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KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages

Patiently waiting for Truth

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I bet you get all your news from CNN! LOL

I'm LOL too at that one. But I try to temper what I hear from anywhere with actual visits to countries and I never stay only in the tourist areas. I've got plenty of stories where this has caused some close calls, but my wife and I love to travel. 5 continents so far and two to go, and almost always with someone who speaks the language. I almost always seek out the poorest congregations in any country we visit, too. 

When it comes to getting news, you and I are very much alike. One of the most interesting collections of "news" sources is actually one that I know you are very familiar with. It currently has 781 favorites, and 73 videos saved under docs [documentaries], and a music collection, too, of course.

I have a non-Witness cousin who has been a producer for 60 Minutes for several years, and who recently began producing for PBS Frontline. (He's been the primary producer of several Frontline shows already.) I have respect for him, but also know that both of these networks have fallen off tremendously in terms of credibility. At times they are only slightly better than CNN.

Finding credible news sources is very difficult. Finding ones that go into any depth is even harder. We have been in contact with some brothers we know who were terribly affected by the last earthquakes in Haiti (Les Cayes and Baraderes), but did you notice that CNN barely updated that story after a couple of days? Finding unbiased sources of news on Twitter is difficult, and the more honest they get, the more likely they are to lose their accounts. There are also radio station apps on the net (and my phone) that can easily provide literally thousands of local small stations from all over the world. My father was a ham radio operator and always encouraged us as kids to seek out far-away (DX) stations on short-wave and ham and ship-to-shore. We'd spend some Saturday nights as kids learning quite a bit about other places from actual local voices. A lot of care must be taken not to take any one voice too seriously. I always look for voices willing to criticize or even condemn local problems, not just praise them. Also look for more than just two sides to any issue. Look for contradictions. Look for what things persons who hold one view are willing to concede from those who hold varying views.

I probably take getting news a little too seriously, but no one else should take me that seriously. It's a tough, arduous process, and there is never enough time to do it right. So, another tactic is also to spout off one's most controversial opinions on an internet forum and see who has evidence that can push back or redirect them with additional evidence.

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https://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2686 Claims that reading Jehovah's Witness texts harms mental health has led to Jehovah's Witness communities being ordered to pay over 3 years'

Probably the most beautiful religious song ever composed was not written by someone on the WTB&TS staff .... it was written by a Captain of a slaver ship hauling slaves from Africa to the United S

I don't doubt your knowledge of history. Hmmm, sounds very familiar.     Rev 17 and 18, concerns God's anointed over the last 150 years, and down to today.

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12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

take getting news a little too seriously,

I think I do so too!  But 1 Tess 5:3 speaks of them calling out peace and security and a little further down it becomes interesting.  It also talks about " do not neglect prophecy" - something a lot of witnesses are afraid to do for fear of criticism.... or they just do not bother to study prophecy. 

One has to be totally unbias if one wants to evaluate what is really going on.... and see where it is heading in the current world ....and highly critical in evaluating sources and just keep focused on prophecy - that helps to keep one focused on one purpose and not deviate and inadvertently take sides in local political disputes. After all - the prophecies for our time mostly refer to global phenomena..... 

I foresee that banks could go down electronically and they will blame it on hackers - but this is intentional.  We will wait and see if I am on the right track and whether this will be by the end of the year or much later.   I think the powerful 10 kings who are now ruling with the UN, are people who are inadvertently pushing the goals of Satan and are now capable of anything! They have made gaslighting of the masses an art!  Our realities are created for us in this world at present and just like WW2 - too many people are too willing to say " I will lose my job" or  I was only following orders!.  It is after all an "image" from the beast they are projecting in front of us...and most are buying into it... Revelation 16:14 - 16 indicates that that propaganda will lead to Armageddon.

I lift my head up every time I see something happening that seems to be leading toards the final showdown.  I have health issues - so I hope to be around long enough to see these greedy people (for power, control and money) who bluff themselves that they are doing what they are doing for the "greater good" and sustainability - lose their billions and see everything fall apart that they so arrogantly have built for themselves.

So many of these billionaires have benefited in the last 19 months by the government handouts of trillions and have bought up land and all resources which will be valuable during the "great reset"  Their plans to save the earth is a big ruse!  They will still be mining rare earth minerals and rape the land while the ordinary folk will pay taxes on their "carbon use". 

I mentioned yesterday that the situation they have pushed China into may lead to war after the fall of the major bank and contagion in China and the world (HSBC is apparently heavily involved in bank guarantees in China). China may face financial collapse like Hitler did before WW2 when no-one bought anything from the national socialistic state which at the time was a manufacturing power house!   They face collapse or war! 

Taiwan is the perfect target to start hostilities.  How far this will go I do not know but Daniel 11 gives good indication.  Is the "flooding" merely the financial flooding which already has taken place or a war?  We wait and see... 

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

so I hope to be around long enough to see these greedy people (for power, control and money) who bluff themselves that they are doing what they are doing for the "greater good" and sustainability - lose their billions and see everything fall apart that they so arrogantly have built for themselves.

Yes I hope to be around for it too. But we are both looking at a different group of people :) . 


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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

pout off one's most controversial opinions on an internet forum

Some of them came true!... Such as the one world government and it happens to be neo-communist (totalitarian) as I said it would be already a few years back. ...   It was not because I know more than you do - but I do keep my eyes open and not focused on local politics but only on world events that pertain to possible fulfillment of bible prophecy.... and I do not scorn others - I listen... and decide. 

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Wow! I read your earlier, recent comment and whole-heartedly agreed with everything in it, even the references to prophecies and anticipation of what the nations (beasts) may be capable of, etc. But then I did get to your last point about China, and as you know you can always count on me to take an interest in China. I have been studying China in fair depth for several years now, because I was worried when my youngest son was asked to spend a semester in China for his university physics program. Two years before that, my parents had just visited China on a WT Society-sponsored tour and loved it, and loved their attitudes and friendliness. But I also figured that was all a put-on for the sake of Western tourists. Besides, even good things in a country can change overnight. My son works for Japanese company, but now speaks Chinese fairly fluently and even pays for two hours a week with a Chinese language tutor, besides conversing in Chinese with several acquaintances on Twitter. He plans a month-long visit to many different parts of China, post-Covid, and we'd like to go with him. As it is now, we would all have to spend up to the first two weeks quarantined in a hotel wasting a large part of the trip.

Anti-China "news" and rhetoric is so common all over the world, that I look into almost every big news story to see if there might be another angle the world "news" is missing. Because so many anti-China stories have been thoroughly debunked as lies in the past, I'm naturally suspicious.

This might not be the latest information, but over the last two weeks I looked into that news and watched videos about the failure of one of China's largest bank. You have also mentioned it here a couple of times.

Here's a way to find some of the same information I found:

I searched Google for "failure of one of China's largest banks" already knowing that the banks in question (Evergrande, Huarong, Baoshan, Heng Feng) were NOT really China's largest banks. (Evergrande is really more of real estate development company, although the second largest in China.) But I wanted to see what would come up. The first thing I noticed was that for EACH of the banks I just mentioned, the failures were anticipated and allowed. It turns out that Beijing (Xi) wanted these banks to either straighten up or fail. President Xi's reasoning is that banks should not be speculating so dangerously, especially on housing, because as Xi puts it, housing is for living not for speculation. Rules and regulations have long been in place about the amount of "safe" (unspeculated) money that a bank should keep on hand as a margin to protect investment and speculation. Not enforcing the rules results in corruption, and China is known for cracking down harshly on financial corruption, especially when it hurts the common people. But most of the losers on real estate speculation will be middle and upper class Chinese for whom less of a safety net is offered. But Xi also made those rules tougher, at least through the level of enforcement, because he WANTED some of these banks to straighten up or fail.

This is related to another economic point that Xi has conveyed. There is reason to believe that Xi has generally ignored most of the capitalists in Hong Kong in spite of corruption and Western promotion and instigation of riots there because he expects recessions, depressions, and other periodic failures to take the "golden shine" off capitalism on its own -- over time. Especially because of dissatisfaction over HK housing prices, unaffordable for the young in this current generation. Western economists know that this has always been the experience of capitalism, but have always asked "participants" to just suffer through these and ignore these issues as rare anomalies. Xi believes that communism that invests in all its people will raise more people out of poverty more quickly and therefore make them happier than the "freedom" to overcharge and create resource scarcity, and keep making the rich richer. In other words he thinks that HK protests, for example, will resolve themselves, which is why there was no crackdown resulting in even one death of any HK rioters. Compare that to the number of deaths in Western countries like France when they riot over things like pensions and tuition.

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8 hours ago, Arauna said:

I mentioned yesterday that the situation they have pushed China into may lead to war after the fall of the major bank and contagion in China and the world (HSBC is apparently heavily involved in bank guarantees in China).

Just a couple more points. Evergrande stock appears to have leveled out and become stable again over the last two to three weeks. It's down heavily over recent peaks, but only 50% over the past 5 years, and has hovered at about the same points over the last month. This method of "crack-down" has worked on several Chinese companies. Here in the US, more people complain about "too big to fail," even though the national safety net (federal deposit insurance) can also fail if the bank is TOO big.

9 hours ago, Arauna said:

China may face financial collapse like Hitler did before WW2 when no-one bought anything from the national socialistic state which at the time was a manufacturing power house!   They face collapse or war! 

They may, of course. I never trust any form of human government to be sustainable. But it seems like you are trying to draw a connection between China and Germany as both being national socialistic states. Germany never was a national socialistic state. Hitler picked the name precisely because that's what it WASN'T, and he never wanted it to be. At that time, a promise of "socialism" was still a way to draw in necessary to appeal to the "protestant worker" pride and get  support from workers and producers. Hitler immediately went to work demolishing socialism in favor of fascism and rekindling hopes of capitalist imperialsm, especially after the defeat in WW1. Hinting that he could rebuild an imperialist state through socialism appealed to the pride of workers and nationalists both. But he quickly declared against socialism except where the promise could help fuel efficient production of war machinery.

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18 hours ago, JW Insider said:

eal estate development company, although the second largest in China.

They have been putting billionaires in jail for 2 years, 18 months and even longer.... when they come out, they find  their assets have been plundered or taken (corruption is a good excuse to get rid of those who criticize the government) because like a typical Mao communist, Xi is afraid of any strong corporations which do not belong to the central government.  Most large corporations are  owned by the state or military and CCP have the greatest shares. 

Have you seen what is going on in Hong Kong..?. that is what is coming to the rest of the world if Xi gets his way with the UN   The questions is this !  Did we really think the great tribulation will arrive without China also feeling it? 

18 hours ago, JW Insider said:

ignored most of the capitalists in Hong Kong in spite of corruption

The biggest corruption is Xi himself..... do you really believe his hands are clean from the blood of innocent conscientious objectors?  Yes - I failed to mention that the bank which failed is a property investment bank but guaranteed by NHBC - so this may have contagion in the West.   Millions of Chinese people have invested (and already paid for)  their apartments will NEVER move in.

This is part of the tribulation the bible speaks about.  And China is part of the beast and actually has become the model for the "Image of the beast" - the UN

What I have always said is that Communism is capitalism but for only the rich!   The top eshelons are more equal than the rest.  Just like the west has become an oligarchy of corporations which has captured the UN,,,,  China's central government are the people with all the money and the military.... But all Chinese must worship the state .

In the west we see Klaus Schwab with his  "stakeholder capitalism" - this is capitalism for only the stakeholders and all other lesser billionaires must give way - many banks will close and most will lose their businesses so that the top billionaires can take over in the stakeholder capitalism economy. The 150 richest corporations on earth.  They all have shares in each others corporations and are already like 10 kings behind the scenes of the UN. The UN itself is a corporation, FDA, CDC too! They have been captured by a few billionaires who have total immunity against all crimes - more than diplomats. Most head-offices are in Switzerland.  WHO has given one of these billionaires the  power of a nation state as he is authorized to negotiate with countries for the "sleevers" - predatory loans etc.

Most Western oligarchs are heavily invested in China as well and China owns many ports and other important assets in the world. I  read an article this week that they are managing one of the main ports of Israel.  So brilliant! They have inside information and could even stop Israeli war ships, cargo ships etc.

The world is complicated right now - but those who rule the world and want one world government are already in place and bringing their ONE world government and ONE world  morality etc They are setting the stage for their brand of Peace and security... so no more apologetics for China or the West... they are all part of the beast for me!


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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

But all Chinese must worship the state .

Lot of bad stuff coming out of that land these days, per BitterWinter. Religious curriculum being rewritten to glorify the state & whoever doesn’t comply being slowly, sometimes quickly, erased.

Sometimes I think it is like Herod with the infant boys. He doesn’t really know how to find who he’s look for. Wiping them all out is his answer.

Not much allowance for God is made in communist lands. Reviewing a video in prep for a Bible student, this pioneer conveys her feeling that it is practically game over when they prevail:


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