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1 minute ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Maybe not “bloviating” but neither is it communicating to simply cite many scriptures, taking for granted they prove your own holiness, oblivious that the only person who draws that conclusion is yourself.

Take tech forums, for example. The snarky response to a technical question is RTFM. Quoting a series of scriptures is the biblical equivalent as regards snark.

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Scripture taken out of context:   “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”i 7  He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed

Yea - but only in one region - not world wide.  These policies now ongoing  is on a GLOBAL scale - NOTHING like this before!  

Cartoon dogs do not get baptized .... we have Bark-Mitzvahs.

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9 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I do not see hard evidence that either one of your two premises are true.

I guess we didn't knock on his doghouse loud enough.  We'll come over about 2:30 tonight and give you a thunderous wrap!  Anyone have some Air Horns??  So loud if this dog is deaf, he will feel the vibrations!!  😁

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Do you consider the use of God's word, "bloviating"? I hope not.

Isa 48:20; Matt 24:15,16, 24,25; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4,9-12; Rev 11:1-3; Mal 3:1-4;  Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,2,5-11,12,15-17; 18:4-8

I'll take that as a "No".

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13 hours ago, BroRando said:

A Jehovah Witness would know that Gehenna is not Hellfire....   Gehenna is symbolism as being destroyed as it were by fire.  That's why you never got the weeping and gnashing of teeth, even though that is the state you are in now and will be for all eternity...   Oh well....  guess I'll chalk that one up to Satan.

Can't win them all, ya know! 

So much contradiction in your words it proves you are not a JW. 

Using the 'Bro' to pretend you are a Brother, is soooo funy, but @Arauna has fallen for it. 

You never even mentioned Gehenna, the Second Death. And to mention eternity is also funny, as I will be dead and the dead are conscious of nothing at all.

Most of what you write contradics the Watchtower / GB teachings and you mention hell fire more than once when relating to me. It proves you are not a JW and proves you are fake.  But have fun because you have your followers on here.  You seem to be succeeding in your mission to put down the JW Org on this forum....

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13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

You are going to confuse BroRando. I'd say that he is not BTK, despite any similarities you see.

Don't tell me that you are taken in by the 'Bro' pretence as well.   Well we all have our own opinions don't we ?

Maybe you are taken in by all his 'burning' ideas as well :) 

I think Rambo is already confussed with not knowing what scriptures he believes and what they really means. He's still taking about hellfire and burning, poor man.  Then he mixes it up with a bundle of different dates and guesses, and you fall for it all ?   

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