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The Last Days... When?


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On 9/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

"Pretend you know the year" and Jesus did not say "Give people false hopes"

I have never said I know the year - I have said that certain signs on the UN is going into fulfillment......  The bible says lift up your head when you see these things happening!  It is not false hope.  For people who really do not care a fig - life will go on as normal....with NO false hopes...... just like before the flood when the water came and swept them all away!

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Scripture taken out of context:   “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”i 7  He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed

Yea - but only in one region - not world wide.  These policies now ongoing  is on a GLOBAL scale - NOTHING like this before!  

Cartoon dogs do not get baptized .... we have Bark-Mitzvahs.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I have never said I know the year - I have said that certain signs on the UN is going into fulfillment......  The bible says lift up your head when you see these things happening!  It is not false hope.  For people who really do not care a fig - life will go on as normal....with NO false hopes...... just like before the flood when the water came and swept them all away!

Things that I can do ABSOLUTELY nothing about …. Like when Armageddon comes, I care Absolutely nothing about.

It’s like being a Fig …… either you fall down and rot anyway ….. or you get consumed.

As every fig knows, it’s easy being a martyr …… when you have no arms or legs

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The gull of some people comparing Christ with the devil, just because the Pharisees were unwilling to submit to Jesus. The same blasphemous words uttered here.

Mark 3:22-30

V. "He Is in League with Satan" (3:22-30)

Unwilling to submit to our Lord's authority, the religious leaders had to explain His miracles in some way; so they said He was empowered by the devil. Jesus pointed out the folly of that argument; for if He were casting out demons by Satan's power, then Satan would be fighting against himself! Satan's kingdom and house would be divided! (Note that Satan does have a kingdom, for he is the "prince of this world." See John 12:31; Eph 6:10-20, and Col 1:13.) The fact that Jesus cast out demons is proof that He is stronger than "the strong man" and able to deliver those who have been bound by the devil.

What is the "unpardonable sin"? (vv. 28-30) It is much more ,than a sin of words (v. 30); because words come from the heart, and that is where the sin lies (Matt 12:34-37). If it is only a sin of words, then why can blasphemy against Jesus be forgiven (Matt 12:32) but not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit greater than the Son of God?

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As I read Daniel 11 & 12 describing events that that will occur in the final days I am reminded that ONLY Jehovah opens the mind to understand.

As a man I see the angel speaking to Daniel, then Jehovah sends 2 more angels, 1 has the task of asking "When"

The main speaker replies 3-1/2 times or 42 months from the Mark of Time "the removal Constant Feature"

Daniel states he does not understand

The angel rephrases and  We add the previous statement

42 months from "the removal Constant Feature" "bashing of Holy Ones"

1290 days from "the removal Constant Feature" the glorious days of the "Disgusting Thing"

1335 days from "the removal Constant Feature" God's people experience the Happiness 

Jesus could not know then because "the removal Constant Feature" had not occurred

It has occurred now

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