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KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages

Patiently waiting for Truth

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Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years' average wages to plaintiffs. A Justice Ministry "expert analysis" was used to make the claims, which succeeded despite 63 per cent of the "analysis" being plagiarised and an academic analysis finding it "cannot be accepted as comprehensive, complete, scientifically based, or in accordance with the normative demands presented to the specialists for investigation".

Two married couples who claim their mental health was harmed by reading Jehovah's Witness texts have won compensation from the Jehovah's Witnesses with the help of a Justice Ministry "expert analysis" of the texts. The "analysis" was completed in just eight days, and 63 per cent of it was found by a defence analysis to have been plagiarised from a 2008 Russian "analysis" with no reference to the source. The Kazakh Justice Ministry "analysis" claims to have found in 16 Jehovah's Witness publications "hidden commands for the full subjugation to and carrying out of all necessary recommendations and orders by elders".
(This is a very long article and quite deep but some might find it interesting ) 
That bit in red is quite interesting because the Watchtower / GB / JW org, do teach the scripture at Hebrews 13 : 17
Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among youz and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.
The GB, through the Watchtower magazine etc, have also told congregants to 'obey without question' some directions / decisions / orders given by Elders, even if those orders do not seem to make sense at the time given. 
Although the 'investigation' is obviously anti-JW, the bit above can be seen to have some truth in it. 
The Hebrews scripture would of course only be rightly used if the ones taking the lead were of the True Anointed remnant, who would be directed by Holy Spirit. Otherwise that scripture could be used by anyone taking the lead anywhere. 
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https://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2686 Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years'

Probably the most beautiful religious song ever composed was not written by someone on the WTB&TS staff .... it was written by a Captain of a slaver ship hauling slaves from Africa to the United S

I don't doubt your knowledge of history. Hmmm, sounds very familiar.     Rev 17 and 18, concerns God's anointed over the last 150 years, and down to today.

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14 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

claim their mental health was harmed

They are greedy - how can their mental health be harmed?  It is like these transgenders who claim their mental health was harmed because someone did not use the correct pronoun!  Wake up dears! Court cases can be won on anything these days because there is not more justice - that is - I do not know if you have noticed this yet?

Jesus was led like a lamb to the slaughter by false claims from the Pharisees.  If you are so blind that you cannot see through this ruse above - you are really far gone!

We expect these kinds of things coming our way - and the closer we get to Armageddon the more bizarre the claims will become...... Russia is known for their church scholars who have banned our bible because it has the name of Jehovah in it.   and all their other bizarre claims!

Have you not read Revelation 17 and 18?   That the blood of the holy ones are on the hands of Christendom and the world empire of false religion -  the DOM in Christendom stands for DOMAIN - the ruling class of the Christians. Those who imposed themselves onto Christians and rule like real kings.  Not a few elders who try to correct their brothers when they lead others astray.  Those are the true oppressors of truth and have usurped Christianity and have much power to destroy lives and lead them directly to worship Satan!

have you seen the new world government interfaith movement? The religious leaders are proponents of this and the Pope is openly promoting the UN Agenda 2030. 

Look up on internet under Abrahamic agreement for peace....  One world religion.  There is a split in the catholic church about this. last year they signed agreement in Abu dabi for the facility there ..... 


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6 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

kind of facility in Abu Dhabi or anywhere else in the world.

I think you must do a little more research. The designs have already been presented...... and the ground is available.  The pope has been very busy pushing agenda 2030 - everywhere! (together with LGBT and other policies which is part of agenda 2030).  He is a great proponent of UN agenda 2030 which includes the charter of the UN - to bring peace and security to the world. He is riding high on the back of the scarlet colored beast - for sure - and so are his co-signees.

The Abrahamic Accord was signed as an agreement (with Jesus not mentioned in the document at all )- only one creator.   ..... Although any agreement can be broken - so far the Abrahamic Accord  (as it is called) is still valid.  It may later be used as a tool to bring one world religion - such as Russia is using its religion to unite the country - this could start off as an interfaith movement for all and lead to the destruction of religious differences as we know it today.  Those who do not comply may find themselves persecuted at a later stage!   

 When I said more than two years back that a totalitarian government would come ...  you personally poo-pooed any thought of this.... so now to you are still denying what is happening in front of your eyes......? The pope recently visited the top Shia cleric, Al Sistani, in Iraq  to negotiate with him. 

As I said before - I think you are good at repeating what other people have written - but often do not see what is in front of your eyes.  And while I am a theorist - at least I can speculate about where things can lead to.......The world government that is now gaining power is a totalitarian one....(the agreement with WEF and UN two years ago makes it a fascistic one)  and is determined to get its way.  Many US laws and international laws have already been broken and hence - they will not let anyone stand in their way.  They have one "thought" as revelation indicates.

USA almost has a totalitarian state - and many of the other Western countries too! Who will stop these people from ousting all other religions to bring in only ONE approved religion (such as China has been doing). The way China brought it in is this:- China brought in only government approved religions and persecuted all the other religions and maligned them (i.e. Falun gong and Islam) and slowly (bit by bit)  the previously approved government religions have also been replaced with  worship of only the state.  It is a slow process .... but this is how they slowly do it. Catholic churches at first worked with the government and then were infiltrated by government spies who appointed all caridinals etc..  The bible was rewritten by the State and now - in the place of the Jesus icons - a picture of xi jinping is hanging!

The take over is complete! It is pure idol worship approved 100% by Satan!


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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

If you are so blind that you cannot see through this ruse above - you are really far gone!

I had previously said, 

On 10/3/2021 at 7:35 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Although the 'investigation' is obviously anti-JW

I do see how some things are just anti-JW, but i also see when the Watchtower / GB  / JW Org have wrong direction too. It's a matter of being balanced. And as for all the other things you've mentioned, I just don't go there. It's not my business to dream up thoughts of what the 'world' is doing. 

When things happen we will know, and if we are serving Almighty God through Christ, then we need not worry. 

For those that try to preserve their life will lose it, but those that lose their life will gain it back again. 

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46 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I think you must do a little more research.

I didn't mean to get into all the details of your claims. I only wanted to point out that the document signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb does not promote any kind of building projects or facilities.

I noticed that point from the video you provided. It said that the building project was "the embodiment" of the document. I thought: --Hmmm, that sounds intriguing but doesn't sound like the signed document is necessarily concerned directly with any building projects.

So I went to the site promoting the project https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/abrahamic-family-house/

It gave the same impression saying only that:

"The vision for the Abrahamic Family House originated after the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb in February 2019."

So if the idea originated only after the signing of the document, then it probably was not directly related. So I decided to look at the document and read what I could find of any translations available.

The document itself concludes with no promotion of any kind of building projects. You can see this from the discussion of the document on the same site: https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/document-on-human-fraternity/

The full text is evidently at this Vatican news link, where I read the entire document in English: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-02/pope-francis-uae-declaration-with-al-azhar-grand-imam.html

If you find any documentation that's different from this, I'm interested of course. But hopefully not just from sources who get their news from the "I Love Trump" style media, like the video you shared. It should be based on the actual documentation and claims, not merely someone's commentary and opinions about what's in the document. This is what you did with the 2030 Agenda material, too, if you recall. You merely repeated what some commentators said about the document and then claimed that what they said was in the document. What they were claiming was not in that document either.

People should always be careful about what they conclude from what they read and hear.

I agree that something like this can be worrisome, and it is great fodder for speculation of the type we have been taught for decades as Witnesses. But we should be careful to distinguish between speculation and claims of fact. Personally, I'm always suspicious when grand-standing organizations make grand claims, and make grand plans for multi-million dollars buildings. The latest construction picture I have seen on Vatican News shows it's about 20% complete, and scheduled to be fully completed in 2022. Judging by other projects of this size, I expect it to be a couple of years late.

From what I can tell, the Document became ready for some fanfare signing in February 2019. The Pope and the head of the Al-Azhar University and Mosque (Cairo) met in Abu Dhabi to sign it in February 2019. By August 2019 the sleazy political leader of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), had the idea to use the fanfare surrounding the signing as leverage to promote a better reputation for himself in the world. After "consolidating" a large part of the trillions of dollars that is spread throughout his family, he'd give the land and commission the plans for the symbolic set of buildings. Then a typical large but "empty" organization was formed with a board of religious leaders, university presidents, egotists and marketing promoters (TV presenter/writer/producer) got involved. So it was also in August 2019 that they created an organization for themselves to share some credit for what MBZ was doing. Likely MBZ was behind this organzation as a way of giving it (and himself) credibility. They needed a Jewish leader to join and got one from the United States. Even the most famous leaders among Jews and Muslims are not typically recognized equally throughout the world, so the marketing guy, the TV producer, formed something called a Council of Muslim Elders to give the appearance of international recognition (also in August 2019). 

This organization, HCHF, copied a lot of their promotional tactics and means of giving "titles" from United Nations practices.  Also, very typically, they will offer the grand-sounding "Award for Human Fraternity" with pomp and ceremony to the Pope and the "Grand Imam" (and others) to try to get photo opportunities with them. This makes it look like everyone of note is smiling with them and "their" project even if people like the Pope will actually be quoted only as saying they are "monitoring the project" which often means "eyeing it suspiciously." Then they can distance themselves from it if it goes "south" or use it to make themselves look better if it succeeds. 

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

But hopefully not just from sources who get their news from the "I Love Trump" style media, like the video you shared.

I do not watch any news of trump - I read or listen to anything (distancing myself) which gives me clues about what is going on internationally with the UN.   I am not (against or for) any things which pertains to America.  Most people watch pro-progressive or pro-Trump stuff.  I do not! I doubt trump will ever have a chance again - the global criminals will put a stop to that!  Like they did before!  If an article mentions either Biden of trump - I ignore it.  I listen to what they say about the NWO.   Trump is very naïve - he is a businessman and was tricked by Fauci into a government EMERGENCY situation where the CDC, FEMA and FDA emergency laws go into effect.  Biden on the other hand is not a fool - he has been in government 40 years (heavily financially compromised and a life-long politician.) The UN and technocrats behind the scenes who were installed in the Obama era (who are all pro-UN One world government) is providing all the decrees he is signing.  But these people running things now are ruthless and even the high court has been compromised by money (their appointments were theatre).

The UN is already ruling in a fascistic relationship with the WEF and projecting their "image" on the world....  and the Global corporations of the WEF.  They all are legally bound to obey the WHO etc.  This is why we see these weird instructions which benefit the pharmaceutical industrial complex. Medicines with old patents and are now generic drugs - their effectiveness are vilified and false studies published about it.

By the end of the year we may have another black swan event - Russia or China will be blamed for all the banks going off-line ( they are already planning it now).  They want to bring in a centralized digital banking system linked to UN private banks.  If they do not get their plans completed in this time - they will wait a bit longer and try again!  Their plans are for the long-term.

The ONE world religion has been on the cards for a very long time! To tell you the truth , I really did not know how they would pull it off because Islam believes it has to rule the world.  But somehow the carrot that they held out  makes them think that they will  get away with being the only religion in the end....... which I would not put past the blinding of  Satan!  ......Whether it works or not - this does not matter because the Pope has his busy nose in everywhere - promoting LGBTQ, getting rid of the priests who do not comply with the new morality, getting politically involved with Agenda 2030 and lobbying other religious leaders .  Yes - they have been ruling but they may get their hour to shine! and ride the beast! ...... but then the UN will turn against them.  We know that Jehovah will step in and make them turn against all religion in the end and then the entire financial system will collapse.


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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

and scheduled to be fully completed in 2022. J

That is correct - But how far this will go we do not know.  But it is a mighty difficult task to bring one world religion!  Think how handy a tool that would be to promote world PEACE and SECURITY.

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

So it was also in August 2019 that they created an organization for themselves to share some credit for what MBZ was doing. Likely MBZ was behind this organzation as a way of giving it (and himself) credibility. They needed a Jewish leader to join and got one from the United States. Even the most famous leaders among Jews and Muslims are not typically recognized equally throughout the world, so the marketing guy, the TV producer, formed something called a Council of Muslim Elders to give the appearance of international recognition (also in August 2019). 

True - Read Daniel 8:25 - the false prophet is a deceiver. This verse refers to the false prophet.  As a matter of fact under the UN - everything going on now is phantomlike - and deceit...... the medical science going on is not empirical science wither but a form of scientism!  The religion of science with many bogus studies to be picked up all over.  Do you trust any of the scientists after the field of science has been exposed so badly?   The nano-technology which now exists is frightening!  Do you think they will use it for the benefit of mankind or weaponize it against mankind so they can be selfish and look after only themselves? 

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

I do not watch any news of trump

By the way, the garbled opening statements in the video you posted made it pretty clear that the presenter himself was confused about what he was reading, where he at first indicated that the building would be in NYC, and might have ended up with mixed messages about whether the Pope or the Grand Iman were themselves in favor of the project. He mistakenly indicates that they, or at least the Pope, supposedly "decreed" this project.

But here's what I meant about the relationship to "We Love Trump" style media outlets. This image is from the opening minute of the video you posted. They also appear to have re-used content from We Love Trump, and even imply that they are related to affiliate partners making money for "We Love Trump:"



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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

arbled opening statements in the video you poste

I mentioned the  ONe world religion - it was easier to just give a video (any one I could find) .... I was not asking you to critique the presenter or the radio station or anything else.  Unfortunately no other station I know of was presenting this news at the time so I used this article.  I have told you before - I am not American (even though I have a passport for convenience) and hence do not take its politics seriously.  I keep a pretty open mind when i watch any news items...  I really do not take sides or like local squabbles or news.  I only focus on GLOBAL news!

You obviously DO take sides because you judge the stations - I bet you get all your news from CNN! LOL.  I get news from all over the world but just wanted something I could put down to show what is happening. lol

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