Steven Crowder, and them striking him down emboldened them to strike a lot of us out, and some in the Truther community. This is why it can be said the push for this narrative has increased, mainly that of both pedophilia and Ephebophila.

This winter is going to be quite dark.

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